License Statement
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Revision History
Version | Date |
2.0.0 |
To be announced. |
1.3.0 |
January, 2016 |
1. About This Document
Trafodion is a relational database management system based on ANSI SQL. It uses the industry standard Structured Query Language (SQL) to define and manipulate data. This manual describes messages produced by the Trafodion SQL engine and its associated components.
1.1. Intended Audience
This manual was written for Trafodion database administrators and programmers who use the Trafodion database software conversational or programmatic interface.
1.2. New and Changed Information
This is a new manual.
1.3. Notation Conventions
This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
lowercase letters
Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
[ ] Brackets
Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
For example:
{ } Braces
Braces enclose required syntax items.
FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
For example:
INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field } { single-field } INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
| Vertical Line
A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
{expression | NULL}
… Ellipsis
An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ... {, sql-expression } ...
An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
For example:
expression-n ...
Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
DAY (datetime-expression) @script-file
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
For example:
"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
Item Spacing
Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
Line Spacing
If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections.
match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern [ESCAPE esc-char-expression]
1.4. Comments Encouraged
We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to
Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
2. Introduction
2.1. Message Handling
Trafodion reports exception condition messages at a Trafodion Database Connectivity Service conversational interface (DCS) window and in the Trafodion Command Interface (TrafCI).
Most Trafodion exception condition messages describe error conditions for which recovery action is required. Some messages are warnings that provide information for which no action is required.
Error messages that appear in response to SQL commands are logged to the DCS application’s log file if you have used the LOG command to request them.
The format of a Trafodion error is "* ERROR" followed by the error number in brackets, and the descriptive text. Use the error number shown to find information about a particular error in this manual. For example, information for Trafodion error 1125 can be found under "SQL 1125."
Messages are listed in this manual in numeric order, broken down by the component that produced them.
2.2. Viewing Trafodion Database Messages
The message key is a sequential SQL message number that is returned automatically by Trafodion when an exception condition occurs. For example, the following message might be displayed within your application development tool while you prepare an embedded SQL program:
*** ERROR[1000] A syntax error occurred.
This message number is the SQLCODE value (without the sign). In this manual, you will find the following message information for ERROR[1000]:
SQL 1000
1000 A syntax error occurred.
Cause: You specified a statement with incorrect syntax.
Effect: The Trafodion statement fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
SQLSTATE and SQLCODE status codes are returned to indicate either that an SQL statement completed successfully or that an exception condition was raised during execution of an SQL statement.
The ANSI SQL SQLSTATE variable is a five-character string with a two-character class code followed by a three-character subclass code. An SQLSTATE value of 00000 indicates successful completion.
Trafodion extends the ANSI SQL SQLSTATE values to include other situations not described by the ANSI values. If an ANSI SQL SQLSTATE value exists for an error condition, the Trafodion database software returns that value. Otherwise, Trafodion returns an SQLSTATE value that is defined by the Trafodion database software.
Trafodion also returns a numeric SQLCODE value after SQL statement execution. SQLCODE values with negative numbers signify errors.
SQLCODE values with positive numbers other than 0 (successful completion) or 100 (no data was found) signify warning messages. Trafodion identifies all messages by their unsigned SQLCODE value and their calculated SQLSTATE value. The SQLCODE is used to calculate the SQLSTATE value for all Trafodion messages other than those for which an ANSI SQL SQLSTATE value exists.
The SQLCODE parameter is a deprecated feature that is supported to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of the American standard.
SQLSTATE Values identifies the equivalent SQLSTATE and SQLCODE values for Trafodion warning and error messages.
2.4. Getting Help
Some messages have no recovery and you will be instructed to contact
3. Data Definition Language (DDL) Messages (1000 through 1999)
3.1. SQL 1002
Catalog <catalog> does not exist or has not been registered on node <node>.
Where <catalog> is the ANSI name of the target catalog.
Where <node> is the node where the process executes.
Cause: The catalog is not visible on the local node, either because it does not exist or because it exists elsewhere on the network but has not been registered on the local node.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Enter a valid catalog name (or register the catalog on the node indicated) and resubmit.
3.2. SQL 1003
Schema <schema> does not exist.
Where <schema> is the ANSI name of the affected schema.
Cause: In a replication context: a REPLICATION SCHEMA operation specified a schema that does not exist.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that a schema named <schema> does exist and resubmit.
3.3. SQL 1004
Table, view, or stored procedure <object-name> does not exist or object type is invalid for the current operation.
Where <object-name> is the name of a Trafodion database object.
Cause: You attempted an operation on an object that does not exist.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that an object named <object-name> does exist. If you did not fully qualify the name, check that the defaults generate the correct fully qualified name and resubmit.
3.4. SQL 1005
Constraint <constraint-name> does not exist.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause: The ALTER TABLE statement you attempted requires the existence of a constraint named <constraint-name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that a constraint named <constraint-name> exists for the table specified. You can use the SHOWDDL command to find the names of the constraints that exist on a table.
3.5. SQL 1006
Index <index-name> does not exist.
Where <index-name> is a Trafodion database object name.
Cause: The operation you attempted requires the existence of an index named <index-name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that an index named <index-name> does exist. If you did not fully qualify the name, check that the defaults generate the correct qualified name.
3.6. SQL 1008
User name <user-name> does not exist.
Where <user-name> is a Trafodion platform user name.
Cause: The user name specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement, or the authorization ID in a CREATE SCHEMA statement, does not represent a valid Trafodion platform user.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the user name and resubmit.
3.7. SQL 1009
Column <column-name> does not exist in the specified table.
Where <column-name> is an SQL identifier.
Cause: The table that is referenced does not have a column with this name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace either the name of the table or the name of the column (whichever is incorrect) and resubmit.
3.8. SQL 1010
The statement just specified is currently not supported.
Cause: The statement that you specified is not available for use.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not attempt to use this Trafodion database statement.
3.9. SQL 1012
No privileges were granted. You lack grant option on the specified privileges.
Cause: You attempted to grant privileges for which you do not have grant options.
Effect: No privileges are granted.
Recovery: You must have grant options for privileges to grant them.
3.10. SQL 1013
Not all privileges were granted. You lack grant option on some of the specified privileges.
Cause: You attempted to grant privileges, but you do not have grant options for at least one of them.
Effect: The Trafodion database granted some privileges, but not all that you attempted to grant.
Recovery: You must have grant options for privileges to grant them.
3.11. SQL 1014
Privileges were not revoked. Dependent privilege descriptors still exist.
Cause: You attempted to revoke a privilege for a user who has granted privileges to another user. Privileges must be revoked in reverse order from how they were granted. If you perform a grant to another user who then performs a grant to a third user, you cannot revoke privileges to the second user until that user revokes their privileges to the third user.
Effect: The Trafodion database did not revoke the privileges.
Recovery: Make sure that the dependent privileges from the user whose privileges you want to revoke are revoked first.
3.12. SQL 1015
Some of the specified privileges could not be revoked.
Cause: You attempted to revoke a privilege that does not exist or that was granted by another user.
Effect: The Trafodion database did not revoke the privileges.
Recovery: The user who granted the privileges must revoke them.
3.13. SQL 1016
Redundant references to column <column-name> were specified in the constraint or trigger definition.
Where <column-name> is an SQL identifier.
Cause: You created a constraint with multiple references to <column-name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
3.14. SQL 1017
You are not authorized to perform this operation.
Cause: You attempted a replication operation without proper authorization.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: In a replication context: Only the catalog owner and the local super ID can perform a replication operation for a catalog and for multiple schemas in a single catalog. Additionally, the schema owner can perform a replication operation for a single schema.
3.15. SQL 1020
Privilege settings on metadata tables cannot be changed.
Cause: You attempted to change privilege settings on a metadata table. They cannot be changed.
Effect: Trafodion does not change the settings.
Recovery: None.
3.16. SQL 1021
SQL is already initialized on system <node-name>.
Where <node-name> is the name of the system on which the INITIALIZE SQL statement was executed.
Cause: The Trafodion database has already been initialized on this node.
Effect: No operation is performed.
Recovery: None needed if SQL is operating normally.
3.17. SQL 1022
Schema <schema-name> already exists.
Where <schema-name> is the name of a Trafodion database schema.
Cause: You attempted to create a schema in a catalog that already contains a schema with that name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: If you did not use a fully qualified name, check that the default generates the correct catalog name. Retry the request, specifying a schema that does not already exist.
3.18. SQL 1023
Only services ID can name an authorization ID other than the current user name.
Cause: You attempted to create a schema with the authorization ID of another user. Only the services ID can do this.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the services ID to create a schema with another owner.
3.19. SQL 1024
File system error <error-number> occurred on <text-string-1> <text-string-2>.
Where <error-number> is an error originating from the file system.
Where <text-string-1> is the file name.
Where <text-string-2> is (optionally) additional details about the error.
Cause: Look up this error number in the file system manual to determine the cause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.20. SQL 1025
Request failed. One or more dependent objects exist.
Cause: This error can occur when you drop a constraint, index, or table. These objects cannot be dropped if they have dependent objects and the drop-behavior is RESTRICT.
Effect: Trafodion does not perform the operation.
Recovery: For DROP statements that support the CASCADE drop-behavior, you can reissue the statement specifying CASCADE. For other DROP statements, you must first drop each of the dependent objects, then drop the object.
3.21. SQL 1026
Only the schema owner or services ID can drop a schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a schema by someone other than its owner or the services ID.
Effect: No SQL objects are dropped.
Recovery: The owner of the schema (or services ID) needs to issue the DROP SCHEMA statement.
3.22. SQL 1027
The definition schema <definition-schema-name> is dropped when its catalog is dropped.
Where <definition-schema-name> is the name of the definition schema specified.
Cause: You attempted to drop the schema containing the metadata tables for the catalog.
Effect: No SQL objects are dropped.
Recovery: Use DROP SCHEMA statements to drop all the user-created schemas in the catalog. Then use the DROP CATALOG statement to drop the catalog. The schema <definition-schema-name> is dropped when you drop its catalog.
3.23. SQL 1028
The schema must be empty. It contains at least one object <object-name>.
Where <object-name> is the name of a Trafodion database object existing in the schema.
Cause: You attempted to drop a schema that contains one or more objects.
Effect: The schema is not dropped.
Recovery: Either drop all the objects in <schema-name> and resubmit the statement, or resubmit the drop statement using the CASCADE option.
3.24. SQL 1029
Object <object-name> could not be created.
Where <object-name> is the name supplied in a CREATE statement.
Cause: This error can result from various CREATE statements. See the accompanying error messages to determine the cause.
Effect: The object is not created.
Recovery: Apply the recovery of the accompanying error messages.
3.25. SQL 1030
File label <file-name> could not be accessed. File system error <error>.
Where <file-name> is the name of a Trafodion database file.
Where <error> is a file system error number.
Cause: See the accompanying error message for the cause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.26. SQL 1031
Object <object-name> could not be dropped.
Where <object-name> is the SQL object.
Cause: See the accompanying error message for the cause.
Effect: Trafodion does not drop the object.
Recovery: Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
3.27. SQL 1035
Catalog <catalog-name> already exists.
Where <catalog-name> is the name of a Trafodion database catalog.
Cause: You attempted to create a catalog using the name of an already existing catalog.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None if this is the desired catalog. Otherwise, correct the catalog name and resubmit.
3.28. SQL 1036
Only super ID can execute DROP SQL.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop SQL by a user who is not the super ID.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: The super ID needs to issue the DROP SCHEMA statement.
3.29. SQL 1037
{project-name} is not installed on system <node>.
Where <node> is the name of the node referenced by the operation.
Cause: In a replication or distribution context: An operation attempted to create a catalog reference or a partition on a node where the Trafodion database has not been installed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Either reissue the statement specifying a different node, or install the Trafodion database on <node> and resubmit.
3.30. SQL 1038
Not all user catalogs have been dropped from the system.
Cause: You attempted to drop SQL while one or more user-created catalogs existed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: You must drop all user-created catalogs before dropping SQL.
3.31. SQL 1039
The DROP SQL statement could not be executed.
Cause: See the accompanying error message for the cause.
Effect: Trafodion does not drop SQL.
Recovery: Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
3.32. SQL 1040
The use of ALTER on metadata tables is not permitted.
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement was issued naming a table that is part of the Trafodion database metadata. Such tables cannot be altered.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.33. SQL 1041
The primary key has already been defined.
Cause: You attempted to add a primary key to a table that already has a primary key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.34. SQL 1042
All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL.
Cause: You did not specify NOT NULL on one or more columns that are included in a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the statement with NOT NULL specified for all columns that are in the PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints.
3.35. SQL 1043
Constraint <constraint-name> already exists.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause: You assigned the same constraint name to two constraints on the same table. Constraint names must be unique among all the constraints for a table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make all the constraint names for the table unique. Use SHOWDDL to see the names of existing constraints.
3.36. SQL 1044
Constraint <constraint-name> could not be created because the referenced columns in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause: The columns that <constraint-name> references in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that <constraint-name> references a unique or primary constraint in the referenced table.
3.37. SQL 1045
The unique constraint cannot be used because it is deferrable.
Cause: The referential constraint is referencing the unique constraint that is declared as deferrable. This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that the referential constraint references a unique constraint that is not declared deferrable. Contact the Trafodion User Distribution List
3.38. SQL 1046
Referenced and referencing column lists do not match for constraint <constraint-name>.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause: The list of referencing columns in <constraint-name> does not match the list of unique key columns that it is referencing.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that the <constraint-name> list of referencing columns matches the list of referenced columns.
3.39. SQL 1047
Request failed. Dependent view <view-name> exists.
Where <view-name> is the name of the view on the object being dropped.
Cause: An object that has a dependent view cannot be dropped unless you use the CASCADE option on the DROP statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: To drop the object and all its dependent objects, you can either drop each of the dependent objects using individual DROP statements before dropping the object itself, or use the CASCADE clause on the DROP statement for the object.
3.40. SQL 1048
The statement currently supports only RESTRICT drop behavior.
Cause: Drop behavior CASCADE was specified on a DROP statement that supports only RESTRICT drop behavior.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the DROP statement, specifying RESTRICT or omitting the drop behavior (which will default to RESTRICT).
3.41. SQL 1049
Constraint cannot be dropped because it was specified to be NOT DROPPABLE.
Cause: You attempted to drop a constraint that is NOT DROPPABLE.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.42. SQL 1050
Constraint cannot be dropped because it is used as a referenced object for a foreign key.
Cause: You attempted to drop a unique or primary constraint, with dependent referential constraints, using the RESTRICT option, which does not remove such constraints.
Effect: The drop command fails.
Recovery: If you want to drop the dependent referential constraints, use the CASCADE option for the DROP CONSTRAINT command.
3.43. SQL 1051
You do not have the required privilege(s) on <object-name>.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object for which you have insufficient privileges.
Cause: You have insufficient privileges to create a view or a trigger.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for the required security needed to create a view or trigger.
3.44. SQL 1053
Unique index <index-name> could not be created because the specified column(s) contain duplicate data.
Where <index-name> is the name specified for the index to create.
Cause: The rows already existing in the table violate the uniqueness constraint specified in the CREATE INDEX statement.
Effect: The index is not created.
Recovery: Either change the list of columns for the unique index, or change the rows in the table to remove duplicates. Then reissue the statement.
3.45. SQL 1057
{project-name} objects cannot be created on <volume-name>: File system error <error-number>.
Where <volume-name> is the name of a volume.
Where <error-number> is the file system error number.
Cause: An attempt to create a file on volume <volume-name> resulted in file system error <error-number>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.46. SQL 1058
Lock <lock-name> already exists.
Where <lock-name> is the name of the DDL lock.
Cause: The statement required creation of a lock with a unique lock name, which was not generated.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a unique lock name and resubmit.
3.47. SQL 1059
Request failed. Dependent constraint <constraint-name> exists.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause: You attempted to drop a table that has a referential constraint or a check constraint that refers to another table.
Effect: Trafodion does not drop the table.
Recovery: Either drop all constraints that refer to other tables and then drop the table, or reissue the DROP TABLE statement, specifying the CASCADE option.
3.48. SQL 1061
Dropping metadata catalog <catalog-name> is not allowed.
Where <catalog-name> is the name of a Trafodion database catalog.
Cause: You attempted to drop a catalog that is part of the Trafodion database metadata.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.49. SQL 1062
Dropping metadata schema <schema-name> is not allowed.
Where <schema-name> is the name of a Trafodion database metadata schema.
Cause: You attempted to drop a schema that is part of the Trafodion database metadata.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.50. SQL 1063
Dropping metadata index <index-name> is not allowed.
Where <index-name> is the name of a Trafodion database index.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index that is part of the Trafodion database metadata.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.51. SQL 1064
Dropping metadata view <table-name> is not allowed.
Where <table-name> is the name of a Trafodion database table.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a view that is a metadata object. Metadata views and their creation are not currently supported, so this error should not be encountered.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.52. SQL 1065
Creating constraint <constraint-name> in metadata schema is not allowed.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of the constraint.
Cause: You attempted to create a constraint on a metadata table, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.53. SQL 1066
Creating index <index-name> in metadata schema is not allowed.
Where <index-name> is the name specified for the index.
Cause: You attempted to create an index on a metadata table, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.54. SQL 1069
Schema <schema-name> could not be dropped.
Where <schema-name> is the name of a Trafodion database schema.
Cause: See the accompanying error message for the cause of the problem.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Apply the recovery action from the accompanying error message.
3.55. SQL 1070
Object <object-name> could not be created. File error: <error-number>.
Where <object-name> is the name of the Trafodion database object.
Where <error-number> is the file system error number.
Cause: An attempt to create object <object-name> resulted in file system error <error-number>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.56. SQL 1071
Object <ANSI-name> could not be accessed.
Where <ANSI-name> is the name of the Trafodion database object.
Cause: The statement issued required access to the Trafodion platform file underlying object <ANSI-name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Apply the recovery action from the accompanying error message.
3.57. SQL 1072
Unique constraint <constraint-name-1> is disabled, so foreign key constraint <constraint-name-2> could not be created.
Where <constraint-name-1> is the name of the disabled constraint.
Where <constraint-name-2> is the name of the foreign key constraint.
Cause: You created a referential constraint that references a unique constraint that has been disabled. This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Create the referential constraint that references a unique constraint that has not been disabled.
3.58. SQL 1073
Only services ID can execute INITIALIZE SQL.
Cause: You attempted to initialize the Trafodion database, but you are not the services ID. Only the services ID can perform this function.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Log on as the services ID before executing this command.
3.59. SQL 1075
The catalog must be empty. It contains at least one schema <schema-name>.
Where <schema-name> is the name of a schema in the specified catalog.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a catalog that is not empty.
Effect: The catalog is not dropped. None of its schemas are dropped.
Recovery: Drop all schemas in the catalog and resubmit.
Recovery: None. Contact the Trafodion User Distribution List
3.60. SQL 1078
The format of the specified location name <location-name> is not valid.
Where <location-name> is a name specified in a LOCATION clause.
Cause: An invalid name was supplied in a LOCATION clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for limitations on names allowed in the LOCATION clause. Correct the name and resubmit.
3.61. SQL 1079
{project-name} was not able to prepare the statement.
Cause: See the accompanying error message for the cause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
3.62. SQL 1080
The create request has duplicate references to column <column-name>.
Where <column-name> is the name of a column of a table.
Cause: You attempted to create a table that has two columns with the same name. If you name a column "SYSKEY," duplication can result from the implicit creation by the Trafodion database software of a column named SYSKEY to ensure uniqueness for the clustering key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove duplicate column names and resubmit.
3.63. SQL 1081
Loading of index <index-name> failed unexpectedly.
Where <index-name> is the name of the index being populated.
Cause: Population of the index failed, either because another concurrent operation was being performed on the base table or because data could not be loaded into the index by the Call-level interface (CLI).
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Determine the cause of the CLI failure and resubmit.
3.64. SQL 1082
Validation for constraint <constraint-name> failed unexpectedly.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column or table constraint.
Cause: The constraint validation failed, either because a concurrent operation was being performed on the table or on the referenced table (for a referential integrity constraint), or data in the table violates the constraint.
Effect: The constraint operation fails.
Recovery: If a concurrent operation is in progress, wait until it has finished and try the operation again. If data in the table violates the constraint, remove that data and resubmit.
3.65. SQL 1083
Validation for constraint <constraint-name> failed; incompatible data exists in table.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column or table constraint.
Cause: Data in the table violates the check constraint.
Effect: The constraint operation fails.
Recovery: Remove data that violates the constraint from the table and resubmit.
3.66. SQL 1084
An invalid default value was specified for column <column-name>.
Where <column-name> is the specified column.
Cause: An invalid default value was specified in the column definition for <column-name>.
Effect: Creation of the table or addition of the column fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid default value for the column and resubmit.
3.67. SQL 1085
The calculated key length is greater than 255 bytes.
Cause: The length of the primary key, which is calculated by the number of primary key columns and their data types, exceeds the maximum length.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make sure the key length is less than 255 bytes and resubmit.
3.68. SQL 1086
Lock <lock-name> does not exist.
Where <lock-name> is the name of the specified lock.
Cause: Lock <lock-name> was specified, but does not exist.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Create a lock <lock-name> or specify a valid lock name and resubmit.
3.69. SQL 1087
DDL lock cannot be granted, invalid operation has been specified.
Cause: An invalid utility operation requested a DDL lock.
Effect: The lock request fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid utility operation, or check to see if invalid utilities are being run, and resubmit.
3.70. SQL 1088
The system generated column SYSKEY must be specified last or not specified at all in the STORE BY column list.
Cause: If the system-generated column SKSKEY is specified in the STORE BY list of columns, it must be specified last.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the STORE BY clause and resubmit.
3.71. SQL 1089
The system generated column SYSKEY must be specified last or not specified at all in the index column list.
Cause: The system-generated SYSKEY column was not the last column in a CREATE INDEX statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the column list to place SYSKEY at the end of the list and resubmit the statement.
3.72. SQL 1090
Self-referencing constraints are currently not supported.
Cause: You attempted to create a self-referencing constraint. A referential constraint is self-referencing if the foreign key is referencing the primary key of the same table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the self-reference and resubmit.
3.73. SQL 1094
Object <object-name> could not be dropped because it is not of type <object-type>.
Where <object-name> is the ANSI name of the object stated in the DROP command.
Where <object-type> is the type of object that was stated in the DROP command.
Cause: A DROP TABLE specified an object that is not a base table, or a DROP VIEW specified an object that is not a view, or a DROP PROCEDURE specified an object that is not a procedure.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the DROP statement with the correct combination of specified object type and actual object type.
3.74. SQL 1095
The PARTITION BY column <column-name> should also be part of the clustering/storage key.
Where <column-name> is the name of a column of the specified table.
Cause: This error is reported if a column specified in the partitioning key of the
clause of a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement is not also a member of the clustering key.Effect: The table or index is not created.
Recovery: Either remove the offending column from the partitioning key specification (and possibly replace it with a column that is a member of the clustering key) or add the offending column to the clustering key by using the STORE BY clause or by adding it to the primary key.
3.75. SQL 1098
Duplicate partition key (<key>)specified for object <object-name>.
Where <key> is a partition key.
Where <object-name> is the name of the table being created or changed.
Cause: You attempted to create or change a table so that more than one partition has the same first key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the statement so that it does not define two partitions to have the same first key, and resubmit.
3.76. SQL 1099
Column <column-number> is unnamed. You must specify an AS clause for that column expression, or name all the columns by specifying a view column list.
Where <column-number> is the specified column.
Cause: You attempted to create a view by using a query expression in which <column-number> was unnamed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to supply an AS clause for each unnamed column and resubmit.
3.77. SQL 1104
Default value string is too long for column <column-name>.
Where <column-name> is the name of a character-type column for which a default value is specified.
Cause: The specified default value for <column-name> is longer than the maximum of 239 characters.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the error and resubmit.
3.78. SQL 1105
CREATE TABLE LIKE statement cannot contain both HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS and STORE BY clauses.
Cause: A CREATE TABLE . . . LIKE statement specifies both the WITH PARTITIONS and STORE BY clause, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the error and resubmit.
3.79. SQL 1106
The specified partition <partition-location> of object <table-name> does not exist.
Where <partition-location> is the location of the specified partition.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: The location name <partition-location> specified in the partition operation does not exist.
Effect: The partition operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid partition location name and resubmit.
3.80. SQL 1108
The number of columns specified in the view column list, <view-col-num>, does not match the degree of the query expression, <query-col-num>.
Where <view-col-num> is the number of columns in the view column list.
Where <query-col-num> is the number of columns resulting from the query expression used to define the view.
Cause: The number of columns in the query do not equal the number of columns specified for the view.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a query statement that has a degree that matches the number of columns in the view column list, and resubmit.
3.81. SQL 1109
The WITH CHECK OPTION clause appears in the definition of view <view-name>, but the view is not updatable.
Where <view-name> is the name of the view being created.
Cause: You used WITH CHECK OPTION in the definition of a view that is not updatable.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Either make the view updatable or omit the WITH CHECK OPTION and resubmit.
3.82. SQL 1112
An index column list cannot consist only of the system-generated column SYSKEY.
Cause: The column list specified in a CREATE INDEX statement consisted only of the system-generated column SYSKEY.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the column list to include additional columns and reissue the statement.
3.83. SQL 1114
Metadata tables for catalog <catalog-name> could not be created on <location-info>.
Where <catalog-name> is the name of a Trafodion database catalog.
Where <location-info> is the location where the tables could not be created.
Cause: This error can result from various CREATE statements issued to create the metadata. See the accompanying error messages to determine the cause.
Effect: One or more objects are not created.
Recovery: See the accompanying error messages for recovery action.
3.84. SQL 1115
Label <file-name> could not be created for <ANSI-name> (file error <error>).
Where <file-name> is the name of the file for the label creation that failed.
Where <ANSI-name> is the name of the table.
Where <error> is the error number returned.
Cause: A file system error occurred on the attempt to create the label.
Effect: The table is not created.
Recovery: Correct the file system error and reissue the CREATE statement. For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.85. SQL 1116
The current partitioning scheme requires a user-specified clustering key on object <table-name>.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: The partitioning scheme requires a user-specified clustering key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a clustering key, either through a PRIMARY KEY, STORE BY, or PARTITION BY clause.
3.86. SQL 1117
Dropping the only partition of an object is not allowed. At least two partitions must exist to perform the drop.
Cause: You attempted to drop the only partition of the object.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.87. SQL 1118
Creating object <table-name> is not allowed in metadata schema.
Where <table-name> is the name of the object.
Cause: You attempted to create an object in the metadata schema.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a different schema and resubmit.
3.88. SQL 1119
Dropping metadata object <table-name> is not allowed.
Where <table-name> is the name of a Trafodion database metadata table.
Cause: You attempted to use the DROP TABLE statement to drop a table that is part of the Trafodion database metadata.
Effect: The table is not dropped.
Recovery: Metadata tables can be dropped only by using the DROP SQL statement or the MXTOOL GOAWAY utility. Both methods will irrevocably destroy the database.
3.89. SQL 1120
Use of float datatype in a partitioning key is not allowed.
Cause: You attempted an operation on a partitionable table that has float datatype in the partitioning key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Enable the default ALLOW_FLOAT_DATATYPES_IN_PARTITIONING_KEY via a control query default statement and retry the operation.
3.90. SQL 1121
Partitions cannot be added or dropped on table <table-name>. These partition operations are not allowed on tables whose clustering key consists only of the SYSKEY.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: You attempted to do an invalid ADD, DROP, or MODIFY of a partition.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
3.91. SQL 1122
The number of specified partition key values (<partitionkey-value-list>) for object <object-name> exceeds the number of user defined key columns, <key-col-number>.
Where <partition-key-value-list> is a list of the partition key values.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object.
Where <key-col-number> is the number of columns in the user-defined key.
Cause: The number of specified partition key values (<partition-key-valuelist>) for object <object-name> exceeds the number of user-defined key columns, <key-col-number>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Fix the statement and resubmit.
3.92. SQL 1123
Not all of the partition key values (<key>) for object <object-name> could be processed. Please verify that the correct key value data types were specified.
Where <key> is a list of the partition key values.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object.
Cause: You attempted to access a table using a first key value that contains an element that is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
3.93. SQL 1124
Use of a float datatype in a partitioning key has been enabled by the default ALLOW_FLOAT_DATATYPES_IN_PARTIONING_KEY. This could give some incorrect results and the users should be aware of it.
Cause: You attempted an operation on a partitionable table that has float datatype in the partitioning key.
Effect: The operation completes without errors, but the results might not be correct. The float data value might not be evaluated consistently to the same value each time.
Recovery: Do not use float data types in the partitioning key of a partitionable table.
3.94. SQL 1127
The specified table <table-name> is not a base table. Please verify that the correct table was specified.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that can be performed only on a base table, and the specified object is not a base table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid base table and resubmit.
3.95. SQL 1130
The column requires a default value.
Cause: You attempted to create a column that requires a default value, without specifying a default value.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid default value for the column and resubmit.
3.96. SQL 1132
An added column cannot have both DEFAULT NULL and NOT NULL.
Cause: You attempted to add a column that is both DEFAULT NULL and NOT NULL.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Determine whether the column should be DEFAULT NULL or NOT NULL and resubmit.
3.97. SQL 1133
Only super ID can perform this operation.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that can be performed only by the super ID.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Log on as the super ID and then resubmit.
3.98. SQL 1134
A concurrent utility or DDL is being performed on object <object-name>, its parent, or one of its dependencies. That operation must complete before the requested operation can run.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object.
Cause: You attempted to execute a utility or alter the DDL of an object while a concurrent utility or DDL operation was being performed on the object, its parent, or its dependencies.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Wait until the concurrent operation has finished and then resubmit.
3.99. SQL 1135
Clustering key column <column-name> must be assigned a NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE constraint.
Where <column-name> is the name of the column in the clustering key.
Cause: You attempted to make a column that is not NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE a part of the clustering key of a table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify that the <column-name> is NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE and resubmit.
3.100. SQL 1136
For an added column, the PRIMARY KEY clause cannot specify NOT DROPPABLE.
Cause: You used the ALTER TABLE statement to add a column specifying a primary key that is not droppable. A primary key added through ALTER TABLE must be droppable.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the ALTER TABLE statement to specify DROPPABLE for the primary key.
3.101. SQL 1139
System-generated column <column-name> of base table <table-name> cannot appear in the search condition of a check constraint definition.
Where <column-name> is the name of a column of <table-name>.
Where <table-name> is the name of the affected table.
Cause: You attempted to create a check constraint that references a system-generated column. The column named SYSKEY is often system-generated.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Modify the statement so that no check constraints reference any system-generated column and resubmit.
3.102. SQL 1140
Row-length <actual-row-length> exceeds the maximum allowed row-length of <maximum-row-length> for table <table-name>.
Where <actual-row-length> is the length of a row of the table.
Where <maximum-row-length> is the largest row size allowed.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: On a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement, the size of the row exceeds the maximum allowed row size.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for row size limit calculations. Change the column definitions and reissue the statement.
3.103. SQL 1141
Label <file-name> for object could not be accessed. File system error <error-number>.
Where <file-name> is the Trafodion platform file name of a partition of object.
Where <error-number> is a Trafodion platform file system error.
Cause: An ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX operation encountered a file system error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.104. SQL 1142
Because it is not audited, this table cannot have a column added that is declared NOT NULL, or has a CHECK, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint.
Cause: Internal error.
Effect: The Trafodion database is unable to perform the requested operation.
Recovery: None. Contact the Trafodion User Distribution List
3.105. SQL 1143
Validation for constraint <constraint-name> failed; incompatible data exists in referencing base table <referencing-table-name> and referenced base table <referenced-table-name>. To display the data violating the constraint, please use the following DML statement: <statement-text>.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Where <referencing-table-name> is the table on which the constraint is being added.
Where <referenced-table-name> is the table specified in the FOREIGN KEY clause.
Where <statement-text> is a query.
Cause: You attempted to add a referential integrity constraint that is violated by rows already in the table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Run the query <statement-text> to see the rows that violate the referential constraint. Either change those rows or change the referential constraint definition and resubmit.
3.106. SQL 1144
A quoted string was expected in first key clause for column <column-name> on table <table-name>, but the value detected is (<first-key-string>).
Where <column-name> is the column in <table-name>.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Where <first-key-string> is the erroneous value used in the FIRST KEY clause for <column-name>.
Cause: In a CREATE TABLE statement, a value specified as first key is not a quoted string, but the type of the column for which this value is specified is one of the character data types.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the value <first-key-string> to be a type that is compatible with the type of column <column-name> and resubmit.
3.107. SQL 1145
The catalog name <catalog-name> is reserved for {project-name} metadata.
Where <catalog-name> is the name of a Trafodion database catalog.
Cause: Trafodion reserves certain catalog names for its own use.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for reserved names. Change <catalog-name> to a name that is not reserved and resubmit.
3.108. SQL 1146
Object <object-name> could not be altered because it is not a <object-type>.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object being requested.
Where <object-type> is the type of object required for the DDL statement issued.
Cause: The type of the object specified in the command is inconsistent with the DDL command being used. For example, this occurs if DROP TABLE is used, and the object you specify is an INDEX.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check that the correct object name was specified and execute a statement that is consistent with that type of object.
3.109. SQL 1147
System-generated column <column-name> of base table <table-name> cannot appear in a unique or primary key constraint.
Where <column-name> is the SYSKEY column.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: You tried to create a unique or primary key constraint on the SYSKEY column.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not use the SYSKEY as part of the unique or primary key.
3.110. SQL 1148
System-generated column <column-name> of base table <table-name> cannot appear in a referential integrity constraint definition.
Where <column-name> is the SYSKEY column.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: You tried to create a referential constraint on a table column that is the SYSKEY, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not use the SYSKEY as part of the referenced key.
3.111. SQL 1150
Table <table-name> was not created as Partition Overlay Support could not generate volume names for the partitions to reside on.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: When the Partition Overlay Support feature is enabled without setting volume names (through CQD POS_LOCATIONS) for table partitions to reside on, location names are generated automatically. However, the Trafodion database software could not generate the location names automatically and, because the CQD POS_RAISE_ERROR is set, the table is not created.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: To correct the error, choose a recovery method:
Verify that the disk volumes are available on the current node and retry the request.
Specify the volume names where the partitions need to be created for the given CREATE TABLE statement through CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT POS_LOCATIONS, and then retry the request.
Do not set the CQD POS_RAISE_ERROR, in which case, a simple table without partitions is created when the volume names cannot be generated.
3.112. SQL 1151
POS (Partition Overlay Support) was not applied as volume names could not be generated for the partitions. So a simple table <table-name> was created without partitions.
Where <table-name> is the name of the table.
Cause: When the Partition Overlay Support feature is enabled without setting volume names (through CQD POS_LOCATIONS) for table partitions to reside on, location names are generated automatically. However, the Trafodion database software could not generate the location names automatically, and because the CQD POS_RAISE_ERROR is not set, the given table is created as a simple table without partitions as it would be if the Partition Overlay Support feature was not enabled.
Effect: The POS feature was not applied. A simple table without partitions was created.
Recovery: None if a non-partitioned table is requested. To request a partitioned table, delete the table, verify that disk volumes are available, and resubmit. You can also specify the volume names where the partitions need to be created for the given CREATE TABLE through CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT POS_LOCATIONS, and then retry the request.
3.113. SQL 1154
Cannot create object <object-name> as the table size is too big to fit on the system.
Cause: Trafodion could not create the object because the requested table size is bigger than the total amount of disk space available on the system.
Effect: The SQL operation fails.
Recovery: Check that the table size requested is big enough to fit on the system and retry the statement.
3.114. SQL 1155
Operation cannot be performed because <object-name> is not a synonym.
Cause: You specified an alter or drop of synonym on an object <object-name>, which is not a synonym.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the correct <object-name> is used.
3.115. SQL 1156
Synonym <name> does not exist or object type is invalid for the current operation.
Cause: You specified a create or alter of synonym <name> on an object that is not a table or view.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the correct <name> is used.
3.116. SQL 1157
Synonym object <name> is the same as previous mapping.
Cause: You specified an alter of synonym on an object <name>, which is the same as its previous mapping.
Effect: The operation succeeds with a warning.
Recovery: None.
3.117. SQL 1158
Synonym <name> already exists.
Cause: You specified a create of synonym <name> on an object, but a synonym of that name already exists.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the correct <name> is used.
3.118. SQL 1159
The specified object <name> is not a table or a view. Please verify that the correct object was specified.
Cause: You specified an alter or drop of synonym <name>, but a synonym of that name already exists.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the correct <name> is used.
3.119. SQL 1160
A mismatch between the NOT DROPPABLE PRIMARY KEY constraint and the STORE BY clause was detected. When both clauses are specified, the STORE BY key column list must be the same as, or a prefix of , the PRIMARY KEY column list. This mismatch is caused by differences between the columns themselves, the order of columns, or the ASC/DESC attribute.
Cause: You attempted to create a table that contains both a NOT DROPPABLE PRIMARY KEY constraint and a STORE BY clause. The syntax specified is not correct. The STORE BY column list must be the same as, or a prefix of, the NOT DROPPABLE PRIMARY KEY column list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: If you want the STORE BY column list that specifies the clustering key to be different than the PRIMARY KEY, specify a DROPPABLE PRIMARY KEY. If you want the PRIMARY KEY to be the same as the STORE BY key, do not specify a STORE BY clause. Correct the syntax and resubmit.
3.120. SQL 1161
System generated column SYSKEY cannot be specified as part of the PARTITION BY clause.
Cause: Trafodion could not create the object because system-generated column SYSKEY is not allowed as part of the PARTITION BY clause.
Effect: The DDL operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the system added column SYSKEY from the PARTITION BY clause and retry the DDL statement.
3.121. SQL 1180
The required subvolume name for locations in schema <schema-name> is <directory-name>.
Where <schema-name> is the schema in which the object is being created.
Where <directory-name> is the designated subvolume name for that schema.
Cause: One or more LOCATION clauses in the CREATE or MODIFY statement contained a Trafodion platform location whose subvolume did not match the designated subvolume for the schema in which the object was being created.
Effect: The object was not created.
Recovery: Either correct the invalid LOCATION clauses or remove them and allow the system to generate the Trafodion platform locations.
3.122. SQL 1181
Label <file-name> could not be dropped. (file error <error>).
Where <file-name> is the name of the table, index, view, or routine being dropped.
Where <error> is the returned file system error number.
Cause: The object you attempted to drop resulted in file system error <error>.
Effect: The DDL DROP operation fails.
Recovery: See previous messages in this Trafodion database software operation to determine the necessary corrective actions. Also, use the file system error <error-number> to analyze the cause. For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors. Fix the error and resubmit.
3.123. SQL 1182
Error <error> was returned by the file system on resource fork <file-name>.
Where <error> is the error returned.
Where <file-name> is the name of the file.
Cause: File system error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.124. SQL 1183
Error <error> was returned by the file system on metadata table <ANSI-name> (file name <file-name>).
Where <error> is the error returned.
Where <ANSI-name> is the metadata table.
Where <file-name> is the name of the file.
Cause: File system error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.125. SQL 1184
You do not have the required privilege(s) on <column-name>.
Where <column-name> is the name of a column specified in the references part of a referential integrity constraint.
Cause: You attempted to establish a referential integrity constraint on a column for which the executing user ID has no REFERENCES privileges.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Establish correct column privileges and resubmit.
3.126. SQL 1185
The location name is either invalid or missing.
Cause: A partition location is either invalid or missing.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify the correct location for all partitions involved in the affected command.
3.127. SQL 1186
Column <column-name> is of type <column-data-type> which is not compatible with the default value's type, <value-datatype>.
Where <column-name> is the name of the column that has an error.
Where <column-data-type> is the data type of <column-name>
Where <value-data-type> is the value specified as the default value for the column.
Cause: The value specified as the default for the column is incompatible with the type of the column.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change either the column data type or the value for the default to be compatible types and resubmit.
3.128. SQL 1187
The schema name <schema-name> is reserved for {project-name} metadata.
Where <schema-name> is the name of a Trafodion database schema.
Cause: Trafodion reserves certain schema names for its own use.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for reserved schema names. Choose a name that is not reserved and reissue the CREATE statement.
3.129. SQL 1188
Referential integrity constraint <constraint-name> for table <table-name> could not be created due to circular dependency: <dependency-information>.
Where <constraint-name> is the name of a column constraint or table constraint. Where <table-name> is the name of the table specified in the operation.
Where <dependency-information> is a list of unique constraints that cause the circular dependency.
Cause: You tried to define a referential constraint that is creating a circular dependency, where one of the columns of the table is referencing a column that belongs to the same table, either directly or indirectly.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. You cannot define a referential constraint that creates a circular dependency.
3.130. SQL 1224
An invalid data type was specified for routine parameter <parameter-name>.
Where <parameter-name> is the name of the parameter.
Cause: You specified a data type for this routine parameter that is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to complete the operation.
Recovery: Specify a different data type.
3.131. SQL 1225
Mixing EXECUTE with other privileges is not allowed.
Cause: EXECUTE and another privilege were specified in the same GRANT or REVOKE statement, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use separate GRANT or REVOKE statements for EXECUTE and other privileges.
3.132. SQL 1226
No valid combination of privileges was specified.
Cause: The GRANT or REVOKE statement did not specify a valid combination of privileges.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid combination of privileges in the GRANT or REVOKE statement.
3.133. SQL 1231
User-defined routine <procedure-name> could not be created.
Where <procedure-name> is the stored procedure’s ANSI name.
Cause: The stored procedure could not be created.
Effect: The CREATE PROCEDURE statement fails.
Recovery: Fix the error conditions identified in messages preceding this message and reissue the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
3.134. SQL 1232
A file error occurred when saving dropped table DDL for table <table-name> to <path-name>.
Where <table-name> is the table being dropped whose DDL was to be saved.
Where <path-name> is the pathname of the file to which the DDL was to be saved.
Cause: A file system error occurred when you attempted to save a table DDL. Possible reasons are:
The directory
did not exist or could not be created. -
The system did not have write access to
. -
Insufficient file space was available.
Effect: The table is not dropped.
Recovery: Either correct the file system problem and drop the table or perform a SHOWDDL on the existing table, capture the output, set. SAVE_DROPPED_TABLE_DDL to "OFF," and drop the table. For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
3.135. SQL 1233
Creating schema in {project-name} system catalog <catalog-name> is prohibited.
Where <catalog-name> is the name of the Trafodion database catalog.
Cause: You attempted to create a schema in the system catalog.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Choose a different catalog name and reissue the CREATE statement.
3.136. SQL 1235
An invalid combination of EXTENT sizes and MAXEXTENTS was specified
for table or index <table-name>.
Cause: A CREATE or ALTER statement specified an invalid combination of EXTENT sizes and MAXEXTENTS.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the error and retry the operation.
3.137. SQL 1236
The schema name specified for SQL object <object-name> is not valid. The schema name must be the same as the schema being created.
Where <object-name> is the name of the SQL object.
Cause: You specified a schema name for an object that is different from the name of the schema being created.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a schema name for the object that matches the name of the schema being created.
3.138. SQL 1238
The character set for TRIGGER text must be ISO88591.
Cause: You specified a literal with a character set other than ISO88591 in the text of a create trigger statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify only ISO88591 literals in the command.
3.139. SQL 1239
The character set for string literals in VIEW text must be ISO88591.
Cause: You specified a literal with a character set other than ISO88591 in the text of a create view statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify only ISO88591 literals in the command.
3.140. SQL 1240
The character set for a PARTITION KEY column must be ISO88591.
Cause: You specified a literal with a character set other than ISO88591 as a partition key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify only ISO88591 literals as partition keys.
3.141. SQL 1241
The character set for HEADING must be ISO88591.
Cause: You specified a literal with a character set other than ISO88591 in a HEADING clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify only ISO88591 literals in HEADING clauses.
3.142. SQL 1242
The character set for string literals in CONSTRAINT must be ISO88591.
Cause: You specified a literal with a character set other than
ISO88591 in the text of a constraint.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify only ISO88591 literals in constraints.
3.143. SQL 1243
The hexadecimal form of string literals is not allowed in this context.
Cause: You specified a hexadecimal literal in the text of the statement, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not specify hexadecimals in this type of command.
3.144. SQL 1245
The supplied partition key value (<key-value>) for column <column-name> of object <object-name> is not valid.
Where <key-value> is the specified first key value.
Where <column-name> is the column of <object-name> that corresponds to the invalid key value.
Where <object-name> is the name of the affected object.
Cause: A utility command specified an invalid key value.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify valid key values and resubmit.
3.145. SQL 1246
The supplied partition key value (<key-value>) is inconsistent
with the data type of column <column-name> of object <object-name>.
Where <key-value> is the specified first key value.
Where <column-name> is the column of <object-name> that corresponds to the invalid key value.
Where <object-name> is the name of the affected object.
Cause: A utility command specified a key value that is inconsistent with the data type of the column that corresponds to the key value.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify valid key values and resubmit.
3.146. SQL 1248
Partition name <partition-name> has already been used. Each partition in an object should have a unique name.
Where <partition-name> is the name specified for a partition.
Cause: Partition names are required to be unique within the set of partitions of an object.
Effect: The CREATE statement fails.
Recovery: Choose a name that is not the same as any other partition name in this object and reissue the CREATE statement.
3.147. SQL 1250
DROP cannot be performed on object <object-name> because a utility operation (<operation-type>) associated with DDL_LOCK <lock-name> is currently running.
Where <object-name> is the ANSI name of the object named in the DROP command.
Where <operation-type> is the type of utility operation.
Where <lock-name> is the ANSI name of the DDL lock object that is associated with the utility operation.
Cause: You attempted to drop an object that a utility command is using.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Wait until the utility operation has finished, and then retry the DROP operation.
3.148. SQL 1251
The extra insignificant digits of default value <value> are truncated to match the scale of the data type of column <column-name>.
Where <value> is the default value that was specified for <column-name>.
Where <column-name> is the name of the column in the table.
Cause: A CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. . .ADD COLUMN specified a default value with a scale greater than the scale of the column.
Effect: The scale of the default value is set to that of the column; extra digits to the right are discarded.
Recovery: None. This is a warning message only.
3.149. SQL 1252
The existing index <index-name> to be used by a unique or primary constraint has not been populated. Please populate the index and then try to add the constraint again.
Where <index-name> is the name of an existing unpopulated index.
Cause: An existing index that is not populated has been chosen for a unique or primary constraint, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Populate the index and resubmit.
3.150. SQL 1254
Duplicate unique constraints are not allowed with same set of columns.
Cause: You attempted to specify both the unique and primary key constraints or multiple unique constraints on the same set of columns, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change your query so that both unique and primary constraints or multiple unique constraints are not specified on the same set of columns.
3.151. SQL 1262
The command cannot be executed because <operation> is in progress for <schema>.
Where <operation> is a schema-level operation.
Where <schema> is the ANSI name of the affected schema.
Cause: You attempted a DDL or utility operation on a database object while <operation> was in progress for that object’s <schema>.
Effect: The DDL or utility operation fails.
Recovery: Wait until the operation has finished, and then retry the DDL or utility operation.
3.152. SQL 1263
Table, view, and stored procedure names that start with <text> are reserved for {project-name} metadata.
Where <text> is the disallowed name that was specified.
Cause: You specified a Trafodion database reserved object name.
Effect: The object is not created.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for the list of reserved object names. Choose a name that is not reserved and reissue the CREATE statement.
3.153. SQL 1264
Duplicate privileges are not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Cause: You specified duplicate privileges in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the GRANT or REVOKE statement, specifying a single privilege or a list of distinct privileges.
3.154. SQL 1265
Duplicate grantees not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Cause: You specified duplicate grantees in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the GRANT or REVOKE statement specifying a single grantee or a list of distinct grantees.
3.155. SQL 1266
Only EXECUTE privilege is supported for a procedure or routine.
Cause: You specified an unsupported privilege on a procedure or routine in a GRANT statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the GRANT statement specifying the valid privilege for the procedure or routine.
3.156. SQL 1267
EXECUTE privilege is incompatible with this object type.
Cause: You specified a privilege that is not supported for the object type in a GRANT statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reissue the GRANT statement specifying the valid privilege for the object type.
3.157. SQL 1268
Duplicate columns are not allowed in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Cause: You specified duplicate column names with the update or references privilege in a GRANT or REVOKE statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the GRANT or REVOKE statement by specifying a single column name or a list of distinct column names.
3.158. SQL 1270
ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE failed for object <sql-object-name> due to
file error <file-system-error-number> on <file-name>.
Where <sql-object-name> is the ANSI name of the affected SQL database object.
Where <file-system-error-number> is a Trafodion platform file system error code.
Cause: A CREATE or ALTER operation encountered a file system error <error-number> during processing of the ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE attribute.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see <file-system-errors,File-System Errors>.
3.159. SQL 1271
ALLOCATE failed for object <object-name> because extents to be allocated <number> is greater than the MAXEXTENTS for a partition of the object.
Where <object-name> is the ANSI name of the affected database object.
Where <number> is the specified number of extents.
Cause: A CREATE or ALTER operation specified an ALLOCATE attribute value that was greater than the MAXEXTENTS value for the affected database object, which is not allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: If possible, alter the MAXEXTENTS attribute value to be greater than the
desired number of extents to be allocated. The current maximum value for MAXEXTENTS is 768.
3.160. SQL 1273
The specified MAXEXTENTS value must be greater than the number of extents allocated.
Cause: The value that you specified to change MAXEXTENTS is less than or equal to the allocated extents.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use a MAXEXTENTS value greater than the allocated extents.
3.161. SQL 1274
The specified or default MAXEXTENTS value is not sufficient. The MAXEXTENTS value has been automatically set to the new value of <value> for the file <file-name>.
Cause: You specified an insufficient MAXEXTENTS value while creating an index.
Effect: The SQL operation completed with a warning.
Recovery: This is a warning only.
3.162. SQL 1275
Constraint <constraint-1> cannot be dropped because it is needed by unique constraint <constraint-2>.
Where <constraint-1> is the constraint you are trying to drop.
Where <constraint-2> is the UNIQUE constraint.
Cause: You attempted to drop a constraint that is needed by a UNIQUE constraint, which is not allowed because it would leave a UNIQUE constraint on a column, but without a NOT NULL constraint for that column.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: To drop the constraint, you must remove the UNIQUE constraint or add an additional NOT NULL constraint to the columns that contain UNIQUE constraints and only one NOT NULL constraint for that column.
3.163. SQL 1277
Unrecognized partitioning scheme for object <object-name>.
<object-name> is the name of the SQL object (table or index).
Cause: The Trafodion database does not recognize the partitioning scheme stored in the metadata for the named object.
Effect: The named object is considered corrupt and is inaccessible.
Recovery: None. Contact the Trafodion User Distribution List Consider running the VERIFY operation on the named object to check for inconsistencies in the metadata with respect to the partitioning scheme.
3.164. SQL 1278
The command cannot be executed because <operation> is in progress for all schemas in catalog <catalog>.
<operation> is a schema level operation, currently UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE, that uses the ALL SCHEMAS IN CATALOG flavor. <catalog> is a catalog name that is affected by <operation>.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a DDL or utility operation that affected <catalog>, or a schema in that catalog.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Wait until <operation> is finished, then retry the failed DDL or utility operation.
3.165. SQL 1301
NO ACTION referential action for <referential-triggered-action> clause is not yet supported as specified by ANSI SQL-99 standard. To alter the behavior, set an appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
Where <referential-triggered-action> can either be ON DELETE or ON UPDATE.
Cause: NO ACTION referential action is specified in the referential integrity definition, and the CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT value for REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT is 'OFF.'
Effect: The NO ACTION referential action cannot be defined.
Recovery: To alter the behavior of NO ACTION referential action, set the appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
3.166. SQL 1302
NO ACTION referential action for <referential-triggered-action> clause behaves like RESTRICT referential action. To alter the behavior, set the appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
Where <referential-triggered-action> can either be ON DELETE or ON UPDATE.
Cause: NO ACTION referential action is specified in the referential definition and the CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT value for REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT is 'SYSTEM.'
Effect: The NO ACTION referential action has RESTRICT referential action semantics. It is recorded as NO ACTION in the metadata table.
Recovery: To alter the behavior of the NO ACTION referential action, set the appropriate value for the REF_CONSTRAINT_NO_ACTION_LIKE_RESTRICT default.
3.167. SQL 1305
The specified schema location <directory> is already in use by schema <schema>.
Where <directory> is the Trafodion platform subvolume name specified in the LOCATION clause of the CREATE SCHEMA command.
Where <schema> is the ANSI name of an existing schema that already uses <directory> as a schema subvolume.
Cause: In a CREATE SCHEMA command, you specified <directory> in the LOCATION clause; however, this subvolume is already being used as schema subvolume by <schema>.
Effect: The statement fails unless it includes the optional REUSE clause to allow reuse of the same schema subvolume name. If the REUSE clause is used, this is a warning message and the schema is created successfully. The warning can be issued repeatedly for a single CREATE SCHEMA command if multiple schemas already exist with <directory> as the schema subvolume.
Recovery: Only schemas that are RDF replicated to another node should have the same subvolume names as their corresponding schemas on the other node. To create these, use the optional REUSE clause in the CREATE SCHEMA statement. All other schemas should have unique subvolume names. Schemas that are, or will be, related as RDF primary and backup schemas must have identical schema names and subvolumes on the primary and backup nodes.
3.168. SQL 1307
The schema location <directory> is reserved for {project-name} metadata.
Where <directory> is the Trafodion platform subvolume name specified in the LOCATION clause of the CREATE SCHEMA command.
Cause: In a CREATE SCHEMA command, you specified subvolume in the LOCATION clause, however subvolume names with the format ZSD<digit><anything> are reserved for Trafodion database software metadata schemas.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a subvolume name using the format ZSD<letter><anything> in the LOCATION clause, and resubmit.
3.169. SQL 1309
Object type for <object-name> is not valid for the current operation.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object.
Cause: You specified an object for an SQL operation that does not support its object type.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify an object of valid object type and retry the operation.
3.170. SQL 1310
The CREATE SCHEMA statement does not support the creation of triggers.
Cause: You specified creation of triggers in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the creation of triggers from the CREATE SCHEMA statement and resubmit. Create triggers in separate statements.
4. Trafodion Compiler Messages (2000 through 2999)
This section includes process creation errors, IPC errors, static compilation errors, and miscellaneous errors from the optimizer.
4.1. SQL 2004
Internal error: error from MXCMP; cannot work on this query.
Cause: Trafodion received an internal error from the Trafodion compiler.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Report the entire message to
4.2. SQL 2009
The user transaction must be rolled back (or committed, if that makes sense in the application) before MXCMP can be restarted and proceed.
Cause: An outstanding transaction must be resolved before the Trafodion compiler can be restarted.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
4.3. SQL 2011
Server process could not be created - error <number> while resolving program file name <name>.
Where error <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the program file.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to create a server process because of the process control procedure error <number> it received while resolving the program file name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.4. SQL 2012
Server process <name> could not be created - error <number> <number-1>, TPCError = <number-2>, error detail = <text>.
Where <name> is the name of the server process.
Where <number-1> is the error number.
Where <number-2> is the TPCError.
Where <text> is the error message text.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to create server process <name> because of the process control procedure error <number> it received. More information appears in detail <text>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.5. SQL 2013
Server process <name> could not be created - error <number> on program file.
Where <name> is the name of the server process.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to create server process <name> because of the process control procedure error <number> it received on the program file.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.6. SQL 2014
Server process <name> could not be created - error <number> on swap file.
Where <name> is the server process name.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to create server process <name> because of the process control procedure error <number> it received on the swap file.
Effect: Trafodion does not create the server process.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.7. SQL 2020
Server process <name> could not be created - unlicensed privileged program.
Where <name> is the server process name.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to create server process <name> because it is an unlicensed privileged program. The server process was configured incorrectly at installation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: The server process must be a licensed privileged program. Check your configuration.
4.8. SQL 2029
The new min value is greater than the current max value <number>.
Where <number> is the current maximal value.
Cause: The new minimal value is greater than the current maximal value.
Effect: The new minimal value is not set.
Recovery: Specify a new minimal value that is less than the current maximal value or specify a new maximal value that is greater than the new minimal value.
4.9. SQL 2030
The new max value is less than the current min value <number>.
Where <number> is the current minimal value.
Cause: The new maximal value is smaller than the current minimal value.
Effect: The new maximal value is not set.
Recovery: Specify a new maximal value that is greater than the current minimal value.
4.10. SQL 2033
<process-id>: Error <number> while communicating with process <name>.
Where <process-id> identifies the process.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the server process.
Cause: The Trafodion database <process-id> received process control procedure error <number> while communicating with the server process <name>.
Effect: Trafodion is not able to communicate with the process.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.11. SQL 2034
<process-id>: Error <number> while communicating with server process <name>.
Where <process-id> identifies the process.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the server process.
Cause: The Trafodion database <process-id> received process control procedure error <number> while communicating with server process <name>.
Effect: Trafodion process is not able to communicate with the server process.
Recovery: Use the process control procedure error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.12. SQL 2035
<process-id>: Open of process <name> failed - error = <number>.
Where <process-id> identifies the process.
Where <name> is the name of the server process.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: The Trafodion database <process-id> was unable to open server process <name> because of the operating system error <number> it received.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the operating system error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.13. SQL 2038
Character set <name> is not supported for SQLCI attribute TERMINAL_CHARSET.
Where <name> is the name of the character set.
Cause: You specified a non-ISO88591 character set name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify an ISO88591 character set name.
4.14. SQL 2050
<attribute> is not the name of any DEFAULTS table attribute.
Where <attribute> is the attribute name you specified.
Cause: If the SQLSTATE is 42000, this is an error. You attempted to set a CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT setting, but the <attribute> name you specified is not valid. If the SQLSTATE is 01000, this is a warning. In an earlier Trafodion database session, you inserted a row into a DEFAULTS table whose <attribute> column value is invalid.
Effect: If this is an error, the operation fails. If this is a warning, this is an informational message.
Recovery: Correct the attribute name and resubmit.
4.15. SQL 2051
Either <control-option-name> or value '<value>' is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid <control-option name> or a valid option with an invalid <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.16. SQL 2053
Optimizer pass two assertion failure (<failure-text>) in file <filename> at line <line-num>.
Cause: This is an informational message that is a result of the two-pass mechanism of the optimizer. The optimizer created a simple plan, and then while refining that plan, an internal error occurred, so the simple plan was not improved. The simple plan is still valid and will work.
Effect: Your query will use the original, simple plan.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed. This message will be accompanied by an assertion failure message and, possibly, CONTROL QUERY SHAPE information. However, report the entire message, and the preceding assertion failure message, to
This additional information will also be helpful: the DDL for the tables involved, the query that produced this warning, and any CONTROL QUERY SHAPE and CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT settings in effect when the error occurred.
4.17. SQL 2054
HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT should always be greater than or equal to CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC. Present value of HIST_NO_STATS_UEC is '<value>'.
Cause: You attempted to set the CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT value as less than the current value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC.
Effect: The current value of the HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT is retained.
Recovery: Set the value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT greater than or equal to the value of HIST_NO_STATS_UEC. If you want to use a smaller value, reduce the value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC first. Note that any change in either of the two values can have an effect on the plan quality.
4.18. SQL 2055
The specified value '<value>' for DEFAULTS attribute <name> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid value for the DEFAULTS attribute listed in the message.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.19. SQL 2056
The value must be a number in the range <value>.
Cause: You specified a value outside of the allowed range <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Enter a valid value and resubmit.
4.20. SQL 2057
The value must be a multiple of <value>.
Cause: You specified an invalid value for an attribute. It must be a multiple of <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.21. SQL 2058
DEFAULTS attribute <name> is of type <data-type> but is being converted to <data-type>.
Where <name> is the DEFAULTS attribute name.
Where <data-type> is the attribute name value.
Cause: You specified a DEFAULTS attribute name value of <data-type>, which is not supported. The item is being converted to <data-type>, which is supported.
Effect: Because of the conversion, the actual value used might be truncated or rounded.
Recovery: Specify the value using the expected type, if appropriate.
4.22. SQL 2059
Errors or warnings occurred while reading values from DEFAULTS table <name>.
Where <name> is the name of the table.
Cause: You received an error on the DEFAULTS table <name>. A previous error message has appeared with specific information.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
4.23. SQL 2060
Procedure <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the procedure name.
Cause: You defined procedure <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first definition.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.24. SQL 2061
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the cursor name.
Cause: You defined the static cursor <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first static cursor definition.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.25. SQL 2062
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the cursor name.
Cause: You defined the static cursor <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first dynamic cursor definition.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.26. SQL 2063
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the cursor name.
Cause: You defined the dynamic cursor <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first static cursor definition.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.27. SQL 2064
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the cursor name.
Cause: You defined the dynamic cursor <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first dynamic cursor definition.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.28. SQL 2065
Statement <name> was not found in module <name>.
Where <name> is the statement name.
Where <name> is the module name.
Cause: Trafodion could not find statement <name> in module <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.29. SQL 2066
Cursor <name> was not found in module <name>.
Where <name> is the cursor name.
Where <name> is the module name.
Cause: Trafodion could not find cursor <name> in module <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.30. SQL 2067
Descriptor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the descriptor name.
Cause: You defined the descriptor <name> twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first definition.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.31. SQL 2068
Cause: You specified a procedure whose body is invalid. It must be a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DECLARE CATALOG, DECLARE SCHEMA, or static DECLARE CURSOR.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.32. SQL 2069
A static cursor declaration may appear only in the body of a procedure.
Cause: You specified a static cursor declaration that is outside the body of a procedure. It should appear only in the body of a procedure.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.33. SQL 2070
Statement is not valid in this context.
Cause: In a module definition file, you specified a query statement such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or a DDL statement. These statements must be embedded in procedures.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to compile the module.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.34. SQL 2071
The name <name> has already been declared or defined in this module. The previous definition, as a <definition-type>, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the name of the module.
Where <definition-type> is the previous definition
Cause: You defined <name> twice in this module in which it was defined as a type definition type.
Effect: Trafodion uses the previous definition.
Recovery: Specify a new name for the item and resubmit, if necessary.
4.35. SQL 2072
A simple value specification that is a literal is not yet supported.
Cause: You specified a simple value as a literal, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.36. SQL 2073
Only super ID user can compile system module <name>.
Where <name> is the name of the module.
Cause: You attempted to compile a system module that can be compiled only by the super ID.
Effect: The operation fails and is unable to compile the entire module correctly.
Recovery: None. Use a different name for your module and recompile.
4.37. SQL 2074
The name <name> is reserved for future system modules.
Where <name> is the name of the module.
Cause: You attempted to use a name that is reserved for future system modules.
Effect: The operation fails and is unable to compile the entire module correctly.
Recovery: None. Use a different name for your module and recompile.
4.38. SQL 2075
The -a <application-name> option is not allowed for system module
Cause: You specified mxcmp -a <application-name> system-moduledefinition-file, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Delete the -a <application-name> and retry the mxcmp systemmodule-definition-file command.
4.39. SQL 2076
HIST_NO_STATS_UEC should always be less than or equal to CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT. Present value of HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT is 'value'.
Cause: You attempted to set the CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC value as greater than the current value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT.
Effect: The current value of the HIST_NO_STATS_UEC is retained.
Recovery: Set the value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_UEC less than or equal to the value of HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT. If you want to use a larger value, increase the value of CQD HIST_NO_STATS_ROWCOUNT first. Note that any change in either of the two values can have an effect on the plan quality.
4.40. SQL 2080
Error <number> while reading file: <value> bytes were read from <text> when <value> were expected in module <name>.
Cause: Trafodion received error <number> while reading module <name>. <value> shows the number of bytes read from <text>. The module file is unusable. Either it has been corrupted or overwritten.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Recompile the module definition file, using the Trafodion compiler, to create a valid module file.
4.41. SQL 2081
Error <number> while opening file <name> for read.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion received error <number> while opening file <name> for read.
Effect: Trafodion does not open the file.
Recovery: Use the error number to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.42. SQL 2082
Error <number> while opening file <name> for write.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion received error <number> while opening file <name> for write.
Effect: Trafodion does not open the file.
Recovery: Use the error number to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.43. SQL 2083
Error <number> while naming or locating file <name>.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion received error <number> while naming or locating file <name>.
Effect: Trafodion does not name or locate the file.
Recovery: Use the error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.44. SQL 2084
Error <number> while writing <value> bytes to file <name>.
Cause: Trafodion database software received error <number> while writing to file <name>. <value> shows the number of bytes being written.
Effect: Trafodion does not open the file.
Recovery: Use the error to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.45. SQL 2085
Error <number> was returned when closing file <name>.
Where <number> is the error number.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion received error <number> when closing file <name>.
Effect: Trafodion does not close the file.
Recovery: Use the error number to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.46. SQL 2086
The file <name> could not be purged. This file contains the results of a failed compilation and should be purged.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: A compilation failed, and for some reason Trafodion database software was not able to purge the module file.
Effect: The module file is not valid and should not be used.
Recovery: Purge the file from the Trafodion platform.
4.47. SQL 2090
The command line argument for module name, <name-1>, is being ignored in favor of module name <name-2> in file <name-3>.
Where <name-1>, <name-2>, and <name-3> are module file names.
Cause: Trafodion ignored the command line argument for module <name-1>. Instead, it used the second module <name-2> in file <name-3>.
Effect: None.
Recovery: None.
4.48. SQL 2091
The required module statement was not found in file <name>.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion could not find the required module statement in file <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.49. SQL 2092
A module statement has already appeared in this file. The previous definition, <name>, is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: You included more than one module statement. <name> will be used.
Effect: Trafodion ignores the second module statement.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.50. SQL 2093
A module timestamp statement was not found in file <name>.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion did not find a module timestamp statement in the module definition file <name>.
Effect: Trafodion uses a default timestamp value of all zeros.
Recovery: Supply a timestamp and resubmit.
4.51. SQL 2094
A module timestamp statement has already appeared in this module. The previous timestamp is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Cause: You specified a timestamp statement twice in this module.
Effect: Trafodion uses the first timestamp.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.52. SQL 2095
Module file <name-1>, expected to contain module <name-2>, instead contains <name-3>.
Where <name-1>, <name-2>, and <name-3> are module file names.
Cause: Trafodion expected to find the first module <name-1>, but instead found the second module <name-2>, in file <name-3>.
Effect: Only the second module is compiled.
Recovery: None.
4.53. SQL 2096
A source file statement has already appeared in this module. The previous source file is being retained and this latest one ignored.
Cause: The Trafodion compiler was invoked on a module definition file that contains more than one SOURCE_FILE statement. A module definition can have only one SOURCE_FILE statement that specifies that module’s SQL source file.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Edit the module definition file so that it contains no more than one SOURCE_FILE statement, and rerun the Trafodion compiler on the module definition.
4.54. SQL 2097
Source file name is over 1024 characters long.
Cause: The Trafodion compiler was invoked on a module definition file that contains a SOURCE_FILE statement whose source path name has over 1024 characters.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Edit the module definition file so that its SOURCE_FILE statement’s source path name is no more than 1024 characters long. Rerun the Trafodion compiler on the module definition file.
4.55. SQL 2098
The <compilation-type> compilation completed with <value> warnings.
Cause: <compilation-type> completed with the number of warnings given as <value>.
Effect: None.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.56. SQL 2099
The <compilation-type> compilation failed with <value> errors and <value> warnings.
Cause: <compilation-type> failed with the number of errors and warnings given as <value>.
Effect: Any statement with an error is not compiled.
Recovery: If this is a warning, this is an informational message. Otherwise, correct the syntax and resubmit.
4.57. SQL 2100
Break was received. The compilation has been aborted.
Cause: Trafodion received a break and aborted the compilation.
Effect: Trafodion does not continue compilation.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
4.58. SQL 2102
This query could not be compiled with 'MINIMUM' optimization level. Suggestion: Retry with 'MEDIUM' optimization level.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile this query using the MINIMUM optimization level.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this query.
Recovery: Resubmit the query with MEDIUM optimization level. Precede the statement with: CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT OPTIMIZATION-LEVEL 'MEDIUM';
4.59. SQL 2103
This query could not be compiled for one/both of the following reasons: a) Use of 'MINIMUM' optimization level, or b) incompatible Control Query Shape specifications.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile this query, either because it was not able to use the MINIMUM optimization level or because you used an incompatible CONTROL QUERY SHAPE specification.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this query.
Recovery: If applicable, resubmit the query with MINIMUM optimization level. Precede the statement with:
4.60. SQL 2104
This query could not be compiled for one of two reasons: a) incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications, or b) 'MEDIUM' optimization level is not sufficient to satisfy the CQS in effect. Suggestion: a) inspect the CQS in effect; or b) raise the optimization level to 'MAXIMUM'. Note that for this query, 'MAXIMUM' optimization level may result in a long compile time.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile this query, either because it was not able to use the MEDIUM optimization level or because you used an incompatible CONTROL QUERY SHAPE specification.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this query.
Recovery: If applicable, use the MAXIMUM optimization level, correct the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE specification, and resubmit.
4.61. SQL 2105
This query could not be compiled because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Inspect the CQS in effect.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile this query because you used an incompatible CONTROL QUERY SHAPE specification.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this query.
Recovery: Correct the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE specification and resubmit.
4.62. SQL 2106
This statement could not be compiled since it is too long. Break up large statements into smaller pieces.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile this query because it is too long.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this query.
Recovery: Try breaking the statement into smaller pieces.
4.63. SQL 2107
This statement could not be compiled. Suggestion: Address the issue(s) raised in the reported warning(s).
Cause: Trafodion was unable to compile the query.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the warning messages returned by the compiler to diagnose and correct the problem.
4.64. SQL 2108
Statement was compiled as if query plan caching were off.
Cause: Trafodion attempted to compile this query with query caching on but failed. It then successfully compiled this query with caching turned off.
Effect: Trafodion compiled the query as if query plan caching was turned off even though caching is currently on. The prepared query can be executed as usual.
Recovery: This is an informational message. To prevent this warning, turn off query caching before query preparation.
4.65. SQL 2200
DEFAULTS attribute <attribute> is read-only.
Where <attribute> is the DEFAULTS attribute.
Cause: You attempted to change the DEFAULTS <attribute>, which is read-only.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
4.66. SQL 2201
SQL compilation return code is <mxcmp-non-zero-exit-code>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file that has an embedded module definition. An SQL compilation of an embedded module definition resulted in a Trafodion compiler nonzero exit code, indicating a warning or error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the Trafodion compiler warning or error message. Trace the diagnostic back to the module source file and correct the offending source statement. Retry preprocessing, translating, compiling, and SQL compiling the application file.
4.67. SQL 2202
<application-file> is not an application (ELF or SQL) file.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file that is not a Trafodion platform ELF object file.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that the name <application-file> is an ELF object file. Verify that the name of <application-file> is spelled correctly, and retry the command.
4.68. SQL 2203
Application file <application-pathname> cannot be opened.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule (or mxcmp -a <application-pathname> mdf) on an application that does not exist or is inaccessible to the user.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that <application-pathname> exists and is readable by the user. Verify that <application-pathname> is spelled correctly, and retry the command.
4.69. SQL 2204
SQL compilation of <module-name> failed.
Where <module-name> is the name of the module.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file that has embedded module definition(s). The SQL compilation of the named embedded module definition produced a Trafodion compiler warning or error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the Trafodion compiler warning or error. Trace the diagnostic back to the source file of the named module. Correct offending source statements. Retry preprocessing, translating, compiling, and SQL compiling the application file.
4.70. SQL 2205
A temporary filename could not be created.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file that has many embedded module definitions. The tool cannot create another temporary file name to hold the contents of an embedded module definition. The tool used tmpnam() to create a string that is not the name of an existing file which tmpnam() could not do.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Clean up TMPDIR (the directory where temporary files are created) by deleting unused temporary files. Retry the command.
4.71. SQL 2206
Temporary file <temp-filename> could not be created.
Where <temp-filename> is the name of the temporary file.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file that has many embedded module definitions.The tool cannot create another temporary file to hold the contents of an embedded module definition.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that you have write access to TMPDIR (the directory where temporary files are created) and that TMPDIR has free space. Delete unused temporary files from TMPDIR and retry the command.
4.72. SQL 2207
-<option> is an unknown command line option.
Where -<option> is the command-line option.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule with an unrecognized command-line option.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the allowable command-line options by invoking
mxCompileUserModule. Verify that the desired command-line options are spelled correctly and retry the command.
4.73. SQL 2208
mxCompileUserModule requires an <application-filename>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule without supplying an application file.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Invoke mxCompileUserModule on an application file, such as a Trafodion platform ELF object file.
4.74. SQL 2209
<string> is not a valid delimited identifier.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule using a command-line option allowing a delimited identifier, but the delimited identifier has an invalid character, such as the @ sign.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove invalid characters, such as the @ sign, from the delimited identifier and retry the command.
4.75. SQL 2210
Delimited identifier has no ending quote.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule using a command-line option allowing a delimited identifier, but the delimited identifier has no closing quote.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make sure that the delimited identifier has a closing quote and retry the command.
4.76. SQL 2211
Lexical error: unknown symbol <character>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file, possibly intending to SQL compile only a subset of its embedded module definitions, but you specified an unknown character in the module name list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the module name list syntax. Verify that the module names are specified correctly and retry the command.
4.77. SQL 2212
A syntax error was encountered: expecting <string-1> instead of <string-2>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file, intending to SQL compile only a subset of its embedded module definitions, but you specified an unexpected string in the module name list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the module name list syntax, especially where string1 is expected. Verify that the list of module names are specified correctly and retry the command.
4.78. SQL 2213
A syntax error was encountered: expecting an identifier instead of <string>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file, possibly intending to SQL compile only a subset of its embedded module definitions, but you specified an unexpected string in the module name list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the module name list syntax, especially where an identifier is expected. Verify that the list of module names are specified correctly and retry the command.
4.79. SQL 2214
Internal error in mxCompileUserModule in file <filename> at line <linenumber>: <error-message>.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file to SQL compile its embedded module definitions. An internal error occurred during the operation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact the Trafodion User Distribution List
4.80. SQL 2215
<identifier> is not a valid regular identifier.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file, possibly intending to SQL compile only a subset of its embedded module definitions, but you specified an invalid regular identifier in the module name list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Review the module name list syntax, especially where an identifier is expected. Verify that the list of module names is specified correctly. Verify that regular identifiers used are not SQL reserved words and retry the command.
4.81. SQL 2220
<mxcmp-path> (MXCMP environment variable) does not exist or is not executable.
Where <mxcmp-path> is the Trafodion compiler environment variable.
Cause: You set your Trafodion compiler environment variable to point to your own Trafodion compiler and invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file to SQL compile its module definitions. Your Trafodion compiler is not executable.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that your Trafodion compiler exists and is executable and retry the command.
4.82. SQL 2221
SQL compiler invocation failed with return code <error-code>.
Where <error-code> is the error message code.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file to SQL compile its module definitions. This command invoked the Trafodion compiler, which returned error code, indicating an abnormal termination.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: If the system is heavily loaded, retry the command later. If the problem persists under normal system load, report it as an internal error and contact
4.83. SQL 2222
SQL module <module-name> was not found in <application-filename>.
Where <module-name> is the requested module name.
Where <application-filename> is the requested application file.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on an application file with a list of module names to SQL compile. This list includes the named module, which cannot be found in the application file.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify the spelling of the module name and retry the command.
4.84. SQL 2223
Application file <filename> does not exist or is not readable.
Where <filename> is the name of the application file.
Cause: You invoked mxCompileUserModule on the named application file, which does not exist or is not readable.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify the spelling of the application file name and retry the command.
4.85. SQL 2233
Query involves remote node <nodename> that is currently down. Compiler encountered a file system error <error-num>. It may produce a plan that is suboptimal or of incompatible version.
Where <nodename> is the name of the node such as on which the failure occurred.
Where <error-num> is the file system error number.
Cause: The <nodename> you specified is not available.
Effect: The compiler tried to produce a plan without using that node. This might result in a suboptimal plan.
Recovery: For information about file system errors, see File-System Errors.
4.86. SQL 2900
Error in file <filename> at line <number>.
Where <number> is the line number.
Cause: An error occurred in file name at line <number>.
Effect: Compilation failed because of a syntax error.
Recovery: This is a general error that is issued before a more specific error. Use the error that follows this one to diagnose and correct the problem.
5. Parser and Compilation Messages (3000 through 3999)
5.1. SQL 3001
Syntax error at or before <SQL-text>.
Cause: There is a syntax error near the text <SQL-text>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the errors that accompany this message for more information. Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.2. SQL 3002
<column-name> is not a valid column reference; it has more than 4 name parts.
Cause: You specified an invalid column reference, which must have four or fewer parts.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.3. SQL 3003
Length or precision must be greater than zero.
Cause: You defined length or precision as zero. You must enter a value greater than zero.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Enter a value greater than zero and resubmit.
5.4. SQL 3004
A delimited identifier must contain at least one non-blank character.
Cause: You defined a delimited identifier as blanks. You must enter at least one non-blank character.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Enter at least one non-blank character and resubmit.
5.5. SQL 3005
A DECLARE CURSOR statement cannot dynamically get its cursor name from a host variable while also statically declaring a cursor specification. A dynamic cursor requires the name of a previously prepared statement or a host variable containing such a name; a static cursor requires a fixed, static name.
Cause: You attempted to use a DECLARE CURSOR statement without declaring a cursor name or using the name of a previously prepared statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Declare a cursor name, or use the name of a previously prepared statement, and resubmit.
5.6. SQL 3006
In a dynamic cursor declaration, both the cursor and the statement must be named in the same way: both must be literals or both must be string host variable expressions.
Cause: You attempted to declare a dynamic cursor in a way that does not match the statement. Both must be literals or both must be string host variable expressions.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Declare the cursor in a way that matches the statement and resubmit.
5.7. SQL 3007
In an ALLOCATE CURSOR statement, both the cursor and the statement must be named using string host variables.
Cause: You specified an ALLOCATE CURSOR statement with invalid syntax. Both the cursor and the statement must be named using string host variables.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Name the cursor and statement with string host variables and resubmit.
5.8. SQL 3008
Precision of <type> UNSIGNED data type, <value>, cannot exceed 9.
Cause: You specified a CREATE TABLE statement with a precision value greater than nine for the PRECISION field, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.9. SQL 3009
DROP ASSERTION statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to perform a DROP ASSERTION statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.10. SQL 3010
Character set <name> is not yet supported.
Where <name> is the name of the character set.
Cause: You specified character set <name> that is not supported for use in a Trafodion object, such as a table or module. Examples include creating a KANJI or KSC5601 column in a Trafodion table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid character set and resubmit.
5.11. SQL 3011
<name> is not a valid qualified name; it has more than 3 name parts.
Where <name> is the name specified in the operation.
Cause: You specified an invalid name <name>, which must have three or fewer parts. <catalog.schema.table> is valid. <> is invalid.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the name and resubmit.
5.12. SQL 3012
COUNT is the only aggregate function that accepts (*) as an operand.
Cause: You submitted an AVG or other aggregate function that does not allow (*) as an operand. Only COUNT allows you to use (\*).
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the (*) operand and resubmit.
5.13. SQL 3013
Subtraction is the only operation allowed in the parenthesized expression preceding an interval qualifier.
Cause: You specified an expression with invalid syntax. Only subtraction is supported in the parenthesized expression that precedes an interval qualifier.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.14. SQL 3014
Precision of numeric, <value>, cannot exceed 18.
Cause: You defined a numeric item, <value>, with precision greater than 18, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Redefine the item with a precision value of 18 or less.
5.15. SQL 3015
Scale <value> cannot exceed precision <value>.
Cause: You defined a scale value with greater precision than Trafodion allows.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Redefine the scale with a precision value less than or equal to the allowable value.
5.16. SQL 3016
Precision of decimal, <value>, cannot exceed 18.
Cause: You gave a decimal item, <value>, with precision greater than 18, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Redefine the item with a precision value of 18 or less.
5.17. SQL 3017
An unsigned integer was expected, not <value>.
Cause: You specified an unexpected value, <value>. Trafodion requires an unsigned integer.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace the value with an unsigned integer and resubmit.
5.18. SQL 3018
An unsigned smallint was expected, not <value>.
Cause: You specified an unexpected value, <value>. Trafodion requires an unsigned smallint.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace the value with an unsigned smallint and resubmit.
5.19. SQL 3019
An unsigned number was expected within the parentheses, not <value>.
Cause: You specified an unexpected value, <value>. Trafodion requires an unsigned number.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace the value with an unsigned number and resubmit.
5.20. SQL 3020
An unsigned number was expected as the first operand within parentheses, not <value>.
Cause: You specified an unexpected value, <value>. Trafodion requires an unsigned number.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace the value with an unsigned number and resubmit.
5.21. SQL 3021
An unsigned number was expected as the second operand within parentheses, not <value>.
Cause: You specified an unexpected value, <value>. Trafodion requires an unsigned number.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace the value with an unsigned number and resubmit.
5.22. SQL 3022
The <name> operator is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to use an operator that is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.23. SQL 3023
The COLLATE clause in a sort specification is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to perform a COLLATE clause in a sort specification, which is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion ignores the COLLATE clause.
Recovery: Remove the COLLATE clause and resubmit.
5.24. SQL 3024
The MATCH PARTIAL clause is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to use a MATCH PARTIAL clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the MATCH PARTIAL clause and resubmit.
5.25. SQL 3025
The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD.
Cause: You used an invalid location <name> for a subvolume that must be eight characters long and begin with the letters <ZSD>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the name and resubmit.
5.26. SQL 3026
A comma must be used to separate file attributes.
Cause: You made a syntax error in a list of file attributes, which must be separated by commas.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.27. SQL 3027
<name> is not a valid simple name; it has more than one name part.
Cause: You specified an invalid name <name>, which must have only one name part.
Effect: Trafodion could not prepare the statement.
Recovery: Correct the name and resubmit.
5.28. SQL 3028
Specifying a privilege column list in the INSERT clause is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to specify a privilege column list in an INSERT clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the privilege column list and resubmit.
5.29. SQL 3029
<option> is not yet supported in referential integrity constraint definition.
Cause: You attempted to specify an <option> that is not supported in a referential integrity constraint definition.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the option and resubmit.
5.30. SQL 3030
The PARALLEL EXECUTION clause is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the PARALLEL EXECUTION clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the PARALLEL EXECUTION clause and resubmit.
5.31. SQL 3031
CASCADE drop behavior is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to drop an object with the CASCADE option, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Drop the item without CASCADE.
5.32. SQL 3032
The COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.33. SQL 3033
The MOVE clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the MOVE clause in the ALTER TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.34. SQL 3034
The PARTITION clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the PARTITION clause in the ALTER TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.35. SQL 3035
The RENAME clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the RENAME clause in the ALTER TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.36. SQL 3036
The SET CONSTRAINT clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You used the SET CONSTRAINT clause in the ALTER TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.37. SQL 3037
Precision of type <data-type> cannot exceed 18.
Cause: You specified a CREATE TABLE statement with a precision value greater than 18 for <data-type>, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.38. SQL 3038
PIC X types cannot have leading signs, or any signs at all.
Cause: You specified a PIC X type with a sign, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the sign, or redefine the type, and resubmit.
5.39. SQL 3039
PIC X types do not have any COMP representation.
Cause: You specified a PIC X type with COMP, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the COMP, or redefine the type, and resubmit.
5.40. SQL 3040
Precision zero is not valid. Add a '9' to the PICTURE clause.
Cause: You specified an item with precision zero. You must add the number nine to the PICTURE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.41. SQL 3041
UNSIGNED is not valid for a numeric or decimal type with a scale greater than 9.
Cause: You specified UNSIGNED for a numeric or decimal type that has a scale greater than nine, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the specification to SIGNED and resubmit.
5.42. SQL 3042
UPSHIFT for a numeric type is not valid.
Cause: You specified UPSHIFT for a numeric type, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the specification and resubmit.
5.43. SQL 3043
Precision greater than 18 for a COMP numeric type is not valid.
Cause: You specified a precision value greater than 18 for a COMP numeric type, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the precision to a value of 18 or less and resubmit.
5.44. SQL 3044
The interval <value> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid interval <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the interval value to a valid one and resubmit.
5.45. SQL 3045
The date <value> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid date <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the date value and resubmit.
5.46. SQL 3046
The time <value> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid time <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the time value and resubmit.
5.47. SQL 3047
The timestamp <value> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid timestamp <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the timestamp value to a valid one and resubmit.
5.48. SQL 3048
Dynamic parameters, such as <name>, are not allowed in a static compilation.
Cause: You attempted to use parameters in a static compilation, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the parameters and resubmit.
5.49. SQL 3049
Host variables, such as <name>, are not allowed in a dynamic compilation.
Cause: You attempted to use host variables in dynamic compilation, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the host variables and resubmit.
5.50. SQL 3050
The constraint must have the same catalog and schema as the specified table.
Cause: You specified a constraint whose catalog and schema do not match the specified table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the constraint and table have the same catalog and schema.
5.51. SQL 3051
Duplicate HEADING clauses were specified in column definition <name>.
Cause: You defined column <name> with more than one HEADING clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Define the column with only one HEADING clause and resubmit.
5.52. SQL 3052
Duplicate NOT NULL clauses were specified in column definition <name>.
Cause: You defined column <name> with more than one NOT NULL clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Define the column with only one NOT NULL clause and resubmit.
5.53. SQL 3053
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses were specified in column definition <name>.
Cause: You defined column <name> with more than one PRIMARY KEY clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Define the column with only one PRIMARY KEY clause and resubmit.
5.54. SQL 3054
The NOT DROPPABLE clause is allowed only in PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraint definitions.
Cause: You specified a constraint with an invalid NOT DROPPABLE clause, which can appear only in PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraint definitions.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.55. SQL 3055
Duplicate DELETE rules were specified.
Cause: You defined duplicate DELETE rules.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.56. SQL 3056
Duplicate UPDATE rules were specified.
Cause: You defined duplicate UPDATE rules.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.57. SQL 3057
The ALLOCATE value must be between 1 and <number>.
Cause: You provided an invalid size value in the ALLOCATE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for correct size values, and resubmit.
5.58. SQL 3058
The BLOCKSIZE value must be 4096.
Cause: You defined a BLOCKSIZE with an invalid value. It must be 4096.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the BLOCKSIZE value and resubmit.
5.59. SQL 3059
The specified size value (in the MAXSIZE clause or EXTENT size clause) is not valid.
Cause: You provided an invalid size value in the MAXSIZE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for correct size values, and resubmit.
5.60. SQL 3060
The specified percentage value in the DSLACK clause is not valid.
Cause: You provided an invalid percentage value in the DSLACK clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for correct percentage values, and resubmit.
5.61. SQL 3061
The format of the specified location name <name> is not valid.
Cause: You provided a location <name> with an invalid format.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for correct name format, and resubmit.
5.62. SQL 3062
Duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENTS clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
Cause: You specified duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENTS clauses in the PARTITION clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.63. SQL 3063
Duplicate DSLACK clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
Cause: You specified duplicate DSLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.64. SQL 3064
Duplicate ISLACK clauses were specified in the PARTITION clause.
Cause: You specified duplicate ISLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.65. SQL 3065
The primary key constraint cannot be droppable when the STORE BY PRIMARY KEY clause appears in a table definition.
Cause: You defined a primary key as droppable in a table that includes STORE BY PRIMARY KEY in its definition, which is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to process this definition.
Recovery: Change the definition of the primary key constraint so that it is NOT DROPPABLE.
5.66. SQL 3067
Cause: You specified an ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statement with NOT DROPPABLE constraints. Only DROPPABLE constraints are allowed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.67. SQL 3068
The ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE clauses cannot coexist in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER INDEX statement with both an ALLOCATE and a DEALLOCATE clause, which is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion ignores the ALTER INDEX statement.
Recovery: Correct the ALTER INDEX statement to include either ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE.
5.68. SQL 3070
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not supported.
Cause: You specified the [NO]AUDIT clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.69. SQL 3071
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.70. SQL 3072
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER INDEX. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes a BLOCKSIZE clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.71. SQL 3073
The [NO]BUFFERED clause is not supported.
Cause: You specified a [NO]BUFFERED clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.72. SQL 3074
The SEPARATE BY clause is not supported.
Cause: You specified the SEPARATE BY clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.73. SQL 3075
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER INDEX. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes a [NO]COMPRESS clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.74. SQL 3076
Duplicate DEALLOCATE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate DEALLOCATE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.75. SQL 3077
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER INDEX. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes the [NO]ICOMPRESS clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.76. SQL 3078
The LOCKLENGTH clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER INDEX. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes the LOCKLENGTH clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.77. SQL 3079
Duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENTS clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate EXTENT/MAXEXTENT clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.78. SQL 3080
The [NO]SERIALWRITES clause is not supported.
Cause: You specified the [NO]SERIALWRITES clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.79. SQL 3081
Duplicate ALLOCATE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate ALLOCATE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.80. SQL 3082
Duplicate [NO]AUDIT clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate [NO]AUDIT clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.81. SQL 3083
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.82. SQL 3084
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER TABLE. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes the BLOCKSIZE clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.83. SQL 3085
Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.84. SQL 3086
Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.85. SQL 3087
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . .
ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER TABLE. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes the [NO]COMPRESS clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.86. SQL 3088
The ALLOCATE AND DEALLOCATE cannot coexist in the same ALTER TABLE statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER TABLE statement with both ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement to include either ALLOCATE or DEALLOCATE.
5.87. SQL 3089
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement.
Cause: You specified an ALTER TABLE. . .ATTRIBUTE(S) statement that includes the [NO]ICOMPRESS clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.88. SQL 3090
Duplicate LOCKLENGTH clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate LOCKLENGTH clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.89. SQL 3091
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements.
Cause: You specified a CREATE INDEX statement with the [NO]AUDIT clause, which is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion ignores the CREATE INDEX statement.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.90. SQL 3092
Duplicate BLOCKSIZE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate BLOCKSIZE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.91. SQL 3093
Duplicate DCOMPRESS clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate DCOMPRESS clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.92. SQL 3094
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements.
Cause: You specified a CREATE INDEX statement that includes the DEALLOCATE clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.93. SQL 3095
Duplicate [NO]ICOMPRESS clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate [NO]ICOMPRESS clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.94. SQL 3096
Duplicate [NO]SERIALWRITES clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate [NO]SERIALWRITES clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.95. SQL 3097
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TABLE statements.
Cause: You specified a CREATE TABLE statement that includes the DEALLOCATE clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.96. SQL 3098
Duplicate LOCATION clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate LOCATION clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.97. SQL 3099
Duplicate FILE ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate FILE ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.98. SQL 3100
Duplicate DSLACK clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate DSLACK clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.99. SQL 3101
Duplicate ISLACK clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate ISLACK clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.100. SQL 3102
Duplicate PARALLEL EXECUTION clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate PARALLEL EXECUTION clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.101. SQL 3103
Duplicate PARTITION clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate PARTITION clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.102. SQL 3104
Only the ADD option is allowed in a PARTITION clause in a CREATE TABLE statement.
Cause: You specified a CREATE TABLE statement with incorrect syntax. Only the ADD option is supported in a PARTITION clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.103. SQL 3105
Only range, hash, hash2 and system partitioning are currently supported.
Cause: You attempted to specify an invalid partitioning method. Currently only range, hash, hash2, and system partitioning are supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.104. SQL 3106
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.105. SQL 3107
Duplicate LIKE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate LIKE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.106. SQL 3108
The LIKE clause and STORE BY clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
Cause: You specified a statement with both LIKE and STORE BY clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to include one of these clauses.
5.107. SQL 3109
Duplicate STORE BY clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate STORE BY clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.108. SQL 3110
The LIKE clause and ATTRIBUTE(S) clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
Cause: You specified a statement with both LIKE and ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to include one of these clauses.
5.109. SQL 3111
The LIKE clause and LOCATION clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
Cause: You specified a statement with both LIKE and LOCATION clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to include one of these clauses.
5.110. SQL 3112
The LIKE clause and PARTITION clause cannot coexist in the same statement.
Cause: You specified a statement with both LIKE and PARTITION clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to include one of these clauses.
5.111. SQL 3113
Error in CONTROL statement: <number>
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: There is an error <number> in the CONTROL statement you specified.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the CONTROL statement and resubmit.
5.112. SQL 3114
Transaction access mode READ WRITE is incompatible with isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED.
Cause: You specified a statement with both READ WRITE and READ UNCOMMITTED clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the statement to include one of these clauses.
5.113. SQL 3115
Duplicate ISOLATION LEVEL clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate ISOLATION LEVEL clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.114. SQL 3116
Duplicate transaction access mode clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate access mode clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.115. SQL 3117
Duplicate DIAGNOSTICS SIZE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with duplicate DIAGNOSTICS SIZE clauses.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.116. SQL 3118
Specified identifier is too long.
Cause: You specified an identifier that is too long.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Shorten the identifier and resubmit.
5.117. SQL 3119
The WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause is not supported.
Cause: You attempted to create a constraint with the WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Eliminate the WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause and resubmit.
5.118. SQL 3120
The CREATE ASSERTION statement is not yet supported.
Cause: You specified the CREATE ASSERTION statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.119. SQL 3122
The system specified in the location clause <name> is not accessible.
Where <name> is the system name.
Cause: You specified an invalid <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.120. SQL 3123
The format of the file name part in the specified location name <name> is not valid. The file name part must be eight characters long and end with the digits 00.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: You specified an invalid file <name>. The file name must be eight characters long and end with the digits 00 (zero zero).
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.121. SQL 3127
An invalid character was found in identifier <name>.
Cause: You specified an identifier that includes an invalid character.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax of the identifier and resubmit.
5.122. SQL 3128
<object-name> is a reserved word. It must be delimited by double-quotes to be used as an identifier.
Where <object-name> is the identifier.
Cause: You used an identifier that is a reserved word. You must put it between double quotes (") to use it as an identifier.
Effect: The operation fails.
Enclose the identifier in double quotes or select another name that is not a reserved word.
5.123. SQL 3129
Function <name> accepts exactly one operand.
Where <name> is the name of the function.
Cause: You specified two operands for an aggregate function that accepts exactly one operand. Only VARIANCE and STDDEV support two operands.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.124. SQL 3130
The UNSIGNED option is not supported for LARGEINT type.
Cause: You attempted to define a LARGEINT data item with the UNSIGNED option, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.125. SQL 3131
The statement just entered is currently not supported.
Cause: You specified a statement that is not supported by Trafodion.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.126. SQL 3132
The HEADING for column <name> exceeds the maximum size of 128 characters.
Where <name> is the name of the column.
Cause: You specified a heading for column <name> that exceeds the maximum size of 128 characters.
Effect: The operation fails.
Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.127. SQL 3133
PERFORM is valid only in COBOL programs.
Cause: You specified a PERFORM statement, which is supported only in COBOL programs.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.128. SQL 3134
The precision of time or timestamp, <value>, cannot exceed 6.
Cause: You specified a time or timestamp precision value that exceeds six, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.129. SQL 3135
The precision of float, <value>, cannot exceed 54.
Cause: You specified a value for float precision that exceeds 54, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.130. SQL 3136
Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in {oj . . .}
Cause: You attempted to perform an invalid outer join. Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.131. SQL 3137
UNION JOIN is not yet supported.
Cause: You attempted to perform a UNION JOIN, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.132. SQL 3138
A key-sequenced table with range partitioning requires a FIRST KEY clause.
Cause: You attempted to create a key-sequenced table with range partitioning without a FIRST KEY clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.133. SQL 3139
A range partitioned index requires a FIRST KEY clause.
Cause: You attempted to create a range-partitioned index without a required FIRST KEY clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.134. SQL 3140
The isolation level cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED for an INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement.
Cause: You attempted to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement with a READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.135. SQL 3141
The transaction access mode cannot be READ ONLY for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement.
Cause: You attempted to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement with a transaction access mode of READ ONLY, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.136. SQL 3142
INTO clause host variables not allowed in a static cursor.
Cause: You attempted to create a static cursor with INTO clause host variables, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.137. SQL 3143
BROWSE or READ UNCOMMITTED access is not allowed on a table value constructor.
Cause: You attempted to create a table value constructor with BROWSE or READ UNCOMMITTED access, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.138. SQL 3145
Positioned UPDATE or DELETE is allowed only in embedded SQL.
Cause: You attempted to perform a positioned UPDATE or DELETE, which is supported only in embedded Trafodion.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.139. SQL 3147
In an IN predicate whose right operand is a value list, the left operand must be scalar (degree of one).
Cause: You specified an IN predicate whose right operand is a value list but whose left operand is not scalar, which is required.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.140. SQL 3148
Environment variable <value> is being ignored because this version of the code is Release, not Debug. Actual query results will likely not match expected results.
Where <value> is the environment variable value specified.
Cause: Trafodion is ignoring the environment variable you specified. Query results might not match expected results.
Effect: None.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
5.141. SQL 3149
Duplicate WITH CONSTRAINTS phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
Cause: The WITH CONSTRAINTS phrase appears multiple times within the LIKE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the duplicate WITH CONSTRAINTS phrases.
5.142. SQL 3150
Duplicate WITH HEADING phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
Cause: The WITH HEADINGS phrase appears multiple times within the LIKE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the duplicate WITH HEADINGS phrases.
5.143. SQL 3151
Duplicate WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrases were specified in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement.
Cause: The WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrase appears multiple times within the LIKE clause of the CREATE TABLE statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the duplicate WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrases.
5.144. SQL 3153
The FIRST KEY clause is not allowed with hash or hash2 partitioning.
Cause: You attempted to use the FIRST KEY clause with hash or hash2 partitioning, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.145. SQL 3155
The POPULATE and NO POPULATE clauses cannot coexist in the same CREATE INDEX statement.
Cause: You specified a CREATE INDEX statement using both the POPULATE or NO POPULATE clauses, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.146. SQL 3157
A catalog name is required.
Cause: You attempted to create a catalog without specifying a catalog name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a catalog name and resubmit.
5.147. SQL 3158
The DATETIME value <value> is not valid.
Cause: You specified an invalid DATETIME literal. Either the DATETIME qualifier has an invalid combination of start and end fields or the DATETIME literal string is invalid.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid DATETIME literal and resubmit.
5.148. SQL 3159
If you intended <name> to be a character set specifier for a character string literal, you must remove the spaces in front of the single quote delimiter.
Where <name> is the character set specifier.
Cause: You apparently specified <name> as a character set specifier
(for example, KANJI
), but you placed a space in front of the single
quote delimiter, which is not supported. For example,
KANJI 'xyz'
causes this error. KANJI’XYZ'
does not.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.149. SQL 3160
<host-variable> was declared more than once in the procedure parameter list.
Cause: You declared <host-variable> more than once in the procedure parameter list.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.150. SQL 3161
<procedure-parameter> was not declared in the procedure parameter list.
Cause: You did not declare <procedure-parameter> in the parameter list, which is required.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.151. SQL 3162
Procedure parameter <name> was not used.
Where <name> is the name of the procedure parameter.
Cause: Trafodion did not use procedure parameter <name>.
Effect: None.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
5.152. SQL 3163
Host variable <name> appears more than once in the INTO list. Execution results will be undefined.
Where <name> is the host variable.
Cause: You specified an INSERT statement whose INTO list includes host variable <name> more than once.
Effect: Execution results are undefined.
Recovery: This is an informational message only. No corrective action is needed, but you might want to rewrite your query.
5.153. SQL 3164
There is a data type mismatch between output host variable and selected value.
Cause: A data type mismatch occurred between the output host variable and the selected value in the statement you specified.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.154. SQL 3165
The precision or exponent value specified in <value> was less than the minimum allowed or greater than the maximum allowed.
Cause: You specified a statement in which you exceed the min or max precision or the exponent <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.155. SQL 3166
The value specified in the float or double <value> was less than the minimum allowed or greater than the maximum allowed.
Cause: You specified a statement in which you exceed the min or max precision for float or double <value>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.156. SQL 3167
Duplicate [ NOT ] DROPPABLE clauses were specified.
Cause: You specified a statement with more than one [NOT] DROPPABLE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.157. SQL 3168
The FOR . . . ACCESS clause is not allowed in a CREATE VIEW statement.
Cause: You specified a CREATE VIEW statement with the FOR . . . ACCESS clause, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.158. SQL 3169
<name> is not a known collation.
Cause: You attempted to use a collation that is not a known collation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.159. SQL 3171
Transaction statements are not allowed in compound statements.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains transaction statements, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.160. SQL 3172
EXIT is not allowed in a compound statement.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains an EXIT command.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.161. SQL 3173
UPDATE STATISTICS is not allowed in a compound statement.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains an UPDATE STATISTICS command.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.162. SQL 3174
DDL statements are not allowed in compound statements.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains DDL statements.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.163. SQL 3175
Dynamic SQL statements are not allowed in compound statements.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains dynamic Trafodion statements.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.164. SQL 3176
Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition.
Cause: You specified an IF statement that contains a subquery.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.165. SQL 3177
Character set <name> requires an even number of characters in the length declaration of the data type.
Where <name> is the name of the character set.
Cause: You specified a character set with an odd number of characters in the length declaration of the data type.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.166. SQL 3178
One or more of the following external (host-language) data types incorrectly appears within the SQL query or operation: <name>.
Cause: You specified a Trafodion query or attempted to perform an operation with an incorrect data type.
The operation fails.
Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.167. SQL 3179
Collation <name-1> is not defined on the character set <name-2>.
Where <name-1> is the name of the collation.
Where <name-2> is the character set name.
Cause: You attempted to used a collation name that is not defined on the character set. A valid collation name is required.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.168. SQL 3180
STREAM statements are not allowed in compound statements.
Cause: You specified a compound statement that contains a STREAM statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.169. SQL 3181
Specified name is not a valid three part ANSI name.
Cause: You specified an invalid logical name.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.170. SQL 3182
Extra semicolon(;) in a compound statement.
Cause: You specified an extra semicolon in a compound statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.171. SQL 3183
Duplicate <clause-name> clauses were specified.
Where <clause-name> is the clause specified.
Cause: You specified a CREATE PROCEDURE containing multiple occurrences of the <clause-name> clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.172. SQL 3184
An invalid SQLSTATE value <string-1> was found. Message: <string-2>
Where <string-1> is the illegal SQLSTATE value.
Cause: You attempted to use an illegal SQLSTATE value. A valid SQLSTATE value is a single quoted string value that begins with an "S" or an "s" followed by a four-digit integer.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a valid SQLSTATE value and resubmit.
5.173. SQL 3185
SIGNAL parameter 3 must be of type string.
Cause: You attempted a SIGNAL statement with a third parameter that is not a quoted string.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify a parameter that is a quoted string and resubmit.
5.174. SQL 3186
<string>: Dynamic parameters and host variables are currently not allowed in DDL.
Where <string> is the dynamic parameter or host variable that was specified.
Cause: Trafodion does not support the use of dynamic parameters or host variables in DDL statements. The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove occurrences of dynamic parameters or host variables and resubmit.
5.175. SQL 3187
Specifying a specific stream with SET STREAM TIMEOUT is not allowed.
Cause: You attempted to use a SET STREAM TIMEOUT statement, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.176. SQL 3188
A NOT DROPPABLE primary key constraint must be defined when STORE BY primary key is specified.
Cause: You specified a STORE BY primary key but did not define a NOT DROPPABLE primary key.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.177. SQL 3189
Setting a lock timeout is not allowed on a view.
Cause: You attempted to set a lock timeout on a view, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.178. SQL 3192
Union operands <table-1> and <table-2> have different access/lock modes.
Cause: Trafodion attempted to compile a UNION query that has an access/lock mode that can be applied to both branches of the access/lock mode or only to the second branch of the UNION.
Effect: The access/lock mode is applied only to the second branch of the UNION.
Recovery: Specify that the access/lock mode apply to both branches and resubmit.
5.179. SQL 3193
SIGNAL SQLSTATE= <string>, message: <string-1>.
Where <string> is the SIGNAL SQLSTATE value.
Where <string-1> is the SIGNAL text message.
Cause: You attempted a SIGNAL statement. SIGNAL statements are commonly used as an action for a trigger in a compound statement or in a user application.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None.
5.180. SQL 3195
Table creation with data type <dtype> is not supported.
Where <dtype> is a data type specified for a column.
Cause: The data type specified for a column in a CREATE TABLE statement is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the data and resubmit.
5.181. SQL 3196
Only one access clause for may be specified for a single table SELECT.
Cause: You specified two or more table-level access options for the same table reference.
Effect: The offending SQL statement is rejected with an error.
Recovery: Remove all but one of the table-level access options for each table reference.
5.182. SQL 3197
Only one lock clause may be specified for a single table SELECT.
Cause: You specified two or more table-level lock options for the same table reference. The offending SQL statement is rejected with an error.
Recovery: Remove all but one of the table-level access options for each table reference.
5.183. SQL 3199
Column <col-name> is incorrectly specified. Keywords ASCENDING and DESCENDING are not allowed in the partitioning key list.
Where <col-name> is the name of the column.
Cause: You cannot specify ordering for columns of a partitioning key clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove any of the following keywords from the columns specified in the PARTITION clause: ASCENDING, ASC, DESCENDING, DESC, and resubmit.
5.184. SQL 3201
EXTERNAL PATH clause is required.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you omitted the mandatory EXTERNAL PATH clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.185. SQL 3202
PARAMETER STYLE clause is required.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you omitted the mandatory PARAMETER STYLE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.186. SQL 3203
LANGUAGE clause is required.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you omitted this mandatory LANGUAGE clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.187. SQL 3204
EXTERNAL NAME clause is badly formed.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, the EXTERNAL NAME clause you specified does not conform to the required syntax.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to create the procedure.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.188. SQL 3205
EXTERNAL NAME clause is required.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you omitted the mandatory EXTERNAL NAME clause.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
5.189. SQL 3206
The name for an object of this type must be fully qualified, or set NAMETYPE ANSI.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you specified a partially qualified name when NAMETYPE was not set to ANSI.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Set NAMETYPE ANSI or fully qualify the name.
5.190. SQL 3207
Value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS must be zero.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, you specified the optional DYNAMIC RESULT SETS clause with nonzero value.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the clause or use the value zero, and then resubmit.
5.191. SQL 3208
UNSIGNED numeric is not allowed for routine parameter.
Cause: In the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, one of the parameters you specified is an unsigned numeric.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the parameter specification to SIGNED.
5.192. SQL 3209
Maximum length of LONGWVARCHAR is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname longwvarchar(N)) where N >current MAX_LONG_WVARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Decrease the CREATE TABLE statement’s longwvarchar column width N or increase the current MAX_LONG_WVARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.193. SQL 3210
Minimum length of LONGWVARCHAR is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname longwvarchar(N)) where N < current MIN_LONG_WVARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Increase the CREATE TABLE statement’s longwvarchar column width N or decrease the current MIN_LONG_WVARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.194. SQL 3211
Maximum length of LONG VARBINARY is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname long varbinary(N)) where N > current MAX_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Decrease the CREATE TABLE statement’s long varbinary column width N or increase the current MAX_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.195. SQL 3212
Minimum length of LONG VARBINARY is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname long varbinary(N)) where N < current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Increase the CREATE TABLE statement’s long varbinary column width N or decrease the current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.196. SQL 3213
Maximum length of LONG VARCHAR is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname long varchar(N)) where N > current MAX_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Decrease the CREATE TABLE statement’s long varchar column width N or increase the current MAX_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.197. SQL 3214
Minimum length of LONG VARCHAR is <value>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (columnname long varchar(N) where N < current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Decrease the CREATE TABLE statement’s long varchar column width N or increase the current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.198. SQL 3215
Computed LONG VARCHAR length len1 is below minimum len2.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (c1 longvarchar, c2 long varchar,. . .cn long varchar) and the computed long varchar columns' width is below the current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Decrease the number of long varchar columns in the CREATE TABLE statement or increase the current MIN_LONG_VARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.199. SQL 3216
Computed LONG WVARCHAR length <value-1> is below minimum <value-2>.
Cause: You attempted a CREATE TABLE table name (c1 longwvarchar, c2
longwvarchar,. . . cn longwvarchar)
and the computed width for each of the
longwvarchar columns falls below the current
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reduce the number of longwvarchar columns in the CREATE TABLE statement or increase the current MIN_LONG_WVARCHAR_DEFAULT_SIZE setting and resubmit.
5.200. SQL 3217
Character set <name> is not allowed in the <function-name> function.
Cause: You specified KANJI or KSC5601 character expressions to function LOWER, LCASE, UPPER, UPSHIFT, or UCASE.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not use KANJI or KSC5601 character expressions in these functions.
5.201. SQL 3218
A table reference cannot contain DELETE or UPDATE in a CREATE VIE statement.
Cause: A create view statement was issued with a delete or update operation as a table reference.
Effect: The statement does not compile.
Recovery: Do not use delete or update in a CREATE view statement.
5.202. SQL 3220
SHOWDDL failed for object <object-name> because an SQL/MP display option was used on a {project-name} object.
Where <object-name> specifies the ANSI name of a table, view, or ALIAS.
Cause: SHOWDDL was given the display option with a Trafodion table given as an argument.
Effect: SHOWDDL does not display output.
Recovery: Reissue the command without the display option or specify an object.
5.203. SQL 3225
SHOWLABEL failed for object <object-name>. The object does not exist in the given namespace <name-space>, the object is not accessible, or the object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only {project-name} tables, views and indexes.
Where <object-name> is the specified name of an object.
Where <name-space> is either the TABLE or INDEX namespace. The default namespace for SHOWLABEL is TABLE.
Cause: SHOWLABEL was unable to find the object in the namespace namespace, the object is not accessible, or the object is unsupported. The table namespace is used as the default.
Effect: SHOWLABEL does not display output.
Recovery: Reissue the command with an object name and corresponding namespace of a valid, supported, and accessible object.
5.204. SQL 3226
SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. Object does not exist or object type is not supported. SHOWLABEL supports only {project-name} tables, views, and indexes.
Where <location-name> specifies the physical location name of a Trafodion object.
Cause: SHOWLABEL was given an invalid physical location as an argument.
Effect: SHOWLABEL does not display output.
Recovery: Reissue the command with a valid location name.
5.205. SQL 3228
SHOWLABEL failed for physical location name <location-name>. SHOWLABEL supports only the data forks of {project-name} tables, views, and indexes.
Where <location-name> specifies the physical location name of a Trafodion object.
Cause: SHOWLABEL supports only the physical names of data forks of Trafodion objects (physical location names that end in "00"). SHOWLABEL does not support resource forks.
Effect: SHOWLABEL does not display output.
Recovery: Reissue the command with a valid location name.
5.206. SQL 3229
SHOWLABEL failed for object <name>. SHOWLABEL does not support synonyms.
Cause: The requested operation is not allowed on synonyms.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Try the command using the reference object name.
5.207. SQL 3230
The synonym must be defined in the same catalog as the specified table or view.
Cause: You specified a synonym that has a different catalog than the object.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the synonym and the object have the same catalog and schema values.
5.208. SQL 3400
Invalid code point value for character set <name>.
Cause: There is an undefined character in the character set.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the invalid character and resubmit.
5.209. SQL 3401
Hexadecimal representation of string literals associated with character set <name> is not supported.
Cause: You used a hexadecimal format to represent a character string that is not supported by Trafodion.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not use a hexadecimal format for the character set you specified.
5.210. SQL 3402
The format of the <value> hexadecimal string literal is not valid.
Cause: You either used illegal hexadecimal digits, supplied an odd number of hexadecimal digits, or misplaced space separators.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Specify the string in the correct hexadecimal format and resubmit.
5.211. SQL 3403
Function <name-1> does not take an operand with character set <name-2>.
Cause: You specified a character operand with a character set that the function does not support.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Do not use the character operand with that character set in the function.
5.212. SQL 3404
Character set <name>, to which SQL_TEXT is aliased, is not allowed for a SQL module.
Cause: You specified SQL_TEXT as the module character name set. SQL_TEXT is synonymous with UCS2, which is not supported.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Replace SQL_TEXT with ISO88591 and resubmit.
5.213. SQL 3405
A logical partition name cannot be specified in the LOCATION clause of the CREATE statement of this object.
Cause: You cannot specify the logical partition name in the LOCATION clause of the create statement of catalog, procedure, view and materialized view object types.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove the logical partition name syntax from the LOCATION clause and resubmit.
5.214. SQL 3406
A DDL statement could not be translated into a statement consisting of single-byte characters for processing.
Cause: The DDL statement coded in unicode contains non-ISO88591 characters. Trafodion does not support arbitrary unicode characters.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Remove non-ISO88591 characters and resubmit.
5.215. SQL 3411
Expressions are not allowed as IDENTITY column values. Specify DEFAULT or supply a largeint value.
Cause: Tried to specify an expression in place of a constant largeint value or DEFAULT.
Effect: The operation failed.
Recovery: Specify DEFAULT or supply a largeint value.
5.216. SQL 3412
IDENTITY column <column-name> must be the primary key or must have a unique index on it.
Cause: Tried to INSERT a system generated value for the IDENTITY column, which does not have a unique index on it.
Effect: The operation failed.
Recovery: Create a unique index on the IDENTITY column. Note that the unique index must only be on the IDENTITY column.
5.217. SQL 3413
The NOT NULL constraint on IDENTITY column <column-name> must be NOT DROPPABLE.
Cause: Specified DROPPABLE attribute on the NOT NULL constraint on the IDENTITY column.
Effect: The operation failed.
Recovery: Specify NOT DROPPABLE attribute on the NOT NULL constraint on the IDENTITY column.
5.218. SQL 3414
For an IDENTITY column <column-name>, the tuple list cannot have mixed user specified and DEFAULT values. Specify values for all or specify DEFAULT for all.
Cause: Provided mixed user specified and DEFAULT values in a tuple list for the IDENTITY column.
Effect: The operation failed.
Recovery: Specify values for all the tuples in the list or specify DEFAULT for all the tuples in the list.
6. Optimizer Messages (6000 through 6999)
6.1. SQL 6001
DISTINCT aggregates can be computed for only one column per table expression.
Cause: You attempted to compute DISTINCT aggregates for more than one column.
Effect: DISTINCT aggregates can be computed only for one column per table expression.
Recovery: Correct syntax and resubmit.
6.2. SQL 6002
The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid values. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
Cause: You have manually modified the metadata table, and now it contains invalid values.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to complete compilation.
Recovery: Undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
6.3. SQL 6003
The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid boundary value <value> for column <name>. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
Cause: You have manually modified the metadata table, and now it contains an invalid boundary value.
Effect: The Trafodion database uses default histograms to compile the query. This is a warning message.
Recovery: Undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS.
6.4. SQL 6007
Multi-column statistics for columns <names> from table <name> were not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
Cause: Statistics are not available for the multicolumn join you are performing.
This message appears when the user has not updated statistics for column <names> and when the row count in table <name> is more than the value of the defaults table constant HIST_ROWCOUNT_REQUIRING_STATS. If you want to suppress this message, set that value to a very large number, and you will see this message only for tables with more rows than that, and for which there are no updated statistics.
Effect: None. This is a warning message.
Recovery: None.
6.5. SQL 6008
Statistics for column <name> were not available. As a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible.
Cause: Statistics are not available for the statement you specified.
This message appears when the user has not updated statistics for column <name> and when the ROWCOUNT in the table is more than the value of the defaults table constant HIST_ROWCOUNT_REQUIRING_STATS. If you want to suppress this message, set that value to a very large number, and you will see this message only for tables with more rows than that, and for which there are no updated statistics.
Effect: None. This is a warning message.
Recovery: None.
7. Generator Messages (7000 through 7999)
7.1. SQL 7001
Default value <value> is not valid for column <name>.
Cause: You attempted to create a table with an invalid default <value> for column <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
7.2. SQL 7003
A plan using cluster sampling could not be produced for this query.
Cause: You can use cluster sampling in a query only on a base table result set and only if there is no WHERE clause in the SELECT statement. This query does not satisfy these conditions.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to compile the query.
Recovery: Rewrite the query (for example, using nested queries) so that cluster sampling is performed on a base table with no WHERE-clause predicate.
8. Executor Messages (8000 through 8999)
8.1. SQL 8006
The stream timed out, but the cursor is still open.
Cause: A cursor is still open although its stream timed out.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Close the cursor before trying to open it.
8.2. SQL 8007
The operation has been canceled.
Cause: You pressed the break key.
Effect: The operation stops.
Recovery: None.
8.3. SQL 8012
Encoding of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULTs: <encoding>.
Cause: Trafodion displays an internal CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT encoding.
Effect: None.
Recovery: This is an informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
8.4. SQL 8016
An attempt was made to access <name> which has a system version that is incompatible with the version of the accessing software.
Cause: You attempted to access a system version that is incompatible with the version of the accessing software.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: The system you are trying to access must be on a system version that is compatible with your accessing software. Upgrade that system.
8.5. SQL 8017
Explain information is not available for this query.
Cause: The explain default has been turned off for this query.
Effect: Trafodion is not able to display explain information.
Recovery: Turn the explain default on for this query.
8.6. SQL 8101
The operation is prevented by check constraint <name-1> on table <name-2>.
Where constraint <name-1> is the name of the constraint.
Where table <name-2> is the name of the table.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on table <name-1> that is prevented by check constraint <name-2>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the data you are attempting to enter to be consistent with the constraint.
8.7. SQL 8102
The operation is prevented by a unique constraint.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation that is prevented by a unique constraint.
Effect: Trafodion could not perform the operation.
Recovery: Make the data you enter unique to be consistent with the constraint.
8.8. SQL 8103
The operation is prevented by referential integrity constraint <name-1> on table <name-2>.
Where <name-1> is the name of the constraint.
Where <name-2> is the name of the table.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on table <name-1> that is prevented by referential integrity constraint <name-2>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the data you are attempting to enter to be consistent with the constraint. The data must exist in another table. For example, if you are trying to enter a department number for an employee, the department number must exist in a department number table.
8.9. SQL 8104
The operation is prevented by the check on view <name-1> cascaded from the check option on <name-2>.
Where view <name-1> is the name of the view.
Where <name-2> is the name of the table.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on table <name-1>. The operation has been prevented by the check on view <name-2>, cascaded from the check option on the table.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Change the view properties, if appropriate.
8.10. SQL 8105
The operation is prevented by the check option on view <name>.
Where <name> is the name of the view.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on table name that is prevented by the check option on view <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Insert into the base table rather than this view.
8.11. SQL 8302
All partitions of <type> <object> are unavailable.
Where <type> is the type of the affected object, such as table.
Where <object> is the fully qualified ANSI name of the affected object.
Cause: Late name resolution could not resolve the ANSI name to an available partition.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Determine why none of the partitions were available, then correct the error and resubmit.
8.12. SQL 8553
Stream overflow; subscription rate has fallen too far behind publishing rate.
Cause: The table used by the streaming cursor has overflowed.
Effect: The cursor or statement is closed.
Recovery: Reopen the statement or cursor and resume subscribing.
8.13. SQL 8573
8573 The user does not have <level> privilege on table or view <name>.
Where <level> is the user privilege level.
Where <name> is the name of the object.
Cause: You attempted to perform an operation on object <name>, for which you do not have a sufficient privilege <level>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Have the system administrator change your privilege level, if appropriate.
8.14. SQL 8576
Statement was recompiled.
Cause: Trafodion recompiled the statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Recompile the program.
8.15. SQL 8577
Table, index or view <name> was not found.
Where <name> is the name of the object.
Cause: Trafodion could not find the object <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify the location of the object and resubmit.
8.16. SQL 8578
Similarity check passed.
Cause: The similarity check passed.
Effect: None.
Recovery: Informational message only; no corrective action is needed.
8.17. SQL 8579
Similarity check failed: <name>
Cause: The similarity check failed.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
8.18. SQL 8604
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <number> while starting a transaction.
Where <name> is the subsystem name.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Transaction subsystem <name> has returned error <number> while starting a transaction.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
8.19. SQL 8605
Committing a transaction which has not started.
Cause: You attempted to commit a transaction that has not been started.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the transaction is started before it is committed, and resubmit.
8.20. SQL 8606
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <number> on a commit transaction.
Where <name> is the name of the subsystem.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Transaction subsystem <name> has returned error <number> while committing a transaction.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
8.21. SQL 8607
Rolling back a transaction that has not started.
Cause: You attempted to roll back a transaction that has not started.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the sequence of events is correct, and resubmit.
8.22. SQL 8608
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <number> on rollback transaction.
Where <name> is the name of the subsystem.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Transaction subsystem <name> has returned error <number> while rolling back a transaction.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
8.23. SQL 8609
Waited rollback performed without starting a transaction.
Cause: You attempted to perform a waited rollback on a transaction that has not started.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax so that the sequence of events is correct, and resubmit.
8.24. SQL 8610
Transaction subsystem <name> reported error <number> on a waited rollback transaction.
Where <name> is the name of the subsystem.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Transaction subsystem <name> has returned error <number> while performing a waited rollback transaction. Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
8.25. SQL 8612
Transaction mode cannot be set if the transaction is already running.
Cause: You attempted to set the transaction mode, but the transaction is already running.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Abort and restart the transaction if you must change its mode.
8.26. SQL 8613
SQL cannot commit or rollback a transaction that was started by application.
Cause: An application started a transaction outside of Trafodion that Trafodion could not commit or rollback.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: The application that started the transaction must perform a commit or rollback. Trafodion must start any transactions it will later commit or rollback.
8.27. SQL 8808
Module file <name> contains corrupted or invalid data.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Cause: Trafodion has detected corrupted or invalid data in the module file <name>.
Effect: Trafodion could not execute the file.
Recovery: Recompile the .mdf file, using the Trafodion compiler, to create a valid module file.
8.28. SQL 8809
Open of the module file <name> failed with error <number>.
Where <name> is the name of the file.
Where <number> is the error number returned.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to open module file <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check the location of the module file and retry the operation.
8.29. SQL 8819
Begin transaction failed while preparing the statement.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact
8.30. SQL 8820
Transaction commit failed while closing the statement.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact
8.31. SQL 8821
Rollback transaction failed during the process of fetching the statement.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact
8.32. SQL 8824
The input <module-id> does not have a module name.
Cause: A module name was not passed into the module ID structure that was passed in.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make sure a module name is passed into the module ID structure.
8.33. SQL 8826
The module could not be added.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact
8.34. SQL 8827
The request <name> could not be sent.
Where <name> is the name of the request.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to send request <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Use the errors that accompany this one to diagnose and correct the problem.
8.35. SQL 8832
Transaction has not been started.
Cause: A transaction has not been started.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that the transaction has been started or start it if it has not been.
8.36. SQL 8833
The input parameter is an invalid SQL transaction command.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. Contact
8.37. SQL 8834
The SQL installation directory could not be found. Operating system error <number>.
Where <number> is the error number.
Cause: Trafodion was unable to find the Trafodion installation directory and received an operating system error <number>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Locate the Trafodion installation directory, correct your syntax, and resubmit.
8.38. SQL 8836
Application specified an invalid update column for cursor.
Cause: There is an error in the program that this code is embedded in. The build might not have completed correctly.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that the build was successful and resubmit.
8.39. SQL 8837
The user id passed in is invalid.
Cause: The value of the user ID passed in is not valid.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make sure that the user ID of the form group id | name, user id | user name
and that the password is valid and exists on the current system.
8.40. SQL 8840
Object name provided to CLI is not valid.
Cause: The object named provided to CLI is invalid
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the object name and resubmit.
8.41. SQL 8841
User application committed or aborted a transaction started by SQL. This transaction needs to be committed or aborted by calling SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK WORK.
Cause: Trafodion started a transaction that was committed or aborted by an embedded program, rather than by Trafodion.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Commit or abort the transaction by calling SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACKWORK.
8.42. SQL 8842
The cursor, <name>, referenced by this statement is not found or is not updatable.
Where <name> is the name of the cursor.
Cause: There is an error in the program that this code is embedded in. The build might not have completed successfully.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that the build was successful and resubmit.
8.43. SQL 8846
An empty SQL statement was passed in.
Cause: The SQL source statement passed to the compiler to do the prepare was empty.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: You must pass in a valid SQL source statement.
8.44. SQL 8850
The table specified in this cursor update or delete statement is different than the table specified in the declare cursor statement.
Cause: The table specified in the update or DELETE statement is not the same as the one specified in the declare cursor statement, as is required.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
8.45. SQL 8860
Module file <name> has an obsolete module header.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete module header.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.46. SQL 8861
Module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor location table header.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete table header.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.47. SQL 8862
Module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor location table entry.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor location table entry.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.48. SQL 8863
Module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor header.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor header.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.49. SQL 8864
Module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor entry.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete descriptor entry.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.50. SQL 8865
Module file <name> has an obsolete procedure location table header.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete procedure location table header.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.51. SQL 8866
Module file <name> has an obsolete procedure location table entry.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: The module file <name> has an obsolete procedure location table entry.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.52. SQL 8867
An error while reading from file <name>.
Where <name> is the file name.
Cause: Trafodion encountered an error while reading the module file <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Rebuild the module file and resubmit.
8.53. SQL 8882
Containing SQL is not permitted.
Cause: A stored procedure registered with the NO SQL attribute attempted to access Trafodion.
Effect: The corresponding SQL request is rejected.
Recovery: Either change the definition of the stored procedure to allow SQL access, or determine why the stored procedure contains Trafodion statements that might be called while the stored procedure is executing.
8.54. SQL 8888
The underlying insert, update, or delete operation of cursor <cursor-name> is still in progress. Since the cursor is being closed before the operation is complete, all affected rows will be rolled back.
<cursor-name> is the cursor being closed.
Cause: A cursor with an underlying insert, delete, or update operation was closed before the operation was complete.
Effect: The cursor was closed but all rows affected by opening this cursor have been rolled back.
Recovery: OPEN the cursor again and FETCH all rows until SQLCODE = 100 is returned.
8.55. SQL 8890
The SQL compiler failed to initialize properly. Query results may differ from what is expected, due to different compiler defaults.
Cause: The Trafodion compiler failed to correctly initialize.
Effect: Query results might be affected.
Recovery: Stop the Trafodion and restart it.
8.56. SQL 8901
The MXUDR server for this statement is no longer running. The statement will be assigned a new MXUDR server if it is executed again.
Cause: During execution of a Trafodion statement, an attempt was made to contact a nonexistent Trafodion UDR server.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Retry the Trafodion statement.
8.57. SQL 8904
{project-name} did not receive a reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors while executing user-defined routines.
Cause: During execution of a Trafodion statement, the Trafodion did not receive an expected reply from the Trafodion UDR server.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Verify that the Trafodion UDR server is running. If not, the Trafodion statement will acquire a new Trafodion UDR server when it is next executed.
9. Sort Messages (9200 through 10049)
9.1. SQL 9200
UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error from statement <name>.
Cause: UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error from the Trafodion statement <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Other error messages will appear with this one, depending on what statement caused the error. Use them to diagnose and correct the problem.
9.2. SQL 9201
Unable to DROP object <name>.
Cause: UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error during a DROP of the object <name>.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Resubmit the statement. If this does not correct the problem, stop and restart Trafodion. If this does not correct the problem, contact
9.3. SQL 9202
UPDATE STATISTICS has located previously generated histograms that are not being regenerated. This may affect the plans that will be generated. Missing column lists are <column-list>.
Cause: UPDATE STATISTICS has located previously generated histograms that are not being regenerated.
Effect: Processing continues without interruption.
Recovery: Remove or replace previously generated histograms by performing either one of these two recovery actions:
Re-execute the same UPDATE STATISTICS command, but also include the <column-list> from the message.
Perform UPDATE STATISTICS FOR the table. Then re-execute UPDATE STATISTICS with the column lists in which you are interested.
9.4. SQL 9203
Column names must be unique when specified in column list: (<name>).
Cause: You specified a non unique column name in the specified column list.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
9.5. SQL 9204
Invalid option <option> specified. Value must be <range>.
Cause: You specified an invalid option for UPDATE STATISTICS. The value <range> specifies the valid range for this option.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
9.6. SQL 9205
UPDATE STATISTICS is not supported for object <name>.
Cause: You attempted to run UPDATE STATISTICS against an object that is not supported.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Correct the syntax and resubmit.
9.7. SQL 9206
You are not authorized to read/write object <name>. Verify that you have the necessary access privileges.
Cause: Trafodion could not perform an UPDATE STATISTICS statement because you are not authorized to perform this operation against this table. You must either own the object <name> or be the super ID.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Resubmit after checking the table location and access privileges.
9.8. SQL 9207
The specified SAMPLE option generated an empty sample set. Modify the SAMPLE option and resubmit.
Cause: The SAMPLE option you specified generated an empty sample set.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Modify the SAMPLE option and resubmit.
9.9. SQL 9208
Column definitions could not be accessed.
Cause: An UPDATE STATISTICS statement was unable to access column definitions.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Resubmit the statement. If this does not correct the problem, stop and restart the Trafodion database software. If this does not correct the problem, report the entire message to
9.10. SQL 9209
Column <name> does not exist in object <name>.
Cause: You tried to access column <name>, which does not exist in object <name>.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check the column <name> and resubmit.
9.11. SQL 9210
One of the column data types is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS. You must exclude this column from the column list in UPDATE STATISTICS.
Cause: You attempted to perform UPDATE STATISTICS on a column whose data type does not support this operation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Exclude this column from the column list and resubmit.
9.12. SQL 9212
Cardinality statistics will be more accurate if you use the SET ROWCOUNT option in the SAMPLE clause.
Cause: The SET ROWCOUNT option was not used in the SAMPLE clause.
Effect: Processing continues without interruption.
Recovery: Provide SET ROWCOUNT option and resubmit for more accurate statistics.
9.13. SQL 9213
If you intend to update histogram statistics for columns, you must specify a column list in the statement.
Cause: You attempted to perform UPDATE STATISTICS and did not specify a column list.
Effect: Processing continues without interruption.
Recovery: Correct your syntax to specify the column list and resubmit.
9.14. SQL 9214
Object <name> could not be created.
Cause: UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error during a CREATE of the object <name>.
Effect: Trafodion is unable to continue processing.
Recovery: Resubmit the statement. If this does not correct the problem, stop and restart the Trafodion database software. If this does not correct the problem, report the entire message to
9.15. SQL 10007
Sort failed while writing to a scratch file with error <system-error>.
Cause: An I/O error occurred during a scratch file I/O operation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.16. SQL 10011
Sort failed while reading a scratch file with error <system-error>.
Where <system-error> is the error returned.
Cause: An I/O error occurred during a scratch file I/O operation.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.17. SQL 10013
Sort could not find any appropriate disks for overflow.
Cause: The available disks on the system are not suitable for scratch usage.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Make sure there are appropriate disks with enough space for scratch file use. Disks such as optical disks, phantom disks, and virtual disks are not considered suitable. See the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual for more information on how to influence the placement of scratch files.
9.18. SQL 10014
Sort ran out of memory while allocating an internal data structure.
Cause: An internal data structure could not be allocated because of an out of memory condition.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. This is an internal error. Contact
9.19. SQL 10015
Sort failed while calling PROCESSHANDLE_GETMINE_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.20. SQL 10016
Sort failed while calling PROCESSHANDLE_DECOMPOSE_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.21. SQL 10017
Sort failed while calling DEVICE_GETINFOBYLDEV_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.22. SQL 10018
Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FILESTART_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.23. SQL 10019
Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FILENEXT_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.24. SQL 10020
Sort failed while calling FILENAME_FINDFINISH_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.25. SQL 10021
Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFOLISTBYNAME_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.26. SQL 10022
Sort failed while calling FILE_CREATE with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.27. SQL 10023
Sort failed while calling FILE_OPEN_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact
9.28. SQL 10024
Sort failed while calling SETMODE_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact the
9.29. SQL 10027
Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFOLIST with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact the
9.30. SQL 10028
Sort failed while calling POSITION with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact the
9.31. SQL 10029
Sort failed while calling FILE_GETINFO_ with error <number>.
Cause: An error occurred while calling a system level call.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Contact the
9.32. SQL 10047
Sort Error: Wrong length read.
Cause: The length of the data returned was not what was expected.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: None. This is an internal error. Contact
9.33. SQL 10048
IO to a scratch file failed because the free space threshold was reached on all available disks.
Cause: The threshold, specified by the default SCRATCH_FREESPACE_THRESHOLD_PERCENT was reached on all available disks.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Reduce the threshold percentage and retry the query or specify a particular disk with adequate free space specifically for scratch use.
10. UDR Server and Language Manager Messages (11000 through 11399)
10.1. SQL 11108
MXUDR: Unable to allocate memory for object <object-name>.
Where <object-name> is the name of the object.
Cause: The Trafodion UDR server was not able to obtain enough memory to allocate the named object.
Effect: The request message is rejected, and the Trafodion statement fails.
Recovery: Stop and start the client process to restart a new Trafodion UDR server, and retry the stored procedure call.
10.2. SQL 11201
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Error occurred while loading Java class <class-name>.
Where <class-name> is the name of the Java class.
Cause: Initialization of the language manager failed because a required Java class could not be loaded or because a required Java method was not found.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check the installation of the Trafodion platform for Java product and the Trafodion language manager. Verify the existence of the specified class. Stop and restart the session, and retry the Trafodion statement.
10.3. SQL 11202
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Unable to initialize the Java virtual machine.
Cause: Initialization of the language manager failed during creation of the Java Virtual Machine.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Check the installation of the Trafodion platform for Java product. Stop and restart the session, and retry the Trafodion statement.
10.4. SQL 11221
Language Manager is out of memory <string>.
Cause: The language manager could not acquire enough memory to complete its work on the Trafodion statement.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Stop and restart the session and retry the Trafodion statement.
10.5. SQL 11222
The operation failed because the Java Virtual Machine ran out of memory.
Cause: The Java Virtual Machine, hosted by a Trafodion UDR server, did not have enough memory to execute a Java method. This error condition will be accompanied by another condition that shows when the Java Virtual Machine encountered the error.
Effect: The operation fails.
Recovery: Stop and restart the session and retry the Trafodion statement.
Trafodion returns SQLSTATE values that are defined in the ISO/ANSI SQL standard and implementation-defined SQLSTATE values. See Subclause 22, "Status Codes" in the ISO/ANSI SQL92 Standard "Database Language SQL."
11.1. SQLSTATE and SQLCODE Considerations
Using SQLSTATE causes performance overhead because of the representation of SQLSTATE as five characters. The overhead is most noticeable with short SQL statements and in error situations.
Mapping SQLSTATE values to SQLCODE values can result in ambiguous SQLCODE values:
SQLCODE values will often not map to a unique SQLSTATE value. For example, see the many SQLCODE values mapped to SQLSTATE 42000 in the table below.
To deal with the problem of ambiguous SQLCODE values, we recommends retrieving the error message text or the SQLCODE value in addition to the SQLSTATE.
SQLSTATE values for some Trafodion error and warning messages might be subject to change:
In the future, Trafodion might return different SQLSTATE values for error conditions than it does now.
In the future, the Trafodion error handling might use a different error path, and therefore return a slightly different SQLCODE and implementation defined SQLSTATE value for an error.
11.2. SQLSTATE Values
The table below is a list of returned SQLSTATE values ordered by SQLSTATE. SQLSTATE values are provided for both warning messages (positive SQLCODE numbers) and error messages (negative SQLCODE numbers).
00000 |
0 |
Successful completion |
01001 |
8106 |
The last row fetched by this cursor was updated or deleted between the FETCH and UPDATE/DELETE. . .WHERE CURRENT. . . of statements. |
01004 |
8402 |
A string overflow occurred during the evaluation of a character expression. |
01006 |
1015 |
Some of the specified privileges could not be revoked. |
01007 |
1012 |
No privileges were granted. You lack grant option on the specified privileges. |
01007 |
1013 |
Not all privileges were granted. You lack grant option on some of the specified privileges. |
01500 |
1000 |
A syntax error occurred. |
01501 |
1001 |
An internal error occurred in module <name> on line <num>. DETAILS(<details>). |
01502 |
1002 |
Catalog <catalog> does not exist, or has not been registered on node <node> |
01503 |
1003 |
Schema <schema> does not exist. |
01504 |
1004 |
Table, view, or stored procedure <object-name> does not exist or object type is invalid for the current operation. |
01505 |
1005 |
Constraint <constraint-name> does not exist. |
01506 |
1006 |
Index <index-name> does not exist. |
01508 |
1008 |
User name <user-name> does not exist. |
01509 |
1009 |
Column <column-name> does not exist in the specified table. |
0150A |
1010 |
The statement just specified is currently not supported. |
0150E |
1014 |
Privileges were not revoked. Dependent privilege descriptors still exist. |
0150G |
1016 |
Redundant references to column <column-name> were specified in the constraint or trigger definition. |
0150H |
1017 |
You are not authorized to perform this operation. |
0150J |
1019 |
No valid primary partition for <table-name> could be found. |
0150K |
1020 |
Privilege settings on metadata tables cannot be changed. |
0150L |
1021 |
SQL is already initialized on system <node-name>. |
0150M |
1022 |
Schema <schema-name> already exists. |
0150N |
1023 |
Only the super ID can name an authorization ID other than the current user name. |
0150O |
1024 |
File system error <error-number> occurred on module <text-string-1>. <text-string-2>. |
0150P |
1025 |
Request failed. One or more dependent objects exist. |
0150Q |
1026 |
Only the schema owner or super ID user can drop a schema. |
0150R |
1027 |
The definition <schema-name> is dropped when its catalog is dropped. |
0150S |
1028 |
The schema must be empty. It contains at least one object <object-name>. |
0150T |
1029 |
Object <object-name> could not be created. |
0150U |
1030 |
File label <name> could not be accessed. File System error <error>. |
0150V |
1031 |
Object <object-name> could not be dropped. |
0150Y |
1034 |
Trafodion was not able to initialize. |
0150Z |
1035 |
Catalog <catalog-name> already exists |
01510 |
1036 |
Only super ID can execute DROP SQL. |
01511 |
1037 |
Trafodion is not installed on system <node>. |
01512 |
1038 |
Not all catalogs have been dropped from the system. |
01513 |
1039 |
The drop SQL statement could not be executed. |
01514 |
1040 |
The use of ALTER on metadata tables is not permitted. |
01515 |
1041 |
The primary key has already been defined. |
01516 |
1042 |
All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL. |
01517 |
1043 |
Constraint <constraint-name> already exists. |
01518 |
1044 |
Constraint <constraint-name> could not be created because the referenced columns in the referenced table are not part of a unique constraint. |
01519 |
1045 |
The unique constraint cannot be used because it is deferrable. |
0151A |
1046 |
Referenced and referencing column lists do not match for constraint <name>. |
0151B |
1047 |
Request failed. Dependent view <view-name> exists. |
0151C |
1048 |
Currently only supporting restrict drop behavior. |
0151D |
1049 |
Attempting to drop a NOT DROPPABLE constraint. |
0151E |
1050 |
Cannot drop constraint used as a referenced object for a foreign key. |
0151F |
1051 |
Insufficient privilege on <table-name>. |
0151G |
1052 |
Trying to drop a constraint that does not belong to requested table. |
0151H |
1053 |
Unique index <table-name> could not be created because the column(s) specified contain duplicate data. |
0151I |
1054 |
Index <table-name> already exists. |
0151J |
1055 |
Table, view, or stored procedure <table-name> already exists. |
0151L |
1057 |
The DAM volume specified (<name>) is not available or is not audit protected. |
0151M |
1058 |
Lock <table-name> already exists. |
0151N |
1059 |
Request failed. Dependent constraint <name> exists. |
0151P |
1061 |
Cannot drop metadata catalog <name>. |
0151Q |
1062 |
Cannot drop metadata schema <name>. |
0151R |
1063 |
Cannot drop metadata index <table-name>. |
0151S |
1064 |
Cannot drop metadata view <table-name>. |
0151T |
1065 |
Cannot create constraint <name> in metadata schema. |
0151U |
1066 |
Cannot create index <table-name> in metadata schema. |
0151X |
1069 |
Unable to drop schema <name>. |
0151Y |
1070 |
Unable to create object <table-name> (file error <num>). |
0151Z |
1071 |
Unable to access object <table-name> (file error <num>). |
01520 |
1072 |
Unique constraint <name> is disabled; cannot create foreign key constraint <name>. |
01521 |
1073 |
Only the super ID user can execute INITIALIZE SQL. |
01523 |
1075 |
Catalog <name> contains at least one schema. The catalog must be empty. |
01525 |
1077 |
Metadata table <name> does not contain information for view <name>. |
01526 |
1078 |
The format of the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
01527 |
1079 |
Unable to prepare the statement. |
01528 |
1080 |
Duplicate references to column <name> in the create request. |
01529 |
1081 |
Loading of index <table-name> failed unexpectedly. |
0152A |
1082 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed unexpectedly. |
0152B |
1083 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed; incompatible data exists in table. |
0152C |
1084 |
Invalid default value for column <name>. |
0152D |
1085 |
The calculated key length is greater than 255 bytes. |
0152E |
1086 |
Lock <table-name> does not exist. |
0152F |
1087 |
Lock cannot be granted, conflicting operation is in progress. |
0152G |
1088 |
Cannot instantiate object <table-name>, conflicting lock exists. |
0152I |
1090 |
Self-referencing constraints are currently not supported. |
0152M |
1094 |
Unable to drop object <table-name> because it is not a <name>. |
0152N |
1095 |
The partition by column <name> should also be part of the clustering/storage key. |
0152Q |
1098 |
Duplicate partition key (<name>) specified for object <name>. |
0152R |
1099 |
Column <num> is unnamed. You must specify an AS clause for that column expression, or name all the columns by specifying a view column list. |
0152S |
1100 |
Unable to select <> |
0152T |
1101 |
Unable to update <> |
0152U |
1102 |
Unable to insert rows into <> |
0152V |
1103 |
Unable to delete rows from <> |
0152W |
1104 |
Default value string too long for column <name>. |
0152X |
1105 |
CREATE TABLE LIKE statement cannot contain both HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS and STORE BY clauses. |
0152Y |
1106 |
The specified partition <name> of object <name> does not exist. |
01530 |
1108 |
The number of columns specified in the view column list, <num>, does not match the degree of the query expression, <num>. |
01531 |
1109 |
The WITH CHECK OPTION clause appears in the definition of view <table-name>, but the view is not updateable. |
01533 |
1111 |
Error starting transaction. Table name <name> |
01536 |
1114 |
Unable to create catalog <name> metadata tables on <name>. |
01537 |
1115 |
Unable to create label for <name> (file error <num>) <text>. |
01538 |
1116 |
The current partitioning scheme requires a user-specified primary key on object <name>. |
01539 |
1117 |
Cannot drop the only partition of the table. There must be at least two partitions available to perform the drop. |
0153A |
1118 |
Cannot create object <name> in metadata schema. |
0153B |
1119 |
Cannot drop metadata object <name>. |
0153C |
1120 |
Attempting to change the audit flags for a table in an unsupported way. |
0153D |
1121 |
Attempting to perform a partition add, move, or drop on table <name>. Partition operations are not allowed on tables with vertical partitions, entry sequenced operations, and SYSKEY only partitioned tables. |
0153E |
1122 |
The number of specified partition key values (<name>) for object <name> exceeds the number of key columns used, <num>. |
0153F |
1123 |
Unable to process the partition key values (<name>) for object <name>. Please verify that the correct key value data types were specified. |
0153G |
1124 |
Schema <name> is an unknown version. |
0153H |
1125 |
API request version number mismatch. |
0153I |
1126 |
Referential integrity is not yet supported. Constraint <name> will not be enforced. |
0153J |
1127 |
The specified table <name> is not a base table. Please verify that the correct table was specified. |
0153K |
1128 |
Invalid API request. Details: <text>. |
0153M |
1130 |
The column requires a default value. |
0153O |
1132 |
An added column cannot have both DEFAULT NULL and NOT NULL. |
0153P |
1133 |
Only the super ID can perform this operation. |
0153Q |
1134 |
Concurrent DDL operations are being performed on the given object. The current operation cannot be performed. |
0153R |
1135 |
Clustering key column <name> must be assigned a NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE constraint. |
0153S |
1136 |
For an added column, the PRIMARY KEY clause cannot be NOT DROPPABLE. |
0153T |
1137 |
Invalid index status. Details: <text>. |
0153U |
1138 |
Invalid input parameter(s). Object name and status are required. |
0153V |
1139 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in the search condition of a check constraint definition. |
0153W |
1140 |
Row-length <num> exceeds the maximum allowed row-length of <num> for table <name>. |
0153X |
1141 |
Could not obtain an up-and-audited DAM volume. Please check your system configuration. |
0153Y |
1142 |
Attempting to add a column with a NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint defined. This is not supported for a non-audited table. |
0153Z |
1143 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed; incompatible data exists in referencing base table <name> and referenced base table <name>. To display the data violating the constraint, please use the following DML statement: <text> |
01540 |
1144 |
Expected a quoted string in first key clause for column <name> on table <name>, value detected is (<num>). |
01541 |
1145 |
The catalog name <name> is reserved for the Trafodion metadata. |
01542 |
1146 |
Unable to alter object <name> because it is not a <name>. |
01543 |
1147 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in a unique or primary key constraint definition. |
01544 |
1148 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in a referential integrity constraint definition. |
01551 |
1181 |
Unable to drop object <name> (file error <num>). |
01552 |
1182 |
Cannot instantiate constraint <name>, conflicting lock exists. |
01553 |
1183 |
Cannot instantiate module <name>, conflicting lock exists. |
01554 |
1184 |
Insufficient privilege on <name>. |
01555 |
1185 |
The location name is either invalid or missing. |
01556 |
1186 |
Column <name> is of type <type>, incompatible with the default value’s type, <type>. |
01557 |
1187 |
The schema name <name> is reserved for the Trafodion metadata. |
01558 |
1188 |
Unable to create referential integrity constraint <name> for table <name> due to circular dependency: <name>. |
01566 |
1222 |
Invalid file type <name>. |
01568 |
1224 |
Invalid data type for routine param <name>. |
01569 |
1225 |
Error on access to PROCS table. Trafodion error <integer>. |
0156A |
1226 |
Error on access to PARAMS table. Trafodion error <integer>. |
0156F |
1231 |
Unable to create user-defined routine <string>. |
01600 |
2000 |
Error messages for compiler main, IPC, and DEFAULTS table; assertions for optimizer. |
01601 |
2001 |
Error or warning <num> occurred while opening or reading from DEFAULTS table <name>. Using <name> values. |
01602 |
2002 |
Internal error: cannot create Trafodion compiler server. |
01603 |
2003 |
Internal error: cannot establish connection with MXCMP server. |
01604 |
2004 |
Internal error: error from MXCMP; cannot work on this query. |
01605 |
2005 |
Internal error: from compilation, no errors in diagnostics yet for statement: <name> |
01606 |
2006 |
Internal error: assertion failure (<name>) in file <name> at line <num>. |
01608 |
2008 |
Internal error: out of virtual memory. |
01609 |
2009 |
The user transaction must be rolled back (or committed, if that makes sense in the application) before MXCMP can be restarted and proceed. |
0160A |
2010 |
Internal IPC error. |
0160B |
2011 |
Unable to create server process. error <num> while resolving program file name <name>. |
0160C |
2012 |
Unable to create server process <name>. error <num>, TPC error = <num>, error detail = <num>. (See procedure PROCESS_LAUNCH_ for details). |
0160D |
2013 |
Unable to create server process <name>. error <num> on program file. |
0160E |
2014 |
Unable to create server process <name>. error <num> on swap file. |
0160F |
2015 |
Unable to create server process <name>. CPU is unavailable ( error <num>). |
0160G |
2016 |
Server process <name> was started but had undefined externals. |
0160H |
2017 |
Unable to create server process <name>. No more processes (PCBs) available. |
0160I |
2018 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Library conflict. |
0160J |
2019 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Unable to allocate virtual memory. |
0160K |
2020 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Unlicensed privileged program. |
0160L |
2021 |
System error <num> in <name> from <name>. |
0160M |
2022 |
System error <num> in <name> from <name>, detail <num>. |
0160N |
2023 |
Unable to create server process <name>. <name>. |
0160P |
2025 |
Unable to create server process <name>. CPU is unavailable; <text>. |
0160R |
2027 |
Error <num> while sending a startup message to process <name>. |
0160S |
2028 |
Unable to create OSS server process <name>. Insufficient resources. |
0160T |
2029 |
Unable to create OSS server process <name>. OSS is not running. |
0160X |
2033 |
<text>: error <num> while communicating with process <name>. |
0160Y |
2034 |
<text>: error <num> while communicating with server process <name>. |
0160Z |
2035 |
<text>: Unable to open process <name> (err no = <num>). |
01611 |
2037 |
<receiving-process>: A message from process <sending-process> was incorrectly formatted and could not be processed. |
0161E |
2050 |
<name> is not the name of any DEFAULTS table attribute. |
0161F |
2051 |
Invalid <name> option <name> or value '<num>'. |
0161G |
2052 |
Optimizer internal counters: <name> <name> <name> <name>. |
0161H |
2053 |
ASSERTION FAILURE CAUGHT BY OPTIMIZER! Attempting to recover and produce a plan. |
0161J |
2055 |
Invalid value '<num>' for DEFAULTS attribute <name>. |
0161K |
2056 |
The value must be a number in the range <num>. |
0161L |
2057 |
The value must be a multiple of <num>. |
0161M |
2058 |
DEFAULTS attribute <name> is of type <type> but is being converted to <type>. |
0161N |
2059 |
Warnings while reading values from DEFAULTS table <name>. |
0161O |
2060 |
Procedure <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161P |
2061 |
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161Q |
2062 |
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161R |
2063 |
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161S |
2064 |
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161T |
2065 |
Statement <name> was not found in module <name>. |
0161U |
2066 |
Cursor <name> was not found in module <name>. |
0161V |
2067 |
Descriptor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0161W |
2068 |
0161X |
2069 |
A static cursor declaration might appear only in the body of a procedure. |
0161Y |
2070 |
Invalid statement type in this context. |
0161Z |
2071 |
The name <name> has already been declared or defined in this module. The previous definition, as a <name>, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
01620 |
2072 |
A simple value specification that is a literal is not yet supported. |
01621 |
2073 |
Only the super ID user can compile system module <name>. |
01622 |
2074 |
The name <name> is reserved for future system modules. |
01628 |
2080 |
Error <num> while reading file: <num> bytes were read from <name> when <num> were expected in module <name>. |
01629 |
2081 |
Error <num> while opening file <name> for read. |
0162A |
2082 |
Error <num> while opening file <name> for write. |
0162B |
2083 |
Error <num> while naming or locating file <name>. |
0162C |
2084 |
Error <num> while writing <num> bytes to file <name>. |
0162D |
2085 |
Error <num> while closing file <name>. |
0162E |
2086 |
Unable to purge the file <name>. This file contains the results of a failed compilation and should be purged. |
0162I |
2090 |
The command line argument for module name, <name>, is being ignored in favor of module name <name> in file <name>. |
0162J |
2091 |
The required module statement was not found in file <name>. |
0162K |
2092 |
A module statement has already appeared in this file. The previous definition, <name>, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0162L |
2093 |
A module timestamp statement was not found in file <name>. |
0162M |
2094 |
A module timestamp statement has already appeared in this module. The previous timestamp is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
0162N |
2095 |
Module file <name>, expected to contain module <name>, instead contains <name>. |
0162Q |
2098 |
The <name> compilation completed with <num> warnings. |
0162R |
2099 |
The <name> compilation failed with <num> errors and <num> warnings. |
0162S |
2100 |
Break was received. The compilation has been aborted. |
0162T |
2101 |
Compilation failure due to internal error. |
0162U |
2102 |
Unable to compile this query with 'MINIMUM' optimization level. Suggestion: Retry with 'MEDIUM' optimization level. |
0162V |
2103 |
Unable to compile this query for one/both of the following reasons: a) Use of 'MINIMUM' optimization level, or b) Incompatible Control Query Shape specifications. |
0162W |
2104 |
Unable to compile this query for one of two reasons: a) Incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications, or b) 'MEDIUM' optimization level is not sufficient to satisfy the CQS in effect. |
0162X |
2105 |
Unable to compile this query because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Suggestion: Inspect the CQS in effect. |
0162Y |
2106 |
Unable to compile this statement since it is too long. Suggestion: Break up large statements into smaller pieces. |
0162Z |
2107 |
Unable to compile this statement. Suggestion: Address the issue(s) raised in the reported warning(s). |
01630 |
2108 |
Statement was compiled as if query plan caching were off. |
0165K |
2200 |
DEFAULTS attribute <name> is read-only. |
016P0 |
2900 |
in file <name> at line <num>: |
01700 |
3000 |
An internal error occurred in module <name> on line <number>. DETAILS (<detailed-text>). |
01701 |
3001 |
Syntax error at or before <SQL-text>. |
01702 |
3002 |
<name> is not a valid column reference; it has more than 4 name parts. |
01703 |
3003 |
Length or precision must be greater than zero. |
01704 |
3004 |
A delimited identifier must contain at least one non-blank character. |
01705 |
3005 |
A DECLARE CURSOR statement cannot dynamically get its cursor name from a host variable while also statically declaring a cursor specification. A dynamic cursor requires the name of a previously prepared statement, or a host variable containing such a name; a static cursor requires a fixed, static name. |
01706 |
3006 |
In a dynamic cursor declaration both the cursor and the statement must be named in the same way: both must be literals or both must be string host variable expressions. |
01707 |
3007 |
In an ALLOCATE CURSOR statement both the cursor and the statement must be named using string host variables. |
01708 |
3008 |
Precision of <type> UNSIGNED data type, <value>, cannot exceed 9. |
01709 |
3009 |
DROP ASSERTION statement is not yet supported. |
0170A |
3010 |
Character set <name> is not yet supported. |
0170B |
3011 |
<name> is not a valid qualified name; it has more than 3 name parts. |
0170C |
3012 |
COUNT is the only aggregate function that accepts (\*) as an operand. |
0170D |
3013 |
Subtraction is the only operation allowed in the parenthesized expression preceding an interval qualifier. |
0170E |
3014 |
Precision of numeric, <value>, cannot exceed 18. |
0170F |
3015 |
Scale <value> cannot exceed precision <value>. |
0170G |
3016 |
Precision of decimal, <value>, cannot exceed 18. |
0170H |
3017 |
Expected an unsigned integer, not <value>. |
0170I |
3018 |
Expected an unsigned smallint, not <value>. |
0170J |
3019 |
Expected an unsigned number within the parentheses, not <value>. |
0170K |
3020 |
Expected an unsigned number as the first operand within the parentheses, not <value>. |
0170L |
3021 |
Expected an unsigned number as the second operand within the parentheses, not <value>. |
0170M |
3022 |
The <name> operator is not yet supported. |
0170N |
3023 |
The COLLATE clause in a sort specification is not yet supported. |
0170O |
3024 |
The MATCH PARTIAL clause is not yet supported. |
0170P |
3025 |
The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD. |
0170Q |
3026 |
A comma must be used to separate file attributes. |
0170R |
3027 |
<name> is not a valid simple name; it has more than one name part. |
0170S |
3028 |
Specifying a privilege column list in the INSERT clause is not yet supported. |
0170T |
3029 |
<name> is not yet supported in referential integrity constraint definition. |
0170U |
3030 |
The PARALLEL EXECUTION clause is not yet supported. |
0170V |
3031 |
CASCADE drop behavior is not yet supported. |
0170W |
3032 |
The COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0170X |
3033 |
The MOVE clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0170Y |
3034 |
The PARTITION clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0170Z |
3035 |
The RENAME clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
01710 |
3036 |
The SET CONSTRAINT clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
01711 |
3037 |
Precision of type <data-type> cannot exceed 18. |
01712 |
3038 |
PIC X types cannot have leading signs, or any signs at all. |
01713 |
3039 |
PIC X types do not have any COMP representation. |
01714 |
3040 |
Precision zero is invalid. Add a '9' to the PICTURE clause. |
01715 |
3041 |
UNSIGNED is invalid for a numeric or decimal type with a scale greater than 9. |
01716 |
3042 |
UPSHIFT for a numeric type is invalid. |
01717 |
3043 |
Precision greater than 18 for a COMP numeric type is invalid. |
01718 |
3044 |
Invalid interval <value>. |
01719 |
3045 |
Invalid date <value>. |
0171A |
3046 |
Invalid time <value>. |
0171B |
3047 |
Invalid timestamp <timestamp. |
0171C |
3048 |
Dynamic parameters, such as <name>, are not allowed in a static compilation. |
0171D |
3049 |
Host variables, such as <name>, are not allowed in a dynamic compilation. |
0171E |
3050 |
The constraint must have the same catalog and schema as the specified table. |
0171F |
3051 |
Duplicate HEADING clauses in column definition <name>. |
0171G |
3052 |
Duplicate NOT NULL clauses in column definition <name>. |
0171H |
3053 |
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses in column definition <name>. |
0171I |
3054 |
The NOT DROPPABLE clause is allowed only in PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraint definitions. |
0171J |
3055 |
Duplicate DELETE rules specified. |
0171K |
3056 |
Duplicate UPDATE rules specified. |
0171L |
3057 |
Invalid size value in the ALLOCATE clause. |
0171M |
3058 |
The BLOCKSIZE value must be 4096. |
0171N |
3059 |
Invalid size value in the MAXSIZE clause. |
0171O |
3060 |
Invalid percentage value in the DSLACK clause. |
0171P |
3061 |
The format of the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
0171Q |
3062 |
Duplicate MAXSIZE clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
0171R |
3063 |
Duplicate DSLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
0171S |
3064 |
Duplicate ISLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
0171T |
3065 |
The primary key constraint cannot be droppable when the STORE BY PRIMARY KEY clause appears in a table definition. |
0171V |
3067 |
0171W |
3068 |
The ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE clauses cannot coexist in the same ALTER INDEX statement. |
0171Y |
3070 |
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not supported. |
0171Z |
3071 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses. |
01720 |
3072 |
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
01721 |
3073 |
Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses. |
01722 |
3074 |
Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses. |
01723 |
3075 |
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
01724 |
3076 |
Duplicate DEALLOCATE clauses. |
01725 |
3077 |
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
01726 |
3078 |
The LOCKLENGTH clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
01727 |
3079 |
Duplicate MAXSIZE clauses. |
01728 |
3080 |
The [NO]SERIALWRITES clause is not supported. |
01729 |
3081 |
Duplicate ALLOCATE clauses. |
0172A |
3082 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDIT clauses. |
0172B |
3083 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses. |
0172C |
3084 |
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
0172D |
3085 |
Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses. |
0172E |
3086 |
Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses. |
0172F |
3087 |
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
0172G |
3088 |
The ALLOCATE AND DEALLOCATE cannot coexist in the same ALTER TABLE statement. |
0172H |
3089 |
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
0172I |
3090 |
Duplicate LOCKLENGTH clauses. |
0172J |
3091 |
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements. |
0172K |
3092 |
Duplicate BLOCKSIZE clauses. |
0172L |
3093 |
Duplicate DCOMPRESS clauses. |
0172M |
3094 |
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements. |
0172N |
3095 |
Duplicate [NO]ICOMPRESS clauses. |
0172O |
3096 |
Duplicate [NO]SERIALWRITES clauses. |
0172P |
3097 |
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TABLE statements. |
0172Q |
3098 |
Duplicate LOCATION clauses. |
0172R |
3099 |
Duplicate FILE ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses. |
0172S |
3100 |
Duplicate DSLACK clauses. |
0172T |
3101 |
Duplicate ISLACK clauses. |
0172U |
3102 |
Duplicate PARALLEL EXECUTION clauses. |
0172V |
3103 |
Duplicate PARTITION clauses. |
0172W |
3104 |
Only the ADD option is allowed in a PARTITION clause in a CREATE TABLE statement. |
0172X |
3105 |
Currently only range, hash and system partitioning are supported. |
0172Y |
3106 |
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses. |
0172Z |
3107 |
Duplicate LIKE clauses. |
01730 |
3108 |
The LIKE clause and STORE BY clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
01731 |
3109 |
Duplicate STORE BY clauses. |
01732 |
3110 |
The LIKE clause and ATTRIBUTE(S) clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
01733 |
3111 |
The LIKE clause and LOCATION clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
01734 |
3112 |
The LIKE clause and PARTITION clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
01735 |
3113 |
Error in CONTROL statement: <error> |
01736 |
3114 |
Transaction access mode READ WRITE is incompatible with isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED. |
01737 |
3115 |
Duplicate ISOLATION LEVEL clause specified. |
01738 |
3116 |
Duplicate transaction access mode clause specified. |
01739 |
3117 |
Duplicate DIAGNOSTICS SIZE specified. |
0173A |
3118 |
Identifier too long. |
0173B |
3119 |
The WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause is not supported. |
0173C |
3120 |
The CREATE ASSERTION statement is not yet supported. |
0173D |
3121 |
Partitioned entry-sequenced tables are not yet supported. |
0173E |
3122 |
The format of the system name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
0173F |
3123 |
The format of the file name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. The file name part must be eight characters long and end with the digits 00. |
0173J |
3127 |
Invalid character in identifier <name>. |
0173K |
3128 |
<object-name> is a reserved word. It must be delimited by double-quotes to be used as an identifier. |
0173L |
3129 |
Function <name> accepts exactly one operand. |
0173M |
3130 |
UNSIGNED option is not supported for LARGEINT type. |
0173N |
3131 |
The statement just specified is currently not supported. |
0173O |
3132 |
The HEADING for column <name> exceeds the maximum size of 128 characters. |
0173P |
3133 |
PERFORM is valid only in COBOL programs. |
0173Q |
3134 |
Precision of time or timeStamp, <value>, cannot exceed 6. |
0173R |
3135 |
Precision of float, <value>, cannot exceed 54. |
0173S |
3136 |
Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in {oj . . .} |
0173T |
3137 |
UNION JOIN is not yet supported. |
0173U |
3138 |
A key-sequenced table with range partitioning requires a FIRST KEY clause. |
0173V |
3139 |
A range-partitioned index requires a FIRST KEY clause. |
0173W |
3140 |
The isolation level cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement. |
0173X |
3141 |
The transaction access mode cannot be READ ONLY for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement. |
0173Y |
3142 |
INTO clause host variables are not allowed in a static cursor. |
0173Z |
3143 |
BROWSE or READ UNCOMMITTED access is not allowed on a table value constructor. |
01741 |
3145 |
Positioned UPDATE or DELETE is allowed only in embedded SQL. |
01743 |
3147 |
In an IN predicate whose right operand is a value list, the left operand must be scalar (degree of one). |
01744 |
3148 |
Environment variable <name> is being ignored because this version of the code is Release, not Debug. Actual query results will likely not match expected results. |
01745 |
3149 |
Duplicate WITH CONSTRAINTS phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
01746 |
3150 |
Duplicate WITH HEADING phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
01747 |
3151 |
Duplicate WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
01749 |
3153 |
The FIRST KEY clause is not allowed with hash partitioning. |
0174B |
3155 |
The POPULATE and NO POPULATE clauses cannot coexist in the same CREATE INDEX statement. |
0174D |
3157 |
Catalog name is required. |
0174E |
3158 |
Invalid DATETIME <name>. |
0174F |
3159 |
If you intended <name> to be a character set specifier for a character string literal, you must remove the spaces in front of the single quote delimiter. |
0174G |
3160 |
<name> was declared more than once in the procedure parameter list. |
0174H |
3161 |
<name> was not declared in the procedure parameter list. |
0174I |
3162 |
Procedure parameter <name> was not used. |
0174J |
3163 |
Host variable <name> appears more than once in the INTO list. Execution results will be undefined. |
0174K |
3164 |
Data type mismatch between output host variable and selected value. |
0174L |
3165 |
Min or max precision or exponent value exceeded, <num>. |
0174M |
3166 |
Min or max value for float or double value exceeded, <num>. |
0174N |
3167 |
Duplicate [ NOT ] DROPPABLE clauses. |
0174O |
3168 |
The FOR . . . ACCESS clause is not allowed in a CREATE VIEW statement. |
0174P |
3169 |
<name> is not a known collation. |
0174R |
3171 |
Transaction statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
0174S |
3172 |
EXIT is not allowed in a compound statement. |
0174T |
3173 |
UPDATE STATISTICS is not allowed in a compound statement. |
0174U |
3174 |
DDL statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
0174V |
3175 |
Dynamic SQL statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
0174W |
3176 |
Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition. |
0174X |
3177 |
Character set <name> requires an even number of characters in the length declaration of the data type. |
0174Y |
3178 |
One or more of the following external (host-language) data types incorrectly appears within the SQL query or operation: <name>. |
0174Z |
3179 |
Collation <name> is not defined on the character set <name>. |
01750 |
3180 |
STREAM statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
01751 |
3181 |
Invalid logical name, a three part logical name is required. |
01752 |
3182 |
Extra semicolon(;) in a compound statement. |
01757 |
3187 |
Not supported: SET STREAM TIMEOUT per a specific stream. |
01759 |
3189 |
Cannot set lock timeout on a view. |
0175L |
3201 |
EXTERNAL PATH clause is required. |
0175M |
3202 |
PARAMETER STYLE clause is required. |
0175N |
3203 |
LANGUAGE clause is required. |
0175O |
3204 |
EXTERNAL NAME clause is badly formed. |
0175P |
3205 |
EXTERNAL NAME clause is required. |
0175Q |
3206 |
The name for an object of this type must be fully qualified, or set NAMETYPE ANSI. |
0175R |
3207 |
Value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS must be zero. |
0175S |
3208 |
UNSIGNED numeric is not allowed for routine parameter. |
01800 |
4000 |
Internal error in the query binder. |
01801 |
4001 |
Column <name> is not found. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
01802 |
4002 |
Column <name> is not found. Table <name> not exposed. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
01803 |
4003 |
Column <name> is not a column in table <name>, or, after a NATURAL JOIN or JOIN USING, is no longer allowed to be specified with a table correlation name. |
01804 |
4004 |
Column name <name> is ambiguous. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
01805 |
4005 |
Column reference <name> must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. |
01806 |
4006 |
Within an aggregate, all column references must come from the same scope. |
01807 |
4007 |
The select list index <num> is out of range. It must be between 1 and the number of select expressions, which in this case is <num>. |
01808 |
4008 |
A subquery is not allowed inside an aggregate function. |
01809 |
4009 |
An aggregate is not allowed inside an aggregate function. |
0180A |
4010 |
There are no columns with the correlation name <name>. |
0180B |
4011 |
Ambiguous star column reference <name>. |
0180C |
4012 |
Column reference <name> must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. On this grouped table a star reference is not allowed. |
0180D |
4013 |
Column <name> is a system column and cannot be updated or inserted into. |
0180E |
4014 |
The operands of an INTERSECT must be of equal degree. |
0180F |
4015 |
Aggregate functions placed incorrectly: <name>. |
0180G |
4016 |
The number of derived columns (<num>) must equal the degree of the derived table (<num>). |
0180H |
4017 |
Derived column name <name> was specified more than once. |
0180I |
4018 |
Rows cannot be deleted from an entry-sequenced table. |
0180J |
4019 |
The select list of a subquery in a select list must be scalar (degree of one). |
0180K |
4020 |
Arithmetic operations on row value constructors are not allowed. |
0180L |
4021 |
The select list contains a nongrouping non-aggregated column, <name>. |
0180M |
4022 |
Target column <name> was specified more than once. |
0180N |
4023 |
The degree of each row value constructor (<num>) must equal the degree of the target table column list (<num>). |
0180O |
4024 |
Column <name> has no default value, so must be explicitly specified in the insert column list. |
0180P |
4025 |
Error while preparing constraint <name> on table <name>. |
0180Q |
4026 |
Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, <name>, is not currently supported. |
0180R |
4027 |
Table <name> is not insertable. |
0180S |
4028 |
Table <name> is not updateable. |
0180U |
4030 |
Column <name> is an invalid combination of datetime fields (<num>, <num>, <num>). |
0180V |
4031 |
Column <name> is an unknown data type, <num>. |
0180W |
4032 |
Column <name> is an unknown class, <num>. It is neither a system column nor a user column. |
0180X |
4033 |
Column <name> is a primary or clustering key column and cannot be updated. |
0180Y |
4034 |
The operation (<name> <name> <name>) <name> is not allowed. |
0180Z |
4035 |
Type <name> cannot be cast to type <type>. |
01810 |
4036 |
The source field of the EXTRACT function must be of DateTime or Interval type. |
01811 |
4037 |
Field <name> cannot be extracted from a source of type <type>. |
01812 |
4038 |
The operand of an AVG or SUM function must be numeric or interval. |
01813 |
4039 |
Column <name> is of type <type>, incompatible with the value’s type, <type>. |
01814 |
4040 |
The operands of a BETWEEN predicate must be of equal degree. |
01815 |
4041 |
Type <name> cannot be compared with type <name>. |
01816 |
4042 |
The operands of a comparison predicate must be of equal degree. |
01817 |
4043 |
The operand of function <name> must be character. |
01818 |
4044 |
Collation <name> does not support the <name> predicate or function. |
01819 |
4045 |
The operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
0181A |
4046 |
The operands of function <name> must be exact numeric. |
0181B |
4047 |
The operands of function <name> must have a scale of 0. |
0181C |
4048 |
The third operand of a ternary comparison operator must be of type BOOLEAN, not <name>. |
0181D |
4049 |
A CASE expression cannot have a result data type of both <type> and <type>. |
0181E |
4050 |
The operands of the <name> predicate must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation). |
0181F |
4051 |
The first operand of function <name> must be character. |
0181G |
4052 |
The second operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
0181H |
4053 |
The third operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
0181J |
4055 |
The select lists or tuples must have comparable data types. <type> and <type> are not comparable. |
0181K |
4056 |
Exposed name <name> appears more than once. |
0181L |
4057 |
Correlation name <name> conflicts with qualified identifier of table <name>. |
0181N |
4059 |
The first operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
0181O |
4060 |
Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, <name>, is not currently supported. <name> is contained by view(s) <name>. |
0181P |
4061 |
Rows cannot be inserted into, or updated in, an individual table partition. |
0181Q |
4062 |
The preceding error actually occurred in function <name>. |
0181R |
4063 |
The operands of function <name> must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation). |
0181S |
4064 |
The operands of function <name> must be compatible character data types (that is, of the same character set). |
0181U |
4066 |
The operands of a UNION must be of equal degree. |
0181V |
4067 |
The operands of function <name> must be character data types. |
0181W |
4068 |
The operand of function <name> must contain an even number of characters. |
0181X |
4069 |
Column <name> uses an unsupported collation, <name>. |
0181Y |
4070 |
The operand of function <name> must be exact numeric. |
0181Z |
4071 |
The first operand of function <name> must be a datetime. |
01820 |
4072 |
The operand of function <name> must be a datetime containing a <name>. |
01821 |
4073 |
The COLLATE clause might appear only after an expression of character data type, not <name>. |
01822 |
4074 |
CONTROL QUERY successful. |
01823 |
4075 |
Division by zero in constant expression <name>. |
01824 |
4076 |
Overflow in constant expression <name>. |
01825 |
4077 |
Function <name> accepts only one or two operands. |
01826 |
4078 |
Function <name> does not accept a weight operand. |
01827 |
4079 |
The operands of function <name> must be numeric. |
0182A |
4082 |
Table <name> does not exist or is inaccessible. |
0182C |
4084 |
SQL object <name> is corrupt. |
0182D |
4085 |
File organization <type> of object <name> is not supported. |
0182E |
4086 |
Environment variable or define <name> does not exist. |
0182F |
4087 |
Prototype value '<name>' is not a valid qualified name. |
0182G |
4088 |
The number of values in each TRANSPOSE item of a TRANSPOSE set must be equal. |
0182H |
4089 |
Check constraint <name> contains a subquery, which is not yet supported. |
0182L |
4093 |
The number of output dynamic parameters (<num>) must equal the number of selected values (<num>). |
0182M |
4094 |
The number of output host variables (<num>) must equal the number of selected values (<num>). |
0182N |
4095 |
A DEFAULT whose value is NULL is not allowed in <name>. |
0182O |
4096 |
A DEFAULT specification is currently allowed only when simply contained in the VALUES list of an INSERT. |
0182P |
4097 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in function <name>. |
0182Q |
4098 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in operation <name>. |
0182R |
4099 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in predicate <name>. |
0182S |
4100 |
A NULL value is not allowed in a select list unless it is CAST to some data type. |
0182T |
4101 |
If <name> is intended to be a further table reference in the FROM clause, the preceding join search condition must be enclosed in parentheses. |
0182U |
4102 |
The FIRST/ANY n syntax cannot be used with in an outermost SELECT statement. |
0182W |
4104 |
If a character literal was intended, you must use the single quote delimiter instead of the double: <name> instead of <name>. |
0182X |
4105 |
Unknown translation. |
0182Y |
4106 |
The character set for the operand of function <name> must be <name>. |
0182Z |
4107 |
Column <name> has no default value, so DEFAULT cannot be specified. |
01830 |
4108 |
Inside a ROWS SINCE, another sequence function contained an invalid reference to the THIS function. |
01831 |
4109 |
Sequence functions placed incorrectly: <name>. |
01832 |
4110 |
The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause: <name>. |
01833 |
4111 |
The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions. |
01834 |
4112 |
Absolute and relative sampling cannot occur in the same BALANCE expression. |
01835 |
4113 |
The sample size for <name> Sampling must be <num>. |
01836 |
4114 |
An absolute sample size must have a scale of zero. |
01837 |
4115 |
The sample size must be less than or equal to the sample period. |
01838 |
4116 |
The second operand of function <name> is invalid. |
01839 |
4117 |
The cursor query expression might be nonupdateable. |
0183A |
4118 |
The cursor query expression is not updateable. |
0183C |
4120 |
In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. |
0183D |
4121 |
In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. Table in scope: <name>. |
0183E |
4122 |
NULL cannot be assigned to NOT NULL column <name>. |
0183F |
4123 |
NULL cannot be cast to a NOT NULL data type. |
0183G |
4124 |
More than one table will be locked: <name>. |
0183H |
4125 |
The select list of a subquery in a row value constructor, if the subquery is one of several expressions rather than the only expression in the constructor, must be scalar (degree of one). |
0183I |
4126 |
The row value constructors in a VALUES clause must be of equal degree. |
0183J |
4127 |
Type <type> cannot be assigned to type <type>. |
0183K |
4128 |
Cannot retrieve default volume and subvolume information from =_DEFAULTS define, DEFINEINFO error <num>. |
0183Q |
4134 |
The operation (<name>) is not allowed. Try UNION ALL instead. |
01846 |
4150 |
Primary key of table expression <name> must be used for join with embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
01847 |
4151 |
Stream access supported only on updateable views <name>. |
01848 |
4152 |
Table <name> cannot be both read and updated. |
01849 |
4153 |
Statement might not compile due to an order requirement on stream expression. |
0184A |
4154 |
Statement might not compile due to an order requirement on embedded <name> expression. |
0184D |
4157 |
Inner relation of left join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184E |
4158 |
Join of stream expressions not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184F |
4159 |
Intersection of stream expressions not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184G |
4160 |
Intersection between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
0184H |
4161 |
Union between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
0184I |
4162 |
Groupby not supported for stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184J |
4163 |
Groupby not supported for embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184K |
4164 |
Outer relation of right join cannot be embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184L |
4165 |
Outer relation of right join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184M |
4166 |
ORDER BY clause not supported in UNION of two streams. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
0184N |
4167 |
Embedded <name> statements not supported in subqueries. |
0184O |
4168 |
Stream expressions not supported in subqueries. |
0184P |
4169 |
Embedded DELETE statements not allowed when using DECLARE . . . FOR UPDATE clause. |
0184Q |
4170 |
Stream expressions not supported for insert statements. |
0184R |
4171 |
Embedded <name> statements not supported in INSERT statements. |
0184T |
4173 |
Stream expression not supported for top level UPDATE statements. |
0184U |
4174 |
JOIN_ORDER_BY_USER prevented compiler from reordering query tree. |
0184V |
4175 |
Join between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184W |
4176 |
Join between stream expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
0184X |
4177 |
Update of <name> column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
0184Y |
4178 |
Update of variable length column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
0184Z |
4179 |
SEQUENCE BY not supported for stream expressions. |
01850 |
4180 |
Stream expression not supported for top level DELETE statement. |
0185K |
4200 |
Stream expressions not supported for compound statements. |
0185L |
4201 |
Embedded <type> expression not supported for compound statements. |
0185M |
4202 |
SEQUENCE BY not supported for embedded <type> expressions. |
0185N |
4203 |
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation on nonaudited table <name> requires index maintenance which might cause the index(es) to become corrupt. |
0185O |
4204 |
Stream access supported only for key-sequenced tables. Table: <name>. |
0185P |
4205 |
Embedded <type> supported only for key-sequenced tables. Table: <name>. |
0185Q |
4206 |
Embedded <type> supported only for updateable views. View: <name>. |
0185R |
4207 |
Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all output values of stream. |
0185S |
4208 |
Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all columns referenced in where clause of stream. |
0185T |
4209 |
Update of nullable column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
0185U |
4210 |
Embedded UPDATE/DELETE statements are not supported within an IF statement. |
0185W |
4212 |
<table-name> cannot be used to satisfy order requirement on the stream because it is partitioned. |
0185X |
4213 |
Use of rowsets in a predicate with embedded UPDATE/DELETE not supported. |
0185Y |
4214 |
The SET ON ROLLBACK clause is not allowed on a non-audited table. Table: <name>. |
0185Z |
4215 |
Stream access is not allowed on a nonaudited table. Table: <name>. |
01860 |
4216 |
The FIRST/ANY n syntax cannot be used with an embedded update or embedded DELETE statement. |
01861 |
4217 |
<text> |
0188C |
4300 |
Invalid usage of procedure <procedure-name> - A UDR was invoked within a trigger. |
0188E |
4302 |
Procedure <procedure-name> expects <value-1> parameters but was called with <value-2> parameters. |
0188F |
4303 |
The supplied type for parameter value of routine <routine-name> was <type-name-1> which is not compatible with the expected type <type-name-2>. |
0188G |
4304 |
Host variable or dynamic parameter <parameter-name> is used in more than one OUT or INOUT parameter for routine routine-name. Results might be unpredictable. |
0188H |
4305 |
Parameter <value> for used defined routine <routine-name> is an OUT or INOUT parameter and must be a host variable or a dynamic parameter. |
0188I |
4306 |
A CALL statement is not allowed within a compound statement. |
0188J |
4307 |
Rowset parameters are not allowed in a CALL statement. |
0188K |
4308 |
Internal error: unsupported SQL data type <value> specified for a CALL statement parameter. |
01900 |
5000 |
Internal error in the query normalizer. |
01I00 |
6000 |
Internal error in the query optimizer. |
01I01 |
6001 |
DISTINCT aggregates can be computed only for one column per table expression. |
01I02 |
6002 |
The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid values. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
01I07 |
6007 |
Multi-column statistics for columns <name> from table <name> were not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. |
01I08 |
6008 |
Statistics for column <name> were not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. |
01J00 |
7000 |
Internal error in the code generator in file <name> at line <num>: <text>. |
01J01 |
7001 |
Invalid default value <name> for column <name>. |
01J03 |
7003 |
A plan using cluster sampling could not be produced for this query. |
01K01 |
8001 |
Internal executor error. |
01K02 |
8002 |
The current nowaited operation is not complete. |
01K03 |
8003 |
The descriptor is locked by another nowaited operation. |
01K04 |
8004 |
Trying to open a statement or cursor that is not in the closed state. |
01K05 |
8005 |
Trying to fetch from a cursor that is not in the open state. |
01K06 |
8006 |
The stream timed out, but the cursor is still open. |
01K07 |
8007 |
The operation has been canceled. |
01K08 |
8008 |
Catalog name <name> is invalid. |
01K09 |
8009 |
Schema name <name> is invalid. |
01K0A |
8010 |
Default catalog name: <name>. Default schema name: <name>. |
01K0B |
8011 |
SELECT statement inside compound (BEGIN . . . END) statement returns more than one row. |
01K0C |
8012 |
Encoding of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULTs: <name>. |
01K0D |
8013 |
Trying to update or delete from a cursor that is not in the fetched state. |
01K0E |
8014 |
A SELECT statement within a compound statement did not return any row. |
01K0F |
8015 |
Aborting transaction because a compound statement performed an update operation followed by a SELECT statement that did not return any row. |
01K0G |
8016 |
An attempt was made to access <name> which has a system version that is incompatible with the version of the accessing software. |
01K0H |
8017 |
Explain information is not available for this query. |
01K2S |
8100 |
Define <name> does not exist |
01K2T |
8101 |
The operation is prevented by check constraint <name> on table <name>. |
01K2U |
8102 |
The operation is prevented by a unique constraint. |
01K2V |
8103 |
The operation is prevented by referential integrity constraint <name> on table <name>. |
01K2W |
8104 |
The operation is prevented by the check on view <name> cascaded from the check option on <name>. |
01K2X |
8105 |
The operation is prevented by the check option on view <name>. |
01K3W |
8140 |
The statement was canceled, to test cancel processing. File <name> at line <num>. |
01K3X |
8141 |
An error was artificially injected, to test error handling. File <name> at line <num>. |
01K8C |
8300 |
Late name resolution failed. |
01K8D |
8301 |
Late name resolution failed. File system error <num> on file <name>. |
01K8E |
8302 |
Late name resolution failed. SQLCODE error <num> from <name>. |
01KB7 |
8403 |
The length argument of function SUBSTRING cannot be less than zero or greater than source string length. |
01KB8 |
8404 |
The trim character argument of function TRIM must be one character in length. |
01KB9 |
8405 |
The operand of function CONVERTTIMESTAMP is out of range. |
01KBB |
8407 |
The operand of function JULIANTIMESTAMP is out of range. |
01KBD |
8409 |
The escape character argument of a LIKE predicate must be one character in length. |
01KBE |
8410 |
An escape character in a LIKE pattern must be followed by another escape character, an underscore, or a percent character. |
01KBF |
8411 |
A numeric overflow occurred during an arithmetic computation or data conversion. |
01KBG |
8412 |
An input character host variable is missing its null terminator. |
01KBH |
8413 |
The string argument contains characters that cannot be converted. |
01KBI |
8414 |
The attempted conversion is not supported on this platform. |
01KBJ |
8415 |
The provided DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP is not valid and cannot be converted. |
01KBK |
8416 |
A datetime expression evaluated to an invalid datetime value. |
01KBL |
8417 |
An error occurred during the evaluation of a USER function. |
01KBM |
8418 |
The USER function is not supported on this platform. |
01KBN |
8419 |
An arithmetic expression attempted a division by zero. |
01KBO |
8420 |
Missing indicator parameter for a NULL value. |
01KBP |
8421 |
NULL cannot be assigned to a NOT NULL column. |
01KBQ |
8422 |
The provided INTERVAL is not valid and cannot be converted. |
01KBR |
8423 |
The provided field number is not valid. |
01KBS |
8424 |
Function <name> is not yet supported. |
01KBT |
8425 |
NULL cannot be assigned to a DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL column. |
01KBV |
8427 |
<text> |
01KBW |
8428 |
The argument to function <name> is not valid. |
01KBX |
8429 |
The preceding error actually occurred in function <name>. |
01KFA |
8550 |
Error <num> was returned by the Data Access Manager. |
01KFB |
8551 |
Error <num> was returned by the Distribution Service on <name>. |
01KFC |
8552 |
Error <num> was returned by the Distribution Service while fetching the version of the system <name>. |
01KFD |
8553 |
Stream overflow; subscription rate has fallen too far behind publishing rate. |
01KFU |
8570 |
Insufficient memory to build query. |
01KFV |
8571 |
Insufficient memory to execute query. |
01KFW |
8572 |
The statement has incurred a fatal error and must be deallocated. |
01KFX |
8573 |
The user does not have <name> privilege on table or view <name>. |
01KFY |
8574 |
An OPEN was blown away on table <name>. |
01KFZ |
8575 |
Timestamp mismatch on table <name>. |
01KG0 |
8576 |
Statement was recompiled. |
01KG1 |
8577 |
Table, index, or view <name> not found. |
01KG2 |
8578 |
Similarity check passed. |
01KG3 |
8579 |
Similarity check failed: <name> |
01KGP |
8601 |
Error returned from file system while locking/unlocking. |
01KGQ |
8602 |
The file system reported error <num> on a lock/unlock operation. |
01KGR |
8603 |
Trying to begin a transaction that has already been started. |
01KGS |
8604 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> while starting a transaction. |
01KGT |
8605 |
Committing a transaction which has not started. |
01KGU |
8606 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> on a commit transaction. |
01KGV |
8607 |
Rolling back a transaction that has not started. |
01KGW |
8608 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> on rollback transaction. |
01KGX |
8609 |
Waited rollback performed without starting a transaction. |
01KGY |
8610 |
Transaction subsystem <name> reported error <num> on a waited rollback transaction. |
01KH0 |
8612 |
Transaction mode cannot be set if the transaction is already running. |
01KH1 |
8613 |
SQL cannot commit or rollback a transaction that was started by application. |
01KH2 |
8614 |
SQL cannot begin a transaction when multiple contexts exist. |
01KJG |
8700 |
An assertion failure or out-of-memory condition occurred during parallel execution. |
01KJQ |
8710 |
Error <num> returned by Measure when attempting to update SQL counters. |
01KM9 |
8801 |
Trying to allocate a descriptor that already exists in the current context. |
01KMA |
8802 |
Trying to allocate a statement that already exists in the current context. |
01KMB |
8803 |
The input descriptor provided does not exist in the current context. |
01KMC |
8804 |
The input statement provided does not exist in the current context. |
01KMD |
8805 |
Trying to <action> a descriptor that is not allocated with AllocDesc() call. |
01KME |
8806 |
Trying to <action> a statement that is not allocated with AllocStmt() call. |
01KMF |
8807 |
Trying to allocate more than <num> entries for a descriptor. |
01KMG |
8808 |
Module file <name> contains corrupted or invalid data. |
01KMH |
8809 |
Unable to open the module file <name>. |
01KMJ |
8811 |
Trying to close a statement that is either not in the open state or has not reached EOF. |
01KMK |
8812 |
Trying to execute a statement that is not in the closed state. |
01KML |
8813 |
Trying to fetch from a statement that is in the closed state. |
01KMM |
8814 |
The transaction mode at run time (<num>) differs from that specified at compile time (<num>). |
01KMN |
8815 |
Error while building the TCB tree when executing the statement. |
01KMO |
8816 |
Error while executing the TCB tree. |
01KMP |
8817 |
Error while fetching from the TCB tree. |
01KMQ |
8818 |
Error from root_tdb describe. |
01KMR |
8819 |
Begin transaction failed while preparing the statement. |
01KMS |
8820 |
Transaction commit failed while closing the statement. |
01KMT |
8821 |
Rollback transaction failed during the process of fetching the statement. |
01KMU |
8822 |
Unable to prepare the statement. |
01KMV |
8823 |
Internal error: IO requests are waiting for <name> message in the IpcMessageStream. |
01KMW |
8824 |
The input <module-id> does not have a module name. |
01KMX |
8825 |
Module is already added into the current context. |
01KMY |
8826 |
Unable to add the module. |
01KMZ |
8827 |
Unable to send the request <name>. |
01KN0 |
8828 |
Out of memory while creating the <name>. |
01KN1 |
8829 |
Trying to set descriptor item for an entry that is either invalid or greater than the maximum entry count for that descriptor. |
01KN2 |
8830 |
There is no current context. |
01KN3 |
8831 |
Either no current context or the module to which the statement belongs is not added to the current context. |
01KN4 |
8832 |
Transaction has not been started. |
01KN5 |
8833 |
The input parameter is an invalid SQL transaction command. |
01KN6 |
8834 |
Unable to find Trafodion installation directory. Operating system error <num>. |
01KN7 |
8835 |
Invalid SQL descriptor information requested. |
01KN8 |
8836 |
Invalid update column for cursor. |
01KN9 |
8837 |
Invalid user id. |
01KNA |
8838 |
Unable to receive reply from MXCMP, possibly caused by internal errors when compiling SQL statements, processing DDL statements, or executing the built in stored procedures. |
01KNB |
8839 |
Transaction was aborted. |
01KNC |
8840 |
Object name provided to CLI is invalid. |
01KND |
8841 |
User application committed or aborted a transaction started by SQL. This transaction needs to be committed or aborted by calling SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK WORK. |
01KNE |
8842 |
The cursor, <name>, referenced by this statement is not found or is not updateable. |
01KNF |
8843 |
Trying to retrieve an item, <num>, that is out of range. |
01KNG |
8844 |
A transaction started by SQL that was committed or aborted by user application from outside of SQL, has now been cleaned up. |
01KNH |
8845 |
Internal error: root_tcb is null. |
01KNI |
8846 |
Empty SQL statement. |
01KNK |
8848 |
Cancel on DDL statements or stored procedures is not supported. |
01KNM |
8850 |
The table specified in this cursor update or DELETE statement is different than the table specified in the declare cursor statement. |
01KNN |
8851 |
CLI Parameter bound check error. |
01KNO |
8852 |
Holdable cursors are supported only for streaming cursors and embedded UPDATE/DELETE cursors. |
01KNP |
8853 |
Invalid attribute definition. |
01KNQ |
8854 |
Invalid attribute value. |
01KNR |
8855 |
Statement attribute cannot be set now. |
01KNS |
8856 |
Invalid attribute value. INPUT_ARRAY_MAXSIZE must be positive. |
01KNU |
8858 |
The value:(<num>) passed in through input a host variable/parameter is an invalid SQL identifier |
01KNV |
8859 |
There are pending insert, delete, or update operations. |
01KNW |
8860 |
Module file <name> has obsolete module header. |
01KNX |
8861 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor location table header. |
01KNY |
8862 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor location table entry. |
01KNZ |
8863 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor header. |
01KO0 |
8864 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor entry. |
01KO1 |
8865 |
Module file <name> has obsolete procedure location table header. |
01KO2 |
8866 |
Module file <name> has obsolete procedure location table entry. |
01KO3 |
8867 |
Error while reading from file <name>. |
01KO4 |
8868 |
Unable to create context when current transaction is implicitly started by SQL. |
01KO5 |
8869 |
The specified file number is not a QFO, or the file number is not internally associated with a QFO object (CLI internal error). |
01KO6 |
8870 |
The current statement is not associated with any QFO. |
01KO7 |
8871 |
Nowait tag is not specified in the <statement-id>. |
01KO8 |
8872 |
Unable to execute a new operation while there is another nowaited operation pending. |
01KO9 |
8873 |
The current statement is already associated with a QFO. |
01KOG |
8880 |
Cannot remove the current context. |
01KOH |
8881 |
The specified CLI context handle is not found |
01KOI |
8882 |
Containing SQL not permitted. |
01KOJ |
8883 |
The current context has violation checking functions disabled. Use SQL_EXEC_SetUdrAttributes_Internal() to enable it. |
01KOK |
8884 |
Prohibited SQL statement attempted. |
01KOQ |
8890 |
The SQL compiler failed to initialize properly. Query results might differ from what is expected, due to different compiler defaults. |
01KOR |
8891 |
Non-ASCII character host variable type for <name> field. |
01KOT |
8893 |
The statement argument count does not match the descriptor entry count. |
01KOU |
8894 |
Argument <argument-name> of CLI function <function-name> is reserved for future use and must be set to <string> when calling the function. |
01KOX |
8897 |
RPC exception in CLI request from non-trusted shadow client to trusted shadow server. |
01KOY |
8898 |
Internal error in CLI. |
01KP1 |
8901 |
The MXUDR server for this statement is no longer running. The statement will be assigned a new MXUDR server if it is executed again. |
01KP2 |
8902 |
Internal error: MXUDR returned an invalid UDR handle. |
01KP3 |
8903 |
An attempt was made by the Trafodion to kill the MXUDR server for this statement <process-name>. PROCESS_STOP_ returned <value>. |
01KP4 |
8904 |
Unable to receive reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors while executing user-defined routines. |
01KP6 |
8906 |
An invalid or corrupt MXUDR reply could not be processed, possibly due to memory corruption in MXUDR while executing friendly user-defined routines or an internal error in Trafodion. |
01L5K |
9200 |
UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error from statement <name>. |
01L5L |
9201 |
Unable to DROP object <name>. |
01L5M |
9202 |
UPDATE STATISTICS has located previously generate histogram that are not being regenerated. This might affect the plans that will be generated. Missing column lists are <column-list>. |
01L5N |
9203 |
Column names must be unique when specified in column list: (<name>). |
01L5O |
9204 |
Invalid option <option> specified. Value must be <range>. |
01L5P |
9205 |
UPDATE STATISTICS for object <name> is not supported. |
01L5Q |
9206 |
You are not authorized to read/write object <name>. Verify that you have the necessary access privileges. |
01L5R |
9207 |
You are not allowed to generate histogram statistics on an ISO88591 CHARACTER SET column which contains a null terminator character. You need to exclude this column from the column group list in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
01L5S |
9208 |
Unable to access column definitions. |
01L5T |
9209 |
Column name <name> does not exist in the table. |
01L5U |
9210 |
One of the column data types is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS. You need to exclude this column from the column group list in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
01L5W |
9212 |
Cardinality statistics will be more accurate if you use SET ROWCOUNT option in the SAMPLE clause. |
01L5X |
9213 |
If you intend to update histogram statistics for columns, you must specify a column group list in the statement. |
01L5Y |
9214 |
Unable to CREATE object <name>. |
01L5Z |
9215 |
UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an internal error (<location>). |
01M01 |
10001 |
Sort Error: No error text is defined for this error |
01M03 |
10003 |
Sort Error: Warning: Scratch File EOF |
01M04 |
10004 |
Sort Error: Merge is disallowed for Sort |
01M05 |
10005 |
Sort Error: Unexpected error value. Check error |
01M06 |
10006 |
Sort Error: Previous IO failed |
01M07 |
10007 |
Sort Error: Error writing to Scratch File |
01M08 |
10008 |
Sort Error: Invalid sort algorithm selected |
01M0A |
10010 |
Sort Error: Run number is invalid |
01M0B |
10011 |
Sort Error: Error reading Scratch File |
01M0C |
10012 |
Sort Error: Scratch Block number is invalid |
01M0D |
10013 |
Sort Error: No fixed disks to sort on |
01M0E |
10014 |
Sort Error: No memory to allocate scratch space |
01M0F |
10015 |
01M0G |
10016 |
01M0H |
10017 |
Sort Error: DEVICE_GETINFOBYLDEV_ failed |
01M0I |
10018 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDSTART_ failed |
01M0J |
10019 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ failed |
01M0K |
10020 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDFINISH_ failed |
01M0L |
10021 |
01M0M |
10022 |
Sort Error: FILE_CREATE failed |
01M0N |
10023 |
Sort Error: FILE_OPEN_ failed |
01M0O |
10024 |
Sort Error: SetMode failed |
01M0O |
10024 |
Sort Error: SetMode failed |
01M0Q |
10026 |
Sort Error: AWAITIOX failed |
01M0R |
10027 |
Sort Error: FILE_GETINFOLIST failed |
01M0S |
10028 |
Sort Error: POSITION failed |
01M0T |
10029 |
Sort Error: FILE_GETINFO_ failed |
01M18 |
10044 |
Sort Error: IO did not complete |
01M1B |
10047 |
Sort Error: Wrong length read |
01N2T |
11101 |
MXUDR: Unknown message type: <value>. |
01N2V |
11103 |
MXUDR: Invalid routine handle: <string>. |
01N2W |
11104 |
MXUDR: CLI Error: <error-text>. |
01N2X |
11105 |
MXUDR: Invalid Language Manager param mode. Parameter <parameter-value>. |
01N30 |
11108 |
MXUDR: Unable to allocate memory for object <object-name>. |
01N32 |
11110 |
MXUDR: Unexpected error during message processing: <string>. |
01N33 |
11111 |
MXUDR: Internal error: <value>. |
01N35 |
11113 |
MXUDR: Internal error: An unexpected UNLOAD request arrived for UDR handle <string>. |
01N5L |
11201 |
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Error occurred while loading Java System Class <class-name>. |
01N5M |
11202 |
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Unable to initialize JVM. |
01N5N |
11203 |
The Language Manager failed to create its class loader, possibly due to corrupt LmClassLoader.class file. |
01N5P |
11205 |
Java class <class-file-name> was not found in external path <path-name>. |
01N5Q |
11206 |
Java class <class-file-name> failed to initialize. |
01N5R |
11207 |
Java method <method-name> was not found in Java class <class-file-name>. |
01N5S |
11208 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The list of parameter types must be enclosed in parentheses. |
01N5T |
11209 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: the number of parameters <value> must match the number of parameters in Java method. |
01N5U |
11210 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Missing [ ] for OUT/INOUT parameter at position <value>. |
01N5V |
11211 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown parameter type used at position <value>. |
01N5W |
11212 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Java signature size is more than supported. |
01N5X |
11213 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: A return type must not be specified. |
01N5Z |
11215 |
Java execution: Invalid null input value at parameter position <value>. |
01N60 |
11216 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <parameter-number>. |
01N61 |
11217 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <parameter-number>. Value is truncated. |
01N62 |
11218 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught Java exception. Details: <string>. |
01N63 |
11219 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException. Details: <string>. |
01N64 |
11220 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException with invalid SQLSTATE. The uncaught exception had an SQLCODE of <SQLCODE-value> and SQLSTATE of <SQLSTATE-value>. Details: <string>. |
01N65 |
11221 |
Language Manager is out of memory <string>. |
01N66 |
11222 |
The operation failed because the Java Virtual Machine ran out of memory. |
01N67 |
11223 |
Language Manager encountered internal error <detail-text>. |
01N68 |
11224 |
JVM raised an exception. Details: <detail-text>. |
01N69 |
11225 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The Java signature for a Java main method must be (java.lang.<string>[ ]). |
01N6A |
11226 |
All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must have a parameter mode of IN. |
01N6B |
11227 |
All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must be an SQL character type. |
01N6C |
11228 |
Floating point conversion error <string>. |
01P01 |
13001 |
Internal Error. Unable to translate SQL statement. |
01P02 |
13002 |
Syntax error near line <num>. |
01P03 |
13003 |
This feature is unsupported. |
01P04 |
13004 |
No error. |
01P05 |
13005 |
General programming error in file <name> at line <num>. |
01P06 |
13006 |
Switch has bad value, <num>, for its expression at line <num> in file <name>. |
01P07 |
13007 |
Missing output file argument after the -c option. |
01P08 |
13008 |
Missing module definition file argument after the -m option. |
01P09 |
13009 |
Missing listing file argument after the -l option. |
01P0A |
13010 |
Missing timestamp argument after the -t option. |
01P0B |
13011 |
<name> is an unknown command line option. |
01P0C |
13012 |
<name> is an invalid or undefined command line argument. |
01P0D |
13013 |
Help for SQLC and SQLCO is available by typing SQLC or SQLCO on the command line. |
01P0E |
13014 |
Unable to open the output source file <name>. |
01P0F |
13015 |
Unable to open the module definition file <name>. |
01P0G |
13016 |
Descriptor name <name> conflicts with SQLC default name <name>. |
01P0H |
13017 |
Descriptor <name> is multiply defined. |
01P0I |
13018 |
Descriptor name <name> is invalid. |
01P0J |
13019 |
Statement name <name> uses <name>, a reserved name SQLC generates. |
01P0K |
13020 |
Statement name <name> is multiply defined. |
01P0L |
13021 |
<name> is already defined. |
01P0M |
13022 |
Cursor <name> is already defined. |
01P0N |
13023 |
<name> is already defined as a dynamic cursor. |
01P0O |
13024 |
Cursor <name> was not declared. |
01P0P |
13025 |
Warning(s) near line <num>. |
01P0Q |
13026 |
The EXEC SQL MODULE statement must precede any cursor definitions or executable SQL statements. |
01P0R |
13027 |
Only one EXEC SQL MODULE statement is allowed. |
01P0S |
13028 |
Cannot open static cursor <name> because <name> is out of scope at time of open. |
01P0T |
13029 |
<line-number-detail-text> |
01P0U |
13030 |
<line-number-detail-text> |
01P0V |
13031 |
Expecting a single host variable of type string. |
01P0W |
13032 |
Not expecting input host variables for static cursor <name>. |
01P0X |
13033 |
Host variable <name> is in different scope than when cursor <name> was declared. |
01P0Y |
13034 |
Character set <name> is not yet supported. |
01P0Z |
13035 |
Invalid line number <num> for line pragma; ignoring the rest. |
01P10 |
13036 |
C/C++ syntax error in switch/for/while condition near line <num>. |
01P11 |
13037 |
Function header syntax error near line <num>. |
01P12 |
13038 |
Array size <num> expected to be an unsigned integer near line <num>. |
01P13 |
13039 |
Function definition is not allowed within an SQL declare section near line <num>. |
01P14 |
13040 |
Expecting ")" near line <num>. |
01P15 |
13041 |
Typedef encountered near line <num>, and typedefs are not supported. |
01P16 |
13042 |
Unnamed declaration near line <num>. |
01P17 |
13043 |
Expecting <name> near line <num>. |
01P18 |
13044 |
Type specification <type> is not a recognized type near line <num>. |
01P19 |
13045 |
Unexpected class declaration near line <num> ignored. |
01P1A |
13046 |
Expecting "}" to end member declaration near line <num>. |
01P1B |
13047 |
Undefined tag <name> near line <num>. |
01P1C |
13048 |
Tag <name> redefined near line <num>. |
01P1D |
13049 |
Input file not good near line <num>. |
01P1E |
13050 |
Cursor <name> not closed. |
01P1F |
13051 |
Cursor <name> not opened. |
01P1G |
13052 |
Cursor <name> not fetched. |
01P1H |
13053 |
Cursor <name> not opened or closed. |
01P1I |
13054 |
Cursor <name> not fetched or closed. |
01P1J |
13055 |
Cursor <name> not opened or fetched. |
01P1K |
13056 |
Cursor <name> not used. |
01P1L |
13057 |
End-of-file processing generated unexpected cursor status of <num> for cursor <name>. |
01P1M |
13058 |
Unable to open SQL CLI header file <name>. |
01P1O |
13060 |
Unable to open the listing file <name>. |
01P1P |
13061 |
Invalid NUMERIC precision specified near line <num>. |
01P1Q |
13062 |
Unsigned long long type not allowed near line <num>. |
01P1R |
13063 |
Identifier <name> not defined near line <num>. |
01P1S |
13064 |
Identifier <name> is not a member of struct <name> near line <num>. |
01P1T |
13065 |
End of file was found after <name> when <name> was expected, near line <num>. |
01P1U |
13066 |
Identifier <name> was expected to be a structure type near line <num>. |
01P1V |
13067 |
Unable to open source file <name>. |
01P1W |
13068 |
C/C++ syntax error near line <num>. |
01P1X |
13069 |
Missing module specification string argument after -g option. |
01P1Y |
13070 |
Module Group Specification String <MVSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
01P1Z |
13071 |
Module Tableset Specification String <MTSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
01P20 |
13072 |
Module Version Specification String <MVSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
01P21 |
13073 |
Module name <module-name> is not a value OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
01P22 |
13074 |
One or more of the first three parts of the externally qualified module name <module-name> is longer than 128 characters. |
01P23 |
13075 |
Externally qualified module name <module-name> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 248 characters. |
01P24 |
13076 |
Catalog name <catalog-name> is not a valid OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
01P25 |
13077 |
Schema name <schema-name> is not a valid OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
01PDW |
13500 |
SQLCO errors |
01PDX |
13501 |
Invalid command option <name>. |
01PDY |
13502 |
Source file name must be specified. |
01PDZ |
13503 |
Missing filename for command option <name>. |
01PE0 |
13504 |
Missing timestamp command option. |
01PE1 |
13505 |
Source input file <name> cannot be opened. |
01PE2 |
13506 |
COBOL output source file <name> cannot be opened. |
01PE3 |
13507 |
Error while parsing source: <text>. |
01PE4 |
13508 |
Expecting <name>, found <name>. |
01PE5 |
13509 |
Expecting <name> after <name>, found <name>. |
01PE6 |
13510 |
The SQL declare section might not contain COPY or REPLACE. |
01PE7 |
13511 |
End of input file while processing EXEC SQL. |
01PE8 |
13512 |
Input file error while processing EXEC SQL. |
01PE9 |
13513 |
The BIT data type is not implemented in the Trafodion software. |
01PEA |
13514 |
The CHARACTER SET attribute is not implemented in Trafodion. |
01PEB |
13515 |
Picture <name> is not valid for a host variable. |
01PEC |
13516 |
Unexpected end of input file encountered after line <num>. |
01PED |
13517 |
Line <num> is too long to process and has been truncated. |
01PEE |
13518 |
Line <num> cannot be interpreted as a COBOL line type. |
01PEF |
13519 |
Line <num> contains an unterminated character literal. |
01PEG |
13520 |
Line <num> does not correctly continue a character literal. |
01PEH |
13521 |
Line <num>: DISPLAY host variables must be SIGN LEADING SEPARATE. |
01PEI |
13522 |
DECLARE SECTION cannot be nested. |
01PEJ |
13523 |
01PEK |
13524 |
DECLARE SECTION encountered in unexpected program section. |
01PEL |
13525 |
Variable <name> might not be allocated correctly for a host variable. |
01PEM |
13526 |
Line <num>, <name>: <name> clause is not valid for a host variable. |
01PEN |
13527 |
The first declaration in an SQL DECLARE SECTION must have level 01 or 77. |
01PEO |
13528 |
Line <num>: Variable <num> is not alphabetic and cannot have a CHARACTER SET clause. |
01PEP |
13529 |
Missing END DECLARE SECTION detected at line <num>. |
01PM8 |
13800 |
Line <num>: <name> is not a valid character set name. |
01R00 |
15000 |
SQLCI error messages. |
01R01 |
15001 |
Syntax error at or before: <string>. |
01R02 |
15002 |
Internal parser error: <> |
01R03 |
15003 |
Incomplete statement in input: <name> |
01R04 |
15004 |
Error <num> on change directory attempt to <action>. |
01R05 |
15005 |
Unmatched quote in input (unterminated string): <name> |
01R06 |
15006 |
Error <num> while reading from file. |
01R07 |
15007 |
Error <num> while opening file <name>. |
01R08 |
15008 |
The specified statement does not exist in the history buffer. |
01R09 |
15009 |
The requested help topic is too long. |
01R0A |
15010 |
The help file could not be opened. |
01R0B |
15011 |
No help is available for the requested topic. |
01R0C |
15012 |
File read error on the help file. |
01R0D |
15013 |
This command is not supported by the SQLCI OLE server. |
01R0E |
15014 |
Section <name> not found in file <name>. |
01R0F |
15015 |
PARAM <name> (value <num>) cannot be converted to type <type>. |
01R0G |
15016 |
PARAM <name> not found. |
01R0H |
15017 |
Statement <name> not found. |
01R0I |
15018 |
Break was received. The last statement might be lost. |
01R0J |
15019 |
<num> values were supplied in the USING list while the statement contains <num> unnamed parameters. |
01R0K |
15020 |
The USING list must contain at least one parameter value. |
01R0L |
15021 |
The USING list cannot contain more than <num> parameter values. |
01R0N |
15023 |
The USING list value <name> exceeds the SQLCI limit of <num> characters. |
01R0O |
15024 |
The USING list quoted literal <name> must be followed by either a comma or a semicolon. |
01R0P |
15025 |
Cursor operations are not supported by SQLCI. |
01R0Q |
15026 |
Break rejected. |
01R0S |
15028 |
Break error. |
01R0U |
15030 |
The specified define already exists. Use alter or delete and add. |
01R0V |
15031 |
The specified define does not exist. |
01R0W |
15032 |
An error occurred while adding, altering or deleting this define. |
01R0X |
15033 |
Break was received. |
01R0Y |
15034 |
Invalid LOG file name. |
01R0Z |
15035 |
Permission denied to access this file |
01R10 |
15036 |
Invalid Filecode OR Invalid Function Argument |
01RRR |
15999 |
SQLCI internal error. |
01S00 |
19000 |
Internal error in internal stored procedure processing. |
01S01 |
19001 |
Error in field description of internal stored procedure. |
01S02 |
19002 |
No such internal stored procedure: <name> defined. |
01S03 |
19003 |
Internal stored procedure failed without any error information returned. |
01S0K |
19020 |
Stored procedure <name> expects <num> input parameters. |
01S0L |
19021 |
Stored procedure <name> returns with error: <name>. |
01T00 |
20000 |
SQL Utilities error messages. |
01T31 |
20109 |
<text> |
01U01 |
30001 |
A rowset must be composed of host variable arrays. |
01U02 |
30002 |
The given rowset size (<num>) must be smaller or equal to the smallest dimension (<num>) of the arrays composing the rowset. |
01U03 |
30003 |
Rowset size must be an integer host variable or constant. |
01U04 |
30004 |
The dimension of the arrays composing the rowset must be greater than zero. A value of <num> was given. |
01U05 |
30005 |
The dimensions of the arrays composing the rowset are different. The smallest dimension is assumed. |
01U06 |
30006 |
Rowset and one-dimensional variable are in output list. |
01U07 |
30007 |
Incompatible assignment from type <type> to type <type> |
01U08 |
30008 |
Internal error. Rowset index is out of range. |
01U09 |
30009 |
Internal error. Trying to add more elements than maximum rowset size. |
01U0A |
30010 |
Internal error. Rowset is corrupted. |
01U0B |
30011 |
More than one INTO statement in the same query is not supported. |
01U0C |
30012 |
Rowset index <name> must be specified last in the derived column list of <name>. |
01U0D |
30013 |
Hostvar used to set input size of rowset has zero or negative value. |
01U0E |
30014 |
Hostvar used to set input size of rowset is not of type short, int, or long. |
01U0K |
30020 |
Embedded UPDATE/DELETE cannot be used with SELECT. . .INTO and rowset. |
01Y00 |
16000 |
Error message file not found. |
01Y01 |
16001 |
No message found for error or warning <sqlcode>. |
02000 |
100 |
The "no data" completion condition (SQLCODE = +100). |
01Z01 |
25001 |
Program <executable>, executing on <node>, has encountered a version error. |
01Z2S |
25100 |
Remote node <node> runs an incompatible version of Trafodion. The Trafodion version (version) of <node> is <version-1>, the local node does not support versions older than <version-2>. |
01Z2T |
25101 |
Remote node <node> runs an incompatible version of Trafodion. The Trafodion version (version) of <node> is <version-1>, the local node supports only version <version-2>. |
01Z2U |
25102 |
Remote node <node> runs a version of Trafodion which cannot interoperate with other versions. The Trafodion version (version) of <node> is <version-1>. |
01Z8C |
25300 |
Module <module> has module version <version-1>; node <node> does not support module versions lower than <version-2>. |
01Z8D |
25301 |
Module <module> has module version <version-1>; the local node does not support module versions higher than <version-2>. |
01Z8I |
25306 |
A required system module has module version <version-1>; node <node> does not support query plans from modules with module version lower than <version-2>. |
01Z8J |
25307 |
The query plan can be executed only by a node with Trafodion version (version) <version-1>, the version of <node> is <version-1>. |
01Z8K |
25308 |
The query plan has plan version <version-1>, the local Trafodion version (version) can execute only query plans with plan version <version-1>. |
01Z8L |
25309 |
Module <module> can be executed only by a node with Trafodion version (version) version1, the version of <node> is <version-1>. |
01Z8M |
25310 |
Module <module> has module version <version-1>, the local Trafodion version (version) can execute only modules with module version <version-1>. |
01Z8N |
25311 |
System module <module> has a wrong module version. The expected module version is <version-1>. the actual module version is <version-2>. |
02000 |
100 |
T h e "no data" completion condition (SQLCODE=+100). |
07001 |
-15015 |
PARAM <name> (value <num>) cannot be converted to type <type>. |
07001 |
-15016 |
PARAM <name> not found. |
07001 |
-15019 |
<num> values were supplied in the USING list while the statement contains <num> unnamed parameters. |
07008 |
-8807 |
Trying to allocate more than <num> entries for a descriptor. |
07008 |
-8893 |
The statement argument count does not match the descriptor entry count. |
07009 |
-8829 |
Trying to set descriptor item for an entry that is either invalid or greater than the maximum entry count for that descriptor. |
07009 |
-8843 |
Trying to retrieve an item, <num>, that is out of range. |
0A000 |
-1010 |
The statement just specified is currently not supported. |
0A000 |
-1048 |
Currently only supporting restrict drop behavior. |
0A000 |
-1074 |
SQL system metadata not supported by this catalog manager version. |
0A000 |
-1090 |
Self-referencing constraints are currently not supported. |
0A000 |
-1091 |
The constraint, index, or file option is not supported on a vertically partitioned table. |
0A000 |
-1120 |
Attempting to change the audit flags for a table in an unsupported way. |
0A000 |
-1121 |
Attempting to perform a partition add, move, or drop on table <name>. Partition operations are not allowed on tables with vertical partitions, entry sequenced operations, and SYSKEYonly partitioned tables. |
0A000 |
-1126 |
Referential integrity is not yet supported. Constraint <name> will not be enforced. |
0A000 |
-1142 |
Attempting to add a column with a NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, or FOREIGN KEY constraint defined. This is not supported for a nonaudited table. |
0A000 |
-13003 |
This feature is unsupported. |
0A000 |
-13034 |
Character set <name> is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-13041 |
Typedef encountered near line <num>, and typedefs are not supported. |
0A000 |
-15013 |
This command is not supported by the SQLCI OLE server. |
0A000 |
-15025 |
Cursor operations are not supported by SQLCI. |
0A000 |
-2072 |
A simple value specification that is a literal is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3009 |
DROP ASSERTION statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3010 |
Character set <name> is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3022 |
The <name> operator is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3023 |
The COLLATE clause in a sort specification is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3024 |
The MATCH PARTIAL clause is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3028 |
Specifying a privilege column list in the INSERT clause is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3029 |
<name> is not yet supported in referential integrity constraint definition. |
0A000 |
-3030 |
The PARALLEL EXECUTION clause is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3031 |
CASCADE drop behavior is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3032 |
The COLUMN clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3033 |
The MOVE clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3034 |
The PARTITION clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3035 |
The RENAME clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3036 |
The SET CONSTRAINT clause in the ALTER TABLE statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3070 |
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not supported. |
0A000 |
-3080 |
The [NO]SERIALWRITES clause is not supported. |
0A000 |
-3105 |
Currently only range, hash and system partitioning are supported. |
0A000 |
-3119 |
The WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION clause is not supported. |
0A000 |
-3120 |
The CREATE ASSERTION statement is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3121 |
Partitioned entry-sequenced tables are not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3130 |
UNSIGNED option is not supported for LARGEINT type. |
0A000 |
-3131 |
The statement just specified is currently not supported. |
0A000 |
-3137 |
UNION JOIN is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-3169 |
<name> is not a known collation. |
0A000 |
-4026 |
Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, <name>, is not currently supported. |
0A000 |
-4060 |
Reading from and inserting into, or updating in, or deleting from the same table, <name>, is not currently supported. <name> is contained by view(s) <name>. |
0A000 |
-4069 |
Column <name> uses an unsupported collation, <name>. |
0A000 |
-4085 |
File organization <name> of object <name> is not supported. |
0A000 |
-4089 |
Check constraint <name> contains a subquery, which is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-4096 |
A DEFAULT specification is currently allowed only when simply contained in the VALUES list of an INSERT. |
0A000 |
-4103 |
Reading from and inserting into the same table <name> is not currently supported. View <name> contains <name>. |
0A000 |
-6001 |
DISTINCT aggregates can be computed only for one column per table expression. |
0A000 |
-8414 |
The attempted conversion is not supported on this platform. |
0A000 |
-8418 |
The USER function is not supported on this platform. |
0A000 |
-8424 |
Function <name> is not yet supported. |
0A000 |
-8848 |
Cancel on DDL statements or stored procedures is not supported. |
22001 |
-8402 |
A string overflow occurred during the evaluation of a character expression. |
22002 |
-8420 |
Missing indicator parameter for a NULL value. |
22003 |
-8411 |
A numeric overflow occurred during an arithmetic computation or data conversion. |
22007 |
-3045 |
Invalid date '<date>'. |
22007 |
-3046 |
Invalid time '<time>'. |
22007 |
-3047 |
Invalid timestamp '<timestamp>'. |
22007 |
-3158 |
Invalid DATETIME <datetime>. |
22007 |
-8413 |
The string argument contains characters that cannot be converted. |
22007 |
-8415 |
The provided DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP is not valid and cannot be converted. |
22007 |
-8422 |
The provided INTERVAL is not valid and cannot be converted. |
22008 |
-8405 |
The operand of function CONVERTTIMESTAMP is out of range. |
22008 |
-8407 |
The operand of function JULIANTIMESTAMP is out of range. |
22008 |
-8416 |
A datetime expression evaluated to an invalid datetime value. |
22008 |
-8403 |
The length argument of function SUBSTRING cannot be less than zero or greater than source string length. |
22008 |
-4075 |
Division by zero in constant expression <name>. |
22012 |
-8419 |
An arithmetic expression attempted a division by zero. |
22015 |
-3044 |
Invalid interval <num>. |
22019 |
-8409 |
The escape character argument of a LIKE predicate must be one character in length. |
22019 |
-8412 |
An input character host variable is missing its null terminator. |
22019 |
-8410 |
An escape character in a LIKE pattern must be followed by another escape character, an underscore, or a percent character. |
22027 |
-8404 |
The trim character argument of function TRIM must be one character in length. |
23000 |
-8101 |
The operation is prevented by check constraint <name> on table <name>. |
23000 |
-8102 |
The operation is prevented by a unique constraint. |
23000 |
-8103 |
The operation is prevented by referential integrity constraint <name> on table <name>. |
23000 |
-8421 |
NULL cannot be assigned to a NOT NULL column. |
24000 |
-8004 |
Trying to open a statement or cursor that is not in the closed state. |
24000 |
-8005 |
Trying to fetch from a cursor that is not in the open state. |
24000 |
-8013 |
Trying to update or delete from a cursor that is not in the fetched state. |
24000 |
-8811 |
Trying to close a statement that is either not in the open state or has not reached EOF. |
24000 |
-8812 |
Trying to execute a statement that is not in the closed state. |
24000 |
-8813 |
Trying to fetch from a statement that is in the closed state. |
24000 |
-8850 |
The table specified in this cursor update or DELETE statement is different than the table specified in the declare cursor statement. |
25000 |
-1111 |
Error starting transaction.table |
25000 |
-1112 |
Error committing transaction.table |
25000 |
-3114 |
Transaction access mode READ WRITE is incompatible with isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED. |
25000 |
-3140 |
The isolation level cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement. |
25000 |
-3141 |
The transaction access mode cannot be READ ONLY for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statement. |
25000 |
-8603 |
Trying to begin a transaction that has already been started. |
25000 |
-8604 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> while starting a transaction. |
25000 |
-8605 |
Committing a transaction which has not started. |
25000 |
-8606 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> on a commit transaction. |
25000 |
-8612 |
Transaction mode cannot be set if the transaction is already running. |
25000 |
-8613 |
SQL cannot commit or rollback a transaction that was started by application. |
25000 |
-8614 |
SQL cannot be begin a transaction when multiple contexts exist. |
25000 |
-8814 |
The transaction mode at run time (<num>) differs from that specified at compile time (<num>). |
25000 |
-8819 |
Begin transaction failed while preparing the statement. |
25000 |
-8820 |
Transaction commit failed while closing the statement. |
25000 |
-8832 |
Transaction has not been started. |
25000 |
-8833 |
The input parameter is an invalid SQL transaction command. |
25000 |
-8841 |
User application committed or aborted a transaction started by SQL. This transaction needs to be committed or aborted by calling SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK WORK. |
25000 |
-8844 |
A transaction started by SQL that was committed or aborted by user application from outside of SQL, has now been cleaned up. |
26000 |
-15017 |
Statement <name> not found. |
26000 |
-2065 |
Statement <name> was not found in module <name>. |
26000 |
-8802 |
Trying to allocate a statement that already exists in the current context. |
26000 |
-8804 |
The input statement provided does not exist in the current context. |
26000 |
-8806 |
Trying to <action> a statement that is not allocated with AllocStmt() call. |
2B000 |
-1014 |
Privileges were not revoked. Dependent privilege descriptors still exist. |
33000 |
-8801 |
Trying to allocate a descriptor that already exists in the current context. |
33000 |
-8803 |
The input descriptor provided does not exist in the current context. |
33000 |
-8805 |
Trying to <action> a descriptor that is not allocated with AllocDesc() call. |
34000 |
-2066 |
Cursor <name> was not found in module <name>. |
38000 |
-11218 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught Java exception. Details: <string>. |
39001 |
-11220 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException with invalid SQLSTATE. The uncaught exception had an SQLCODE of <SQLCODE-value> and SQLSTATE of <SQLSTATE-value>. Details: <string>. |
3D000 |
-8008 |
Catalog name <name> is invalid. |
3F000 |
-8009 |
Schema name <name> is invalid. |
40000 |
-1113 |
Error rolling back transaction. <table> |
40000 |
-2007 |
Internal error: need to rollback transaction. |
40000 |
-2009 |
The user transaction must be rolled back (or committed, if that makes sense in the application) before MXCMP can be restarted and proceed. |
40000 |
-8015 |
Aborting transaction because a compound statement performed an update operation followed by a SELECT statement that did not return any row. |
40000 |
-8607 |
Rolling back a transaction that has not started. |
40000 |
-8609 |
Waited rollback performed without starting a transaction. |
40000 |
-8821 |
Rollback transaction failed during the process of fetching the statement. |
40000 |
-8839 |
Transaction was aborted. |
40003 |
-8608 |
Transaction subsystem <name> returned error <num> on rollback transaction. |
40003 |
-8610 |
Transaction subsystem <name> reported error <num> on a waited rollback transaction. |
42000 |
-1000 |
A syntax error occurred. |
42000 |
-3201 |
EXTERNAL PATH clause is required. |
42000 |
-3202 |
PARAMETER STYLE clause is required. |
42000 |
-3203 |
LANGUAGE clause is required. |
42000 |
-3204 |
EXTERNAL NAME clause is badly formed. |
42000 |
-3205 |
EXTERNAL NAME clause is required. |
42000 |
-3206 |
The name for an object of this type must be fully qualified, or set NAMETYPE ANSI. |
42000 |
-3207 |
Value for DYNAMIC RESULT SETS must be zero. |
42000 |
-3208 |
UNSIGNED numeric is not allowed for routine parameter. |
42000 |
-1123 |
Unable to process the partition key values (<num>) for object <name>. Please verify that the correct key value data types were specified. |
42000 |
-1136 |
For an added column, the PRIMARY KEY clause cannot be NOT DROPPABLE. |
42000 |
-1186 |
Column <name> is of type <type>, incompatible with the default value’s type, <type>. |
42000 |
-13002 |
Syntax error near line <num>. |
42000 |
-13025 |
Warning(s) near line <num>. |
42000 |
-13036 |
C/C++ syntax error in switch/for/while condition near line <num>. |
42000 |
-13037 |
Function header syntax error near line <num>. |
42000 |
-13068 |
C/C++ syntax error near line <num>. |
42000 |
-15001 |
Syntax error at or before: <string>. |
42000 |
-15002 |
Internal parser error: <> |
42000 |
-15003 |
Incomplete statement in input: <name> |
42000 |
-15005 |
Unmatched quote in input (unterminated string): <name> |
42000 |
-15020 |
The USING list must contain at least one parameter value. |
42000 |
-15021 |
The USING list cannot contain more than <num> parameter values. |
42000 |
-15022 |
A USING list unquoted literal is the empty string. |
42000 |
-15023 |
The USING list value <num> exceeds the SQLCI limit of <num> characters. |
42000 |
-15024 |
The USING list quoted literal <name> must be followed by either a comma or a semicolon. |
42000 |
-2050 |
<name> is not the name of any DEFAULTS table attribute. |
42000 |
-2051 |
Invalid <name> option <name> or value '<num>'. |
42000 |
-2055 |
Invalid value '<num>' for DEFAULTS attribute <name>. |
42000 |
-2056 |
The value must be a number in the range <num>. |
42000 |
-2057 |
The value must be a multiple of <num>. |
42000 |
-2058 |
DEFAULTS attribute <name> is of type <type> but is being converted to <type>. |
42000 |
-2060 |
Procedure <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2061 |
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2062 |
Static cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2063 |
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a static cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2064 |
Dynamic cursor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition, as a dynamic cursor, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2067 |
Descriptor <name> has already been defined in this module. The previous definition is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2068 |
42000 |
-2069 |
A static cursor declaration might appear only in the body of a procedure. |
42000 |
-2070 |
Invalid statement type in this context. |
42000 |
-2071 |
The name <name> has already been declared or defined in this module. The previous definition, as a <type>, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2091 |
The required module statement was not found in file <name>. |
42000 |
-2092 |
A module statement has already appeared in this file. The previous definition, <name>, is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2093 |
A module timestamp statement was not found in file <name>. |
42000 |
-2094 |
A module timestamp statement has already appeared in this module. The previous timestamp is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2093 |
A module timestamp statement was not found in file <name>. |
42000 |
-2094 |
A module timestamp statement has already appeared in this module. The previous timestamp is being retained and this latest one ignored. |
42000 |
-2200 |
DEFAULTS attribute <name> is read-only. |
42000 |
-30001 |
A rowset must be composed of host variable arrays. |
42000 |
-30002 |
The given rowset size (<num>) must be smaller or equal to the smallest dimension (<num>) of the arrays composing the rowset. |
42000 |
-30003 |
Rowset size must be an integer host variable or constant. |
42000 |
-30004 |
The dimension of the arrays composing the rowset must be greater than zero. A value of <num> was given. |
42000 |
-30005 |
The dimensions of the arrays composing the rowset are different. The smallest dimension is assumed. |
42000 |
-30006 |
Rowset and one-dimensional variable are in output list. |
42000 |
-30007 |
Incompatible assignment from type <type> to type <type> |
42000 |
-3001 |
Syntax error at or before <SQL-text>. |
42000 |
-3002 |
<name> is not a valid column reference; it has more than 4 name parts. |
42000 |
-3003 |
Length or precision must be greater than zero. |
42000 |
-3004 |
A delimited identifier must contain at least one non-blank character. |
42000 |
-3005 |
A DECLARE CURSOR statement cannot dynamically get its cursor name from a host variable while also statically declaring a cursor specification. A dynamic cursor requires the name of a previously prepared statement, or a host variable containing such a name; a static cursor requires a fixed, static name. |
42000 |
-3006 |
In a dynamic cursor declaration both the cursor and the statement must be named in the same way: both must be literals or both must be string host variable expressions. |
42000 |
-3007 |
In an ALLOCATE CURSOR statement both the cursor and the statement must be named using string host variables. |
42000 |
-3008 |
Precision of <name> UNSIGNED data type, <value>, cannot exceed 9. |
42000 |
-3011 |
<name> is not a valid qualified name; it has more than 3 name parts. |
42000 |
-3012 |
COUNT is the only aggregate function that accepts (\*) as an operand. |
42000 |
-3013 |
Subtraction is the only operation allowed in the parenthesized expression preceding an interval qualifier. |
42000 |
-3014 |
Precision of numeric, <value>, cannot exceed 18. |
42000 |
-3015 |
Scale <value> cannot exceed precision <value>. |
42000 |
-3016 |
Precision of decimal, <value>, cannot exceed 18. |
42000 |
-3017 |
Expected an unsigned integer, not <value>. |
42000 |
-3018 |
Expected an unsigned smallint, not <value>. |
42000 |
-3019 |
Expected an unsigned number within the parentheses, not <value>. |
42000 |
-3020 |
Expected an unsigned number as the first operand within the parentheses, not <value>. |
42000 |
-3021 |
Expected an unsigned number as the second operand within the parentheses, not <value>. |
42000 |
-3025 |
The format of the subvolume name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. The subvolume name part must be eight characters long and begin with the letters ZSD. |
42000 |
-3026 |
A comma must be used to separate file attributes. |
42000 |
-3027 |
<name> is not a valid simple name; it has more than one name part. |
42000 |
-3037 |
Precision of type <data-type> cannot exceed 18. |
42000 |
-3038 |
PIC X types cannot have leading signs, or any signs at all. |
42000 |
-3039 |
PIC X types do not have any COMP representation. |
42000 |
-3040 |
Precision zero is invalid. Add a '9' to the PICTURE clause. |
42000 |
-3041 |
UNSIGNED is invalid for a numeric or decimal type with a scale greater than 9. |
42000 |
-3042 |
UPSHIFT for a numeric type is invalid. |
42000 |
-3043 |
Precision greater than 18 for a COMP numeric type is invalid. |
42000 |
-3048 |
Dynamic parameters, such as <name>, are not allowed in a static compilation. |
42000 |
-3049 |
Host variables, such as <name>, are not allowed in a dynamic compilation. |
42000 |
-3050 |
The constraint must have the same catalog and schema as the specified table. |
42000 |
-3051 |
Duplicate HEADING clauses in column definition <name>. |
42000 |
-3052 |
Duplicate NOT NULL clauses in column definition <name>. |
42000 |
-3053 |
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses in column definition <name>. |
42000 |
-3054 |
The NOT DROPPABLE clause is allowed only in PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL constraint definitions. |
42000 |
-3055 |
Duplicate DELETE rules specified. |
42000 |
-3056 |
Duplicate UPDATE rules specified. |
42000 |
-3057 |
Invalid size value in the ALLOCATE clause. |
42000 |
-3058 |
The BLOCKSIZE value must be 4096. |
42000 |
-3059 |
Invalid size value in the MAXSIZE clause. |
42000 |
-3060 |
Invalid percentage value in the DSLACK clause. |
42000 |
-3061 |
The format of the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
42000 |
-3062 |
Duplicate MAXSIZE clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
42000 |
-3063 |
Duplicate DSLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
42000 |
-3064 |
Duplicate ISLACK clauses in the PARTITION clause. |
42000 |
-3065 |
The primary key constraint cannot be droppable when the STORE BY PRIMARY KEY clause appears in a table definition. |
42000 |
-3067 |
42000 |
-3068 |
The ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE clauses cannot coexist in the same ALTER INDEX statement. |
42000 |
-3071 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses. |
42000 |
-3072 |
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3073 |
Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses. |
42000 |
-3074 |
Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses. |
42000 |
-3075 |
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3076 |
Duplicate DEALLOCATE clauses. |
42000 |
-3077 |
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3078 |
The LOCKLENGTH clause is not allowed in the ALTER INDEX . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3079 |
Duplicate MAXSIZE clauses. |
42000 |
-3081 |
Duplicate ALLOCATE clauses. |
42000 |
-3082 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDIT clauses. |
42000 |
-3083 |
Duplicate [NO]AUDITCOMPRESS clauses. |
42000 |
-3084 |
The BLOCKSIZE clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3085 |
Duplicate [NO]BUFFERED clauses. |
42000 |
-3086 |
Duplicate [NO]CLEARONPURGE clauses. |
42000 |
-3087 |
The [NO]COMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3088 |
The ALLOCATE AND DEALLOCATE cannot coexist in the same ALTER TABLE statement. |
42000 |
-3089 |
The [NO]ICOMPRESS clause is not allowed in the ALTER TABLE . . . ATTRIBUTE(S) statement. |
42000 |
-3090 |
Duplicate LOCKLENGTH clauses. |
42000 |
-3091 |
The [NO]AUDIT clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements. |
42000 |
-3092 |
Duplicate BLOCKSIZE clauses. |
42000 |
-3093 |
Duplicate DCOMPRESS clauses. |
42000 |
-3094 |
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE INDEX statements. |
42000 |
-3095 |
Duplicate [NO]ICOMPRESS clauses. |
42000 |
-3096 |
Duplicate [NO]SERIALWRITES clauses. |
42000 |
-3097 |
The DEALLOCATE clause is not allowed in the CREATE TABLE statements. |
42000 |
-3098 |
Duplicate LOCATION clauses. |
42000 |
-3099 |
Duplicate FILE ATTRIBUTE(S) clauses. |
42000 |
-3100 |
Duplicate DSLACK clauses. |
42000 |
-3101 |
Duplicate ISLACK clauses. |
42000 |
-3102 |
Duplicate PARALLEL EXECUTION clauses. |
42000 |
-3103 |
Duplicate PARTITION clauses. |
42000 |
-3104 |
Only the ADD option is allowed in a PARTITION clause in a CREATE TABLE statement. |
42000 |
-3106 |
Duplicate PRIMARY KEY clauses. |
42000 |
-3107 |
Duplicate LIKE clauses. |
42000 |
-3108 |
The LIKE clause and STORE BY clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
42000 |
-3109 |
Duplicate STORE BY clauses. |
42000 |
-3110 |
The LIKE clause and ATTRIBUTE(S) clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
42000 |
-3111 |
The LIKE clause and LOCATION clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
42000 |
-3112 |
The LIKE clause and PARTITION clause cannot coexist in the same statement. |
42000 |
-3113 |
Error in CONTROL statement: <name> |
42000 |
-3115 |
Duplicate ISOLATION LEVEL clause specified. |
42000 |
-3116 |
Duplicate transaction access mode clause specified. |
42000 |
-3117 |
Duplicate DIAGNOSTICS SIZE specified. |
42000 |
-3118 |
Identifier too long. |
42000 |
-3122 |
The format of the system name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
42000 |
-3123 |
The format of the file name part in the specified location name <name> is invalid. The file name part must be eight characters long and end with the digits 00. |
42000 |
-3127 |
Invalid character in identifier <name>. |
42000 |
-3128 |
<name> is a reserved word. It must be delimited by double- quotes to be used as an identifier. |
42000 |
-3129 |
Function <name> accepts exactly one operand. |
42000 |
-3132 |
The HEADING for column <name> exceeds the maximum size of 128 characters. |
42000 |
-3133 |
PERFORM is valid only in COBOL programs. |
42000 |
-3134 |
Precision of time or timeStamp, <num>, cannot exceed 6. |
42000 |
-3135 |
Precision of float, <value>, cannot exceed 54. |
42000 |
-3136 |
Only LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL OUTER JOIN are valid in \{oj . . .} |
42000 |
-3138 |
A key-sequenced table with range partitioning requires a FIRST KEY clause. |
42000 |
-3139 |
A range-partitioned index requires a FIRST KEY clause. |
42000 |
-3142 |
INTO clause host variables are not allowed in a static cursor. |
42000 |
-3143 |
BROWSE or READ UNCOMMITTED access is not allowed on a table value constructor. |
42000 |
-3145 |
Positioned UPDATE or DELETE is allowed only in embedded SQL. |
42000 |
-3147 |
In an IN predicate whose right operand is a value list, the left operand must be scalar (degree of one). |
42000 |
-3149 |
Duplicate WITH CONSTRAINTS phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
42000 |
-3150 |
Duplicate WITH HEADING phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
42000 |
-3151 |
Duplicate WITH HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS phrases in LIKE clause in CREATE TABLE statement. |
42000 |
-3153 |
The FIRST KEY clause is not allowed with hash partitioning. |
42000 |
-3155 |
The POPULATE and NO POPULATE clauses cannot coexist in the same CREATE INDEX statement. |
42000 |
-3157 |
Catalog name is required. |
42000 |
-3159 |
If you intended <name> to be a character set specifier for a character string literal, you must remove the spaces in front of the single quote delimiter. |
42000 |
-3160 |
<name> was declared more than once in the procedure parameter list. |
42000 |
-3161 |
<name> was not declared in the procedure parameter list. |
42000 |
-3164 |
Data type mismatch between output host variable and selected value. |
42000 |
-3165 |
Min or max precision or exponent value exceeded, <num>. |
42000 |
-3166 |
Min or max value for float or double value exceeded, <num>. 42000 -3167 Duplicate [ NOT ] DROPPABLE clauses. |
42000 |
-3168 |
The FOR . . . ACCESS clause is not allowed in a CREATE VIEW statement. |
42000 |
-3171 |
Transaction statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
42000 |
-3172 |
EXIT is not allowed in a compound statement. |
42000 |
-3173 |
UPDATE STATISTICS is not allowed in a compound statement. |
42000 |
-3174 |
DDL statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
42000 |
-3175 |
Dynamic SQL statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
42000 |
-3176 |
Subqueries are not allowed in the IF Condition. |
42000 |
-3177 |
Character set <name> requires an even number of characters in the length declaration of the data type. |
42000 |
-3178 |
One or more of the following external (host-language) data types incorrectly appears within the SQL query or operation: <type>. |
42000 |
-3179 |
Collation <name> is not defined on the character set <name>. |
42000 |
-3180 |
STREAM statements are not allowed in compound statements. |
42000 |
-3181 |
Invalid logical name, a three part logical name is required. |
42000 |
-3187 |
Not supported: SET STREAM TIMEOUT per a specific stream. |
42000 |
-3189 |
cannot set lock timeout on a view. |
42000 |
-4001 |
Column <name> is not found. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
42000 |
-4002 |
Column <name> is not found. Table <name> not exposed. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
42000 |
-4003 |
Column name is not a column in table <name>, or, after a NATURAL JOIN or JOIN USING, is no longer allowed to be specified with a table correlation name. |
42000 |
-4004 |
Column name <name> is ambiguous. Tables in scope: <name>. Default schema: <name>. |
42000 |
-4005 |
Column reference <name> must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. |
42000 |
-4006 |
Within an aggregate, all column references must come from the same scope. |
42000 |
-4007 |
The select list index <num> is out of range. It must be between 1 and the number of select expressions, which in this case is <num>. |
42000 |
-4008 |
A subquery is not allowed inside an aggregate function. |
42000 |
-4009 |
An aggregate is not allowed inside an aggregate function. |
42000 |
-4010 |
There are no columns with the correlation name <name>. |
42000 |
-4011 |
Ambiguous star column reference <name>. |
42000 |
-4012 |
Column reference <name> must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. On this grouped table a star reference is not allowed. |
42000 |
-4013 |
Column <name> is a system column and cannot be updated or inserted into. |
42000 |
-4014 |
The operands of an INTERSECT must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4010 |
There are no columns with the correlation name <name>. |
42000 |
-4011 |
Ambiguous star column reference <name>. |
42000 |
-4012 |
Column reference <name> must be a grouping column or be specified within an aggregate. On this grouped table a star reference is not allowed. |
42000 |
-4013 |
Column <name> is a system column and cannot be updated or inserted into. |
42000 |
-4014 |
The operands of an INTERSECT must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4015 |
Aggregate functions placed incorrectly: <name>. |
42000 |
-4016 |
The number of derived columns (<num>) must equal the degree of the derived table (<num>). |
42000 |
-4017 |
Derived column name <name> was specified more than once. |
42000 |
-4018 |
Rows cannot be deleted from an entry-sequenced table. |
42000 |
-4019 |
The select list of a subquery in a select list must be scalar (degree of one). |
42000 |
-4020 |
Arithmetic operations on row value constructors are not allowed. |
42000 |
-4021 |
The select list contains a nongrouping non-aggregated column, <name>. |
42000 |
-4022 |
Target column <name> was specified more than once. |
42000 |
-4023 |
The degree of each row value constructor (<num>) must equal the degree of the target table column list (<num>). |
42000 |
-4024 |
Column <name> has no default value, so must be explicitly specified in the insert column list. |
42000 |
-4025 |
Error while preparing constraint <name> on table <name>. |
42000 |
-4027 |
Table <name> is not insertable. |
42000 |
-4028 |
Table <name> is not updateable. |
42000 |
-4030 |
Column <name> is an invalid combination of datetime fields (<num>, <num>, <num>). |
42000 |
-4031 |
Column <name> is an unknown data type, <num>. |
42000 |
-4032 |
Column <name> is an unknown class, <num>. It is neither a system column nor a user column. |
42000 |
-4033 |
Column <name> is a primary or clustering key column and cannot be updated. |
42000 |
-4034 |
The operation (<name> <name> <name>) <name> is not allowed. |
42000 |
-4035 |
Type <type> cannot be cast to type <type>. |
42000 |
-4036 |
The source field of the EXTRACT function must be of DateTime or Interval type. |
42000 |
-4037 |
Field <name> cannot be extracted from a source of type <type>. |
42000 |
-4038 |
The operand of an AVG or SUM function must be numeric or interval. |
42000 |
-4039 |
Column <name> is of type <type>, incompatible with the value’s type, <type>. |
42000 |
-4040 |
The operands of a BETWEEN predicate must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4041 |
Type <type> cannot be compared with type <type>. |
42000 |
-4042 |
The operands of a comparison predicate must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4043 |
The operand of function <name> must be character. |
42000 |
-4044 |
Collation <name> does not support the <name> predicate or function. |
42000 |
-4045 |
The operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
42000 |
-4046 |
The operands of function <name> must be exact numeric. |
42000 |
-4047 |
The operands of function <name> must have a scale of 0. |
42000 |
-4048 |
The third operand of a ternary comparison operator must be of type BOOLEAN, not <name>. |
42000 |
-4049 |
A CASE expression cannot have a result data type of both <type> and <type>. |
42000 |
-4050 |
The operands of the <name> predicate must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation). |
42000 |
-4051 |
The first operand of function <name> must be character. |
42000 |
-4052 |
The second operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
42000 |
-4053 |
The third operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
42000 |
-4055 |
The select lists or tuples must have comparable data types. <type> and <type> are not comparable. |
42000 |
-4056 |
Exposed name <name> appears more than once. |
42000 |
-4057 |
Correlation name <name> conflicts with qualified identifier of table <name>. |
42000 |
-4059 |
The first operand of function <name> must be numeric. |
42000 |
-4061 |
Rows cannot be inserted into, or updated in, an individual table partition. |
42000 |
-4062 |
The preceding error actually occurred in function <name>. |
42000 |
-4063 |
The operands of function <name> must be comparable character data types (that is, of the same character set and collation). |
42000 |
-4064 |
The operands of function <name> must be compatible character data types (that is, of the same character set). |
42000 |
-4066 |
The operands of a UNION must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4067 |
The operands of function <name> must be character data types. |
42000 |
-4068 |
The operand of function <name> must contain an even number of characters. |
42000 |
-4070 |
The operand of function <name> must be exact numeric. |
42000 |
-4071 |
The first operand of function <name> must be a datetime. |
42000 |
-4072 |
The operand of function <name> must be a datetime containing a <name>. |
42000 |
-4073 |
The COLLATE clause might appear only after an expression of character data type, not <type>. |
42000 |
-4076 |
Overflow in constant expression <name>. |
42000 |
-4077 |
Function <name> accepts only one or two operands. |
42000 |
-4078 |
Function <name> does not accept a weight operand. |
42000 |
-4079 |
The operands of function <name> must be numeric. |
42000 |
-4082 |
Table <name> does not exist or is inaccessible. |
42000 |
-4084 |
SQL object <table-name> is corrupt. |
42000 |
-4086 |
Environment variable or define <name> does not exist. |
42000 |
-4087 |
Prototype value '<name>' is not a valid qualified name. |
42000 |
-4088 |
The number of values in each TRANSPOSE item of a TRANSPOSE set must be equal. |
42000 |
-4093 |
The number of output dynamic parameters (<num>) must equal the number of selected values (<num>). |
42000 |
-4094 |
The number of output host variables (<num>) must equal the number of selected values (<num>). |
42000 |
-4095 |
A DEFAULT whose value is NULL is not allowed in <name>. |
42000 |
-4097 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in function <name>. |
42000 |
-4098 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in operation <name>. |
42000 |
-4099 |
A NULL operand is not allowed in predicate <name>. |
42000 |
-4100 |
A NULL value is not allowed in a select list unless it is CAST to some data type. |
42000 |
-4101 |
If <name> is intended to be a further table reference in the FROM clause, the preceding join search condition must be enclosed in parentheses. |
42000 |
-4104 |
If a character literal was intended, you must use the single quote delimiter instead of the double: <name> instead of <name>. |
42000 |
-4105 |
Unknown translation. |
42000 |
-4106 |
The character set for the operand of function <name> must be <name>. |
42000 |
-4107 |
Column <name> has no default value, so DEFAULT cannot be specified. |
42000 |
-4108 |
Inside a ROWS SINCE, another sequence function contained an invalid reference to the THIS function. |
42000 |
-4109 |
Sequence functions placed incorrectly: <name>. |
42000 |
-4110 |
The query contains sequence functions but no SEQUENCE BY clause: <name>. |
42000 |
-4111 |
The query contains a SEQUENCE BY clause but no sequence functions. |
42000 |
-4112 |
Absolute and relative sampling cannot occur in the same BALANCE expression. |
42000 |
-4113 |
The sample size for <name> Sampling must be <num>. |
42000 |
-4114 |
An absolute sample size must have a scale of zero. |
42000 |
-4115 |
The sample size must be less than or equal to the sample period. |
42000 |
-4116 |
The second operand of function <name> is invalid. |
42000 |
-4117 |
The cursor query expression might be nonupdatable. |
42000 |
-4118 |
The cursor query expression is not updateable. |
42000 |
-4120 |
In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. |
42000 |
-4121 |
In a query with a GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or aggregate function, each column in the ORDER BY clause must be one of the columns explicitly SELECTed by the query. Column in error: <name>. Table in scope: <name>. |
42000 |
-4122 |
NULL cannot be assigned to NOT NULL column <name>. |
42000 |
-4123 |
NULL cannot be cast to a NOT NULL data type. |
42000 |
-4125 |
The select list of a subquery in a row value constructor, if the subquery is one of several expressions rather than the only expression in the constructor, must be scalar (degree of one). |
42000 |
-4126 |
The row value constructors in a VALUES clause must be of equal degree. |
42000 |
-4127 |
Type <type> cannot be assigned to type <type>. |
42000 |
-4128 |
Cannot retrieve default volume and subvolume information from =_DEFAULTS define, DEFINEINFO error <num>. |
42000 |
-4134 |
The operation (<name>) is not allowed. Try UNION ALL instead. |
42000 |
-7003 |
A plan using cluster sampling could not be produced for this query. |
42000 |
-8573 |
The user does not have <name> privilege on table or view <name>. |
44000 |
-8104 |
The operation is prevented by the check on view <name> cascaded from the check option on <table-name>. |
44000 |
-8105 |
The operation is prevented by the check option on view <name>. |
46007 |
-11208 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The list of parameter types must be enclosed in parentheses. |
46007 |
-11209 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: the number of parameters <value> must match the number of parameters in Java method. |
46007 |
-11210 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Missing [ ] for OUT/INOUT parameter at position <value>. |
46007 |
-11211 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown parameter type used at position <value>. |
46007 |
-11212 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Java signature size is more than supported. |
46007 |
-11213 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: A return type must not be specified. |
46101 |
-11215 |
Java execution: Invalid null input value at parameter position <value>. |
46103 |
-11205 |
Java class <class-file-name> was not found in external path <path-name>. |
HY011 |
-8855 |
Statement attribute cannot be set now. |
HY011 |
-8857 |
Statement attribute cannot be set now. INPUT_ARRAY_MAXSIZE must be set before compiling the statement. |
HY024 |
-8854 |
Invalid attribute value. |
HY024 |
-8856 |
Invalid attribute value. INPUT_ARRAY_MAXSIZE must be positive. |
HY092 |
-8853 |
Invalid attribute definition. |
X0101 |
-1001 |
An internal error occurred in module <name> on line <num>. DETAILS(<text>). |
X0102 |
-1002 |
Catalog <name> does not exist. |
X0103 |
-1003 |
Schema <name> does not exist. |
X0104 |
-1004 |
Table, view, or stored procedure <name> does not exist. |
X0105 |
-1005 |
Constraint <name> does not exist. |
X0106 |
-1006 |
Index <name> does not exist. |
X0108 |
-1008 |
User name <name> does not exist. |
X0109 |
-1009 |
Column <name> does not exist in the specified table. |
X010G |
-1016 |
Redundant references to column <name> in the constraint. |
X010H |
-1017 |
You are not authorized to perform this operation. |
X010J |
-1019 |
Cannot find a valid primary partition for <name>. |
X010K |
-1020 |
Privilege settings on metadata tables cannot be changed. |
X010L |
-1021 |
SQL is already initialized on system <name>. |
X010M |
-1022 |
Schema <name> already exists. |
X010N |
-1023 |
Only the super ID user can name an authorization ID other than the current user name. |
X010O |
-1024 |
Distribution Service/Data Access Manager error <num> occurred in module <name> on line <num>. DETAILS(<text>). |
X010P |
-1025 |
Request failed. One or more dependent objects exist. |
X010Q |
-1026 |
Only the schema owner or the super ID user can drop a schema. |
X010R |
-1027 |
The definition schema <name> is dropped when its catalog is dropped. |
X010S |
-1028 |
Schema <name> contains at least one object. The schema must be empty. |
X010T |
-1029 |
Unable to create object <name>. |
X010U |
-1030 |
Unable to access object <name> (file error <num>). |
X010V |
-1031 |
Unable to drop object <name>. |
X010Y |
-1034 |
Unable to initialize SQL. |
X010Z |
-1035 |
Catalog <name> already exists. |
X0110 |
-1036 |
Only the super ID can execute DROP SQL. |
X0111 |
-1037 |
SQL is not installed on system <name>. |
X0112 |
-1038 |
All catalogs have not been dropped from the system. |
X0113 |
-1039 |
Unable to drop SQL. |
X0114 |
-1040 |
Cannot alter metadata table. |
X0115 |
-1041 |
The primary key has already been defined. |
X0116 |
-1042 |
All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL. |
X0118 |
-1044 |
Unable to create constraint <name>. The referenced table does not contain a unique constraint. |
X0119 |
-1045 |
The unique constraint cannot be used because it is deferrable. |
X011A |
-1046 |
Referenced and referencing column lists do not match for constraint <name>. |
X011B |
-1047 |
Unable to drop view <name> due to view being used by other objects. |
X011D |
-1049 |
Attempting to drop a NOT DROPPABLE constraint. |
X011E |
-1050 |
Cannot drop constraint used as a referenced object for a foreign key. |
X011F |
-1051 |
Insufficient privilege on <name>. |
X011G |
-1052 |
Trying to drop a constraint that does not belong to requested table. |
X011H |
-1053 |
Unique index <name> could not be created because the column(s) specified contain duplicate data. |
X011I |
-1054 |
Index <name> already exists. |
X011J |
-1055 |
Table, view, or stored procedure <name> already exists. |
X011L |
-1057 |
The DAM volume specified (<name>) is not available or is not audit protected. |
X011M |
-1058 |
Lock <name> already exists. |
X011N |
-1059 |
Request failed. Dependent constraint <name> exists. |
X011P |
-1061 |
Cannot drop metadata catalog <name>. |
X011Q |
-1062 |
Cannot drop metadata schema <name>. |
X011R |
-1063 |
Cannot drop metadata index <name>. |
X011S |
-1064 |
Cannot drop metadata view <name>. |
X011T |
-1065 |
Cannot create constraint <name> in metadata schema. |
X011U |
-1066 |
Cannot create index <name> in metadata schema. |
X011X |
-1069 |
Unable to drop schema <name>. |
X011Y |
-1070 |
Unable to create object <name> (file error <num>). |
X011Z |
-1071 |
Unable to access object <name> (file error <num>). |
X0120 |
-1072 |
Unique constraint <name> is disabled; cannot create foreign key constraint <name>. |
X0121 |
-1073 |
Only the super ID user can execute INITIALIZE SQL. |
X0123 |
-1075 |
Catalog <name> contains at least one schema. The catalog must be empty. |
X0125 |
-1077 |
Metadata table <name> does not contain information for view <name>. |
X0126 |
-1078 |
The format of the specified location name <name> is invalid. |
X0127 |
-1079 |
Unable to prepare the statement. |
X0128 |
-1080 |
Duplicate references to column <name> in the create request. |
X0129 |
-1081 |
Loading of index <name> failed unexpectedly. |
X012A |
-1082 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed unexpectedly. |
X012B |
-1083 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed; incompatible data exists in table. |
X012C |
-1084 |
Invalid default value for column <name>. |
X012D |
-1085 |
The calculated key length is greater than 255 bytes. |
X012E |
-1086 |
Lock <name> does not exist. |
X012F |
-1087 |
Lock cannot be granted, conflicting operation is in progress. |
X012G |
-1088 |
Cannot instantiate object <name>, conflicting lock exists. |
X012M |
-1094 |
Unable to drop object <name> because it is not a <name>. |
X012N |
-1095 |
The partition by column <name> should also be part of the clustering/storage key. |
X012Q |
-1098 |
Duplicate partition key (<name>) specified for object <name>. |
X012R |
-1099 |
Column <num> is unnamed. You must specify an AS clause for that column expression, or name all the columns by specifying a view column list. |
X012S |
-1100 |
Unable to select <>. |
X012T |
-1101 |
Unable to update <>. |
X012U |
-1102 |
Unable to insert rows into <>. |
X012V |
-1103 |
Unable to delete rows from <>. |
X012W |
-1104 |
Default value string too long for column <name>. |
X012X |
-1105 a |
CREATE TABLE LIKE statement cannot contain both HORIZONTAL PARTITIONS and STORE BY clauses. |
X012Y |
-1106 |
The specified partition <name> of object <name> does not exist. |
X0130 |
-1108 |
The number of columns specified in the view column list, <num>, does not match the degree of the query expression, <num>. |
X0131 |
-1109 |
The WITH CHECK OPTION clause appears in the definition of view name, but the view is not updateable. |
X0136 |
-1114 |
Unable to create catalog <name> metadata tables on <name>. |
X0137 |
-1115 |
Unable to create label for <name> (file error <num>) <name>. |
X0138 |
-1116 |
The current partitioning scheme requires a user-specified primary key on object <name>. |
X0139 |
-1117 |
Cannot drop the only partition of the table. There must be at least two partitions available to perform the drop. |
X013A |
-1118 |
Cannot create object <name> in metadata schema. |
X013B |
-1119 |
Cannot drop metadata object <name>. |
X013E |
-1122 |
The number of specified partition key values (<num>) for object <name> exceeds the number of key columns used, <num>. |
X013G |
-1124 |
Schema <name> is an unknown version. |
X013H |
-1125 |
API request version number mismatch. |
X013J |
-1127 |
The specified table <name> is not a base table. Please verify that the correct table was specified. |
X013K |
-1128 |
Invalid API request. Details: <text>. |
X013M |
-1130 |
The column requires a default value. |
X013O |
-1132 |
An added column cannot have both DEFAULT NULL and NOT NULL. |
X013P |
-1133 |
Only the super ID can perform this operation. |
X013Q |
-1134 |
Concurrent DDL operations are being performed on the given object. The current operation cannot be performed. |
X013R |
-1135 |
Clustering key column <name> must be assigned a NOT NULL NOT DROPPABLE constraint. |
X013T |
-1137 |
Invalid index status. Details: <text>. |
X013U |
-1138 |
Invalid input parameter(s). Object name and status are required. |
X013V |
-1139 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in the search condition of a check constraint definition. |
X013W |
-1140 |
Row-length <num> exceeds the maximum allowed row-length of <num> for table <name>. |
X013X |
-1141 |
Could not obtain an up-and-audited DAM volume. Please check your system configuration. |
X013Z |
-1143 |
Validation for constraint <name> failed; incompatible data exists in referencing base table <name> and referenced base table <name>. To display the data violating the constraint, please use the following DML statement: <name> |
X0140 |
-1144 |
Expected a quoted string in first key clause for column <name> on table <name>, value detected is (<name>). |
X0141 |
-1145 |
The catalog name <name> is reserved for Trafodion metadata. |
X0142 |
-1146 |
Unable to alter object <name> because it is not a <name>. |
X0143 |
-1147 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in a unique or primary key constraint definition. |
X0144 |
-1148 |
System-generated column <name> of base table <name> cannot appear in a referential integrity constraint definition. |
X0151 |
-1181 |
Unable to drop object <name> (file error <num>). |
X0152 |
-1182 |
Cannot instantiate constraint <name>, conflicting lock exists. |
X0153 |
-1183 |
Cannot instantiate module <name>, conflicting lock exists. |
X0154 |
-1184 |
Insufficient privilege on <name>. |
X0155 |
-1185 |
The location name is either invalid or missing. |
X0157 |
-1187 |
The schema name <name> is reserved for Trafodion metadata. |
X0158 |
-1188 |
Unable to create referential integrity constraint <name> for table <name> due to circular dependency: <name>. |
X0166 |
-1222 |
Invalid file type <type>. |
X0168 |
-1224 |
Invalid data type for routine param <name>. |
X0169 |
-1225 |
Error on access to PROCS table. Trafodion error <integer>. |
X016A |
-1226 |
Error on access to PARAMS table. Trafodion error <integer>. |
X016F |
-1231 |
Unable to create user-defined routine <routine-name>. |
X0200 |
-2000 |
Error messages for compiler main, IPC, and DEFAULTS table; assertions for optimizer. |
X0201 |
-2001 |
Error or warning <num> occurred while opening or reading from DEFAULTS table <name>. Using <name> values. |
X0202 |
-2002 |
Internal error: cannot create MXCMP server. |
X0203 |
-2003 |
Internal error: cannot establish connection with MXCMP server. |
X0204 |
-2004 |
Internal error: error from MXCMP; cannot work on this query. |
X0205 |
-2005 |
Internal error: from compilation, no errors in diagnostics yet for statement: <name> |
X0206 |
-2006 |
Internal error: assertion failure (<name>) in file <name> at line <num>. |
X0208 |
-2008 |
Internal error: out of virtual memory. |
X020A |
-2010 |
Internal IPC error. |
X020B |
-2011 |
Unable to create server process. Error <num> while resolving program file name <name>. |
X020C |
-2012 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Error <num>, TPC Error = <num>, error detail = <text>. (See procedure PROCESS_LAUNCH_ for details). |
X020D |
-2013 |
Unable to create server process <name>. error <num> on program file. |
X020E |
-2014 |
Unable to create server process <name>. error <num> on swap file. |
X020F |
-2015 |
Unable to create server process <name>. CPU is unavailable ( error <num>). |
X020G |
-2016 |
Server process <name> was started but had undefined externals. |
X020H |
-2017 |
Unable to create server process <name>. No more processes (PCBs) available. |
X020I |
-2018 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Library conflict. |
X020J |
-2019 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Unable to allocate virtual memory. |
X020K |
-2020 |
Unable to create server process <name>. Unlicensed privileged program. |
X020L |
-2021 |
System error <num> in <name> from <name>. |
X020M |
-2022 |
System error <num> in <name> from <name>, detail <text>. |
X020N |
-2023 |
Unable to create server process <name>. <name>. |
X020P |
-2025 |
Unable to create server process <name>. CPU is unavailable; <name>. |
X020R |
-2027 |
error <num> while sending a startup message to process <name>. |
X020S |
-2028 |
Unable to create OSS server process <name>. Insufficient resources. |
X020T |
-2029 |
Unable to create OSS server process <name>. OSS is not running. |
X020U |
-2030 |
Unable to create server process <name> via inetd (err no = <num>). |
X020X |
-2033 |
<text>: error <num> while communicating with process <name>. |
X020Y |
-2034 |
<text>: error <num> while communicating with server process <name>. |
X020Z |
-2035 |
<text>: Unable to open process <name> (err no = <num>). |
X0211 |
-2037 |
<receiving-process>: A message from process <sending-process> was incorrectly formatted and could not be processed. |
X021G |
-2052 |
Optimizer internal counters: <name> <name> <name> <name>. |
X021H |
-2053 |
ASSERTION FAILURE CAUGHT BY OPTIMIZER! Attempting to recover and produce a plan. |
X021N |
-2059 |
Warnings while reading values from DEFAULTS table <name>. |
X0221 |
-2073 |
Only the super ID user can compile system module <name>. |
X0222 |
-2074 |
The name <name> is reserved for future system modules. |
X0228 |
-2080 |
Error <num> while reading file: <num> bytes were read from <name> when <num> were expected in module <name>. |
X0229 |
-2081 |
Error <num> while opening file <name> for read. |
X022A |
-2082 |
Error <num> while opening file <name> for write. |
X022B |
-2083 |
Error <num> while naming or locating file <name>. |
X022C |
-2084 |
Error <num> while writing <num> bytes to file <name>. |
X022D |
-2085 |
Error <num> while closing file <name>. |
X022E |
-2086 |
Unable to purge the file <name>. This file contains the results of a failed compilation and should be purged. |
X022I |
-2090 |
The command line argument for module name, <name>, is being ignored in favor of module name <name> in file <name>. |
X022N |
-2095 |
Module file <name>, expected to contain module <name>, instead contains <name>. |
X022Q |
-2098 |
The <name> compilation completed with <num> warnings. |
X022R |
-2099 |
The <name> compilation failed with <num> errors and <num> warnings. |
X022S |
-2100 |
Break was received. The compilation has been aborted. |
X022T |
-2101 |
Compilation failure due to internal error. |
X022U |
-2102 |
Unable to compile this query with 'MINIMUM' optimization level. Suggestion: Retry with 'MEDIUM' optimization level. |
X022V |
-2103 |
Unable to compile this query for one/both of the following reasons: a) Use of 'MINIMUM' optimization level, or b) Incompatible Control Query Shape specifications. |
X022W |
-2104 |
Unable to compile this query for one of two reasons: a) Incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications, or b) 'MEDIUM' optimization level is not sufficient to satisfy the CQS in effect. Suggestion: a) Inspect the CQS in effect; or b) Raise the optimization level to 'MAXIMUM'. Note that for this query, 'MAXIMUM' optimization level might result in a long compile time. |
X022X |
-2105 |
Unable to compile this query because of incompatible Control Query Shape (CQS) specifications. Suggestion: Inspect the CQS in effect. |
X022Y |
-2106 |
Unable to compile this statement since it is too long. Suggestion: Break up large statements into smaller pieces. |
X022Z |
-2107 |
Unable to compile this statement. Suggestion: Address the issue(s) raised in the reported warning(s). |
X0230 |
-2108 |
Statement was compiled as if query plan caching were off. |
X02P0 |
-2900 |
in file <name> at line <num>: |
X0300 |
-3000 |
An internal error occurred in module <name> on line <num>. DETAILS(<text>). |
X0344 |
-3148 |
Environment variable <name> is being ignored because this version of the code is Release, not Debug. Actual query results will likely not match expected results. |
X034I |
-3162 |
Procedure parameter <name> was not used. |
X034J |
-3163 |
Host variable <name> appears more than once in the INTO list. Execution results will be undefined. |
X0352 |
-3182 |
Extra semicolon(;) in a compound statement. |
X0400 |
-4000 |
Internal error in the query binder. |
X0422 |
-4074 |
CONTROL QUERY successful. |
X042U |
-4102 |
The FIRST/ANY n syntax cannot be used with in an outermost SELECT statement. |
X043G |
-4124 |
More than one table will be locked: <name>. |
X0446 |
-4150 |
Primary key of table expression <name> must be used for join with embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X0447 |
-4151 |
Stream access supported only on updateable views <name>. |
X0448 |
-4152 |
Table <name> cannot be both read and updated. |
X0449 |
-4153 |
Statement might not compile due to an order requirement on stream expression. |
X044A |
-4154 |
Statement might not compile due to an order requirement on embedded <name> expression. |
X044B |
-4155 |
Secondary indexes don’t support order requirement. Table: <name>. |
X044D |
-4157 |
Inner relation of left join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044E |
-4158 |
Join of stream expressions not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044F |
-4159 |
Intersection of stream expressions not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044G |
-4160 |
Intersection between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
X044H |
-4161 |
Union between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
X044I |
-4162 |
Groupby not supported for stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044J |
-4163 |
Groupby not supported for embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044K |
-4164 |
Outer relation of right join cannot be embedded <name> expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044L |
-4165 |
Outer relation of right join cannot be stream expression. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044M |
-4166 |
ORDER BY clause not supported in UNION of two streams. Tables in scope: <name>, <name>. |
X044N |
-4167 |
Embedded <name> statements not supported in subqueries. |
X044O |
-4168 |
Stream expressions not supported in subqueries. |
X044P |
-4169 |
Embedded DELETE statements not allowed when using DECLARE . . . FOR UPDATE clause. |
X044Q |
-4170 |
Stream expressions not supported for insert statements. |
X044R |
-4171 |
Embedded <name> statements not supported in INSERT statements. |
X044T |
-4173 |
Stream expression not supported for top level UPDATE statements. |
X044U |
-4174 |
JOIN_ORDER_BY_USER prevented compiler from reordering query tree. |
X044V |
-4175 |
Join between embedded <name> expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044W |
-4176 |
Join between stream expression and embedded <name> expression not supported. Tables in scope: <name>. |
X044X |
-4177 |
Update of <name> column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
X044Y |
-4178 |
Update of variable length column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
X044Z |
-4179 |
SEQUENCE BY not supported for stream expressions. |
X0450 |
-4180 |
Stream expression not supported for top level DELETE statement. |
X0451 |
-4181 |
Join with embedded <name> expression is not supported. |
X0452 |
-4182 |
Selection predicate on any but the innermost correlation name of an embedded <name> expression is not supported. |
X045K |
-4200 |
Stream expressions not supported for compound statements. |
X045L |
-4201 |
Embedded <name> expression not supported for compound statements. |
X045M |
-4202 |
SEQUENCE BY not supported for embedded <name> expressions. |
X045N |
-4203 |
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation on nonaudited table <name> requires index maintenance which might cause the index(es) to become corrupt. |
X045O |
-4204 |
Stream access supported only for key-sequenced tables. Table: <name>. |
X045P |
-4205 |
Embedded <name> supported only for key-sequenced tables. Table: <name>. |
X045Q |
-4206 |
Embedded <name> supported only for updateable views. View: <name>. |
X045R |
-4207 |
Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all output values of stream. |
X045S |
-4208 |
Index <name> and other indexes covering a subset of columns do not cover all columns referenced in where clause of stream. |
X045T |
-4209 |
Update of nullable column <name> not permitted on rollback. |
X045U |
-4210 |
Embedded UPDATE/DELETE statements are not supported within an IF statement. |
X045W |
-4212 |
<table-name> cannot be used to satisfy order requirement on the stream because it is partitioned. |
X045X |
-4213 |
Use of rowsets in a predicate with embedded UPDATE/DELETE not supported. |
X045Y |
-4214 |
The SET ON ROLLBACK clause is not allowed on a nonaudited table. Table: <name>. |
X045Z |
-4215 |
Stream access is not allowed on a nonaudited table. Table: <name>. |
X0460 |
-4216 |
The FIRST/ANY n syntax cannot be used with an embedded update or embedded DELETE statement. |
X0461 |
-4217 |
X048C |
-4300 |
Invalid usage of procedure <procedure-name> - A UDR was invoked within a trigger. |
X048E |
-4302 |
Procedure <procedure-name> expects <value-1> parameters but was called with <value-2> parameters. |
X048F |
-4303 |
The supplied type for parameter value of routine <routine-name> was <type-name-1> which is not compatible with the expected type <type-name-2>. |
X048G |
-4304 |
Host variable or dynamic parameter <parameter-name> is used in more than one OUT or INOUT parameter for routine routine-name. Results might be unpredictable. |
X048H |
-4305 |
Parameter <value> for used defined routine <routine-name> is an OUT or INOUT parameter and must be a host variable or a dynamic parameter. |
X048I |
-4306 |
A CALL statement is not allowed within a compound statement. |
X048J |
-4307 |
Rowset parameters are not allowed in a CALL statement. |
X048K |
-4308 |
Internal error: unsupported SQL data type <value> specified for a CALL statement parameter. |
X0500 |
-5000 |
Internal error in the query normalizer. |
X0600 |
-6000 |
Internal error in the query optimizer. |
X0602 |
-6002 |
The metadata table HISTOGRAMS or HISTOGRAM_INTERVALS contains invalid values. If you have manually modified the metadata table, then you should undo your changes using the CLEAR option in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
X0607 |
-6007 |
Multi-column statistics for columns <name> from table <name> were not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. |
X0608 |
-6008 |
Statistics for column <name> were not available; as a result, the access path chosen might not be the best possible. |
X0700 |
-7000 |
Internal error in the code generator in file <name> at line <num>: <text>. |
X0701 |
-7001 |
Invalid default value <name> for column <name>. |
X0801 |
-8001 |
Internal executor error. |
X0802 |
-8002 |
The current nowaited operation is not complete. |
X0803 |
-8003 |
The descriptor is locked by another nowaited operation. |
X0806 |
-8006 |
The stream timed out, but the cursor is still open. |
X0807 |
-8007 |
The operation has been canceled. |
X080A |
-8010 |
Default catalog name: <name>. Default schema name: <name>. |
X080B |
-8011 |
SELECT statement inside compound (BEGIN . . . END) statement returns more than one row. |
X080C |
-8012 |
Encoding of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULTs: <name>. |
X080E |
-8014 |
A SELECT statement within compound statement did not return any row. |
X080G |
-8016 |
An attempt was made to access <name> which has a system version that is incompatible with the version of the accessing software. |
X080H |
-8017 |
Explain information is not available for this query. |
X080J |
-8883 |
X08P1 |
-8901 |
The MXUDR server for this statement is no longer running. The statement will be assigned a new MXUDR server if it is executed again. |
X08P2 |
-8902 |
Internal error: MXUDR returned an invalid UDR handle. |
X08P3 |
-8903 |
An attempt was made by Trafodion to kill the MXUDR server for this statement <process-name>. PROCESS_STOP_ returned <value>. |
X08P4 |
-8904 |
Unable to receive reply from MXUDR, possibly caused by internal errors while executing user-defined routines. |
X08P6 |
-8906 |
An invalid or corrupt MXUDR reply could not be processed, possibly due to memory corruption in MXUDR while executing friendly user-defined routines or an internal error in Trafodion. |
X082S |
-8100 |
Define <name> does not exist |
X08O4 |
-8868 |
Unable to create context when current transaction is implicitly started by SQL. |
X08O5 |
-8869 |
The specified file number is not a QFO, or the file number is not internally associated with a QFO object (CLI internal error). |
X08O6 |
-8870 |
The current statement is not associated with any QFO. |
X08O7 |
-8871 |
Nowait tag is not specified in the <statement-id>. |
X08O8 |
-8872 |
Unable to execute a new operation while there is another nowaited operation pending. |
X08O9 |
-8873 |
The current statement is already associated with a QFO. |
X08OG |
-8880 |
Cannot remove the current context. |
X08OH |
-8881 |
The specified CLI context handle is not found |
X08OI |
-8882 |
Containing SQL not permitted. |
X08OJ |
-8883 |
The current context has violation checking functions disabled. Use SQL_EXEC_SetUdrAttributes_Internal() to enable it. |
X08OU |
-8894 |
Argument <argument-name> of CLI function <function-name> is reserved for future use and must be set to <string> when calling the function. |
X083W |
-8140 |
Prohibited SQL statement attempted. |
X083X |
-8141 |
An error was artificially injected, to test error handling. File <name> at line <num>. |
X088C |
-8300 |
Late name resolution failed. |
X088D |
-8301 |
Late name resolution failed. File system error <num> on file <name>. |
X088E |
-8302 |
Late name resolution failed. SQLCODE error <num> from <name>. |
X08BL |
-8417 |
An error occurred during the evaluation of a USER function. |
X08BR |
-8423 |
The provided field number is not valid. |
X08BT |
-8425 |
NULL cannot be assigned to a DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL column. |
X08BV |
-8427 |
<text> |
X08BW |
-8428 |
The argument to function <name> is not valid. |
X08BX |
-8429 |
The preceding error actually occurred in function <name>. |
X08FA |
-8550 |
Error <num> was returned by the Data Access Manager. |
X08FB |
-8551 |
Error <num> was returned by the Distribution Service on <name>. |
X08FC |
-8552 |
Error <num> was returned by the Distribution Service while fetching the version of the system <name>. |
X08FD |
-8553 |
Stream overflow; subscription rate has fallen too far behind publishing rate. |
X08FU |
-8570 |
Insufficient memory to build query. |
X08FV |
-8571 |
Insufficient memory to execute query. |
X08FW |
-8572 |
The statement has incurred a fatal error and must be deallocated. |
X08FY |
-8574 |
An OPEN was blown away on table <name>. |
X08FZ |
-8575 |
Timestamp mismatch on table <name>. |
X08G0 |
-8576 |
Statement was recompiled. |
X08G1 |
-8577 |
Table, index, or view <name> not found. |
X08G2 |
-8578 |
Similarity check passed. |
X08G3 |
-8579 |
Similarity check failed: <name> |
X08GP |
-8601 |
Error returned from file system while locking/unlocking. |
X08GQ |
-8602 |
The file system reported error <num> on a lock/unlock operation. |
X08JG |
-8700 |
An assertion failure or out-of-memory condition occurred during parallel execution. |
X08JQ |
-8710 |
Error <num> returned by Measure when attempting to update SQL counters. |
X08MG |
-8808 |
Module file <name> contains corrupted or invalid data. |
X08MH |
-8809 |
Unable to open the module file <name>. |
X08MN |
-8815 |
Error while building the TCB tree when executing the statement. |
X08MO |
-8816 |
Error while executing the TCB tree. |
X08MP |
-8817 |
Error while fetching from the TCB tree. |
X08MQ |
-8818 |
Error from root_tdb describe. |
X08MU |
-8822 |
Unable to prepare the statement. |
X08MV |
-8823 |
Internal error: IO requests are waiting for <name> message in the IpcMessageStream. |
X08MW |
-8824 |
The input <module-id> does not have a module name. |
X08MX |
-8825 |
Module is already added into the current context. |
X08MY |
-8826 |
Unable to add the module. |
X08MZ |
-8827 |
Unable to send the request <name>. |
X08N0 |
-8828 |
Out of memory while creating the <name>. |
X08N2 |
-8830 |
There is no current context. |
X08N3 |
-8831 |
Either no current context or the module to which the statement belongs is not added to the current context. |
X08N6 |
-8834 |
Unable to find the installation directory. Operating system error <num>. |
X08N7 |
-8835 |
Invalid SQL descriptor information requested. |
X08N8 |
-8836 |
Invalid update column for cursor. |
X08N9 |
-8837 |
Invalid user id. |
X08NA |
-8838 |
Unable to receive reply from MXCMP, possibly caused by internal errors when compiling SQL statements, processing DDL statements, or executing the built in stored procedures. |
X08NC |
-8840 |
Object name provided to CLI is invalid. |
X08NE |
-8842 |
The cursor, <name>, referenced by this statement is not found or is not updateable. |
X08NH |
-8845 |
Internal error: root_tcb is null. |
X08NI |
-8846 |
Empty SQL statement. |
X08NN |
-8851 |
CLI Parameter bound check error. |
X08NO |
-8852 |
Holdable cursors are supported only for streaming cursors and embedded UPDATE/DELETE cursors. |
X08NU |
-8858 |
The value: (<num>) passed in through input a host variable/parameter is an invalid SQL identifier |
X08NV |
-8859 |
There are pending insert, delete, or update operations. |
X08NW |
-8860 |
Module file <name> has obsolete module header. |
X08NX |
-8861 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor location table header. |
X08NY |
-8862 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor location table entry. |
X08NZ |
-8863 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor header. |
X08O0 |
-8864 |
Module file <name> has obsolete descriptor entry. |
X08O1 |
-8865 |
Module file <name> has obsolete procedure location table header. |
X08O2 |
-8866 |
Module file <name> has obsolete procedure location table entry. |
X08O3 |
-8867 |
Error while reading from file <name>. |
X08OQ |
-8890 |
The SQL compiler failed to initialize properly. Query results might differ from what is expected, due to different compiler defaults. |
X08OR |
-8891 |
Non-ASCII character host variable type for <name> field. |
X08OX |
-8897 |
RPC exception in CLI request from non-trusted shadow client to trusted shadow server. |
X08OY |
-8898 |
Internal error in CLI. |
X095K |
-9200 |
UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an error from <name>. |
X095L |
-9201 |
Unable to DROP object <name>. |
X095M |
-9202 |
UPDATE STATISTICS has located previously generate histogram that are not being regenerated. This might affect the plans that will be generated. Missing column lists are <column-list>. |
X095N |
-9203 |
Column names must be unique when specified in column list: (<name>). |
X095O |
-9204 |
The range of interval count is from 1 to 200. |
X095P |
-9205 |
UPDATE STATISTICS for object <name> is not supported. |
X095Q |
-9206 |
You are not authorized to read/write object <name>. Verify that you have the necessary access privileges. |
X095R |
-9207 |
You are not allowed to generate histogram statistics on an ISO88591 CHARACTER SET column which contains a null terminator character. You need to exclude this column from the column group list in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
X095S |
-9208 |
Unable to access column definitions. |
X095T |
-9209 |
Column name <name> does not exist in the table. |
X095U |
-9210 |
One of the column data types is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS. You need to exclude this column from the column group list in UPDATE STATISTICS. |
X095W |
-9212 |
Cardinality statistics will be more accurate if you use SET ROWCOUNT option in the SAMPLE clause. |
X095X |
-9213 |
If you intend to update histogram statistics for columns, you must specify a column group list in the statement. |
X095Y |
-9214 |
Unable to create object <name>. |
X095Z |
-9215 |
UPDATE STATISTICS encountered an internal error (<location>). |
X0A01 |
-10001 |
Sort Error: No error text is defined for this error. |
X0A03 |
-10003 |
Sort Error: Warning: Scratch File EOF |
X0A04 |
-10004 |
Sort Error: Merge is disallowed for Sort |
X0A05 |
-10005 |
Sort Error: Unexpected error value. Check error |
X0A06 |
-10006 |
Sort Error: Previous IO failed |
X0A07 |
-10007 |
Sort Error: Error writing to Scratch File |
X0A08 |
-10008 |
Sort Error: Invalid sort algorithm selected |
X0A0A |
-10010 |
Sort Error: Run number is invalid |
X0A0B |
-10011 |
Sort Error: Error reading Scratch File |
X0A0C |
-10012 |
Sort Error: Scratch Block number is invalid |
X0A0D |
-10013 |
Sort Error: No fixed disks to sort on |
X0A0E |
-10014 |
Sort Error: No memory to allocate scratch space |
X0A0F |
-10015 |
X0A0G |
-10016 |
X0A0H |
-10017 |
Sort Error: DEVICE_GETINFOBYLDEV_ failed |
X0A0I |
-10018 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDSTART_ failed |
X0A0J |
-10019 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDNEXT_ failed |
X0A0K |
-10020 |
Sort Error: FILENAME_FINDFINISH_ failed |
X0A0L |
-10021 |
X0A0M |
-10022 |
Sort Error: FILE_CREATE failed |
X0A0N |
-10023 |
Sort Error: FILE_OPEN_ failed |
X0A0O |
-10024 |
Sort Error: SetMode failed |
X0A0P |
-10025 |
Sort Error: FileClose failed |
X0A0Q |
-10026 |
Sort Error: AWAITIOX failed |
X0A0R |
-10027 |
Sort Error: FILE_GETINFOLIST failed |
X0A0S |
-10028 |
Sort Error: POSITION failed |
X0A0T |
-10029 |
Sort Error: FILE_GETINFO_ failed |
X0A18 |
-10044 |
Sort Error: IO did not complete |
X0A1B |
-10047 |
Sort Error: Wrong length read |
X0B2T |
-11101 |
MXUDR: Unknown message type: <value>. |
X0B2V |
-11103 |
MXUDR: Invalid routine handle: <string>. |
X0B2W |
-11104 |
MXUDR: CLI Error: <error-text>. |
X0B2X |
-11105 |
MXUDR: Invalid Language Manager param mode. Parameter <parameter-value>. |
X0B30 |
-11108 |
MXUDR: Unable to allocate memory for object <object-name>. |
X0B32 |
-11110 |
MXUDR: Unexpected error during message processing: <string>. |
X0B33 |
-11111 |
MXUDR: Internal error: <value>. |
X0B35 |
-11113 |
MXUDR: Internal error: An unexpected UNLOAD request arrived for UDR handle <string>. |
X0B5L |
-11201 |
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Error occurred while loading Java System Class <class-name>. |
X0B5M |
-11202 |
Language Manager initialization failed. Details: Unable to initialize JVM. |
X0B5N |
-11203 |
The Language Manager failed to create its class loader, possibly due to corrupt LmClassLoader.class file. |
X0B5Q |
-11206 |
Java class <class-file-name> was not found in external path <path-name>. |
X0B5R |
-11207 |
Java class <class-file-name> failed to initialize. |
X0B60 |
-11216 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <parameter-number>. |
X0B61 |
-11217 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <parameter-number>. Value is truncated. |
X0B63 |
-11219 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: the number of parameters <value> must match the number of parameters in Java method. |
X0B65 |
-11221 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Missing [ ] for OUT/INOUT parameter at position <value>. |
X0B66 |
-11222 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown parameter type used at position <value>. |
X0B67 |
-11223 |
Language Manager encountered internal error <detail-text>. |
X0B68 |
-11224 |
JVM raised an exception. Details: <detail-text>. |
X0B69 |
-11225 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: Unknown or unsupported type used as a return type. |
X0B6A |
-11226 |
Java execution: Invalid null input value at parameter position <value>. |
X0B6B |
-11227 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <value>. |
X0B6C |
-11228 |
Floating point conversion error <detail-text>. |
X0D01 |
-13001 |
Java execution: Data overflow occurred while retrieving data at parameter position <value>. Value is truncated. |
X0D04 |
-13004 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught Java exception. Details: <string>. |
X0D05 |
-13005 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException. Details: <string>. |
X0D06 |
-13006 |
A Java method completed with an uncaught java.sql.SQLException with invalid SQLSTATE. The uncaught exception had an SQLCODE of <SQLCODE-value> and SQLSTATE of <SQLSTATE-value>. Details: <string>. |
X0D07 |
-13007 |
Language Manager is out of memory <string>. |
X0D08 |
-13008 |
The operation failed because the Java Virtual Machine ran out of memory. |
X0D09 |
-13009 |
Language Manager encountered internal error <string>. |
X0D0A |
-13010 |
JVM raised an exception. Details: <string>. |
X0D0B |
-13011 |
Specified signature is invalid. Reason: The Java signature for a Java main method must be (java.lang.<string>[ ]). |
X0D0C |
-13012 |
All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must have a parameter mode of IN. |
X0D0D |
-13013 |
All SQL parameters associated with a Java main method must be an SQL character type. |
X0D0E |
-13014 |
Unable to open the output source file <name>. |
X0D0F |
-13015 |
Unable to open the module definition file <name>. |
X0D0G |
-13016 |
Descriptor name <name> conflicts with SQLC default name <name>. |
X0D0H |
-13017 |
Descriptor <name> is multiply defined. |
X0D0I |
-13018 |
Descriptor name <name> is invalid. |
X0D0J |
-13019 |
Statement name <name> uses <name>, a reserved name SQLC generates. |
X0D0K |
-13020 |
Statement name <name> is multiply defined. |
X0D0L |
-13021 |
<name> is already defined. |
X0D0M |
-13022 |
Cursor <name> is already defined. |
X0D0N |
-13023 |
<name> is already defined as a dynamic cursor. |
X0D0O |
-13024 |
Cursor <name> was not declared. |
X0D0Q |
-13026 |
The EXEC SQL MODULE statement must precede any cursor definitions or executable SQL statements. |
X0D0R |
-13027 |
Only one EXEC SQL MODULE statement is allowed. |
X0D0S |
-13028 |
Cannot open static cursor <name> because <name> is out of scope at time of open. |
X0D0T |
-13029 |
<line-number-detail-text> |
X0D0U |
-13030 |
<line-number-detail-text> |
X0D0V |
-13031 |
Expecting a single host variable of type string. |
X0D0W |
-13032 |
Not expecting input host variables for static cursor <name>. |
X0D0X |
-13033 |
Host variable <name> is in different scope than when cursor <name> was declared. |
X0D0Z |
-13035 |
Invalid line number <num> for line pragma; ignoring the rest. |
X0D12 |
-13038 |
Array size <name> expected to be an unsigned integer near line <num>. |
X0D13 |
-13039 |
Function definition is not allowed within an SQL declare section near line <num>. |
X0D14 |
-13040 |
Expecting ")" near line <num>. |
X0D16 |
-13042 |
Unnamed declaration near line <num>. |
X0D17 |
-13043 |
Expecting <name> near line <num>. |
X0D18 |
-13044 |
Type specification <type> is not a recognized type near line <num>. |
X0D19 |
-13045 |
Unexpected class declaration near line <num> ignored. |
X0D1A |
-13046 |
Expecting "}" to end member declaration near line <num>. |
X0D1B |
-13047 |
Undefined tag <name> near line <num>. |
X0D1C |
-13048 |
Tag <name> redefined near line <num>. |
X0D1D |
-13049 |
Input file not good near line <num>. |
X0D1E |
-13050 |
Cursor <name> not closed. |
X0D1F |
-13051 |
Cursor <name> not opened. |
X0D1G |
-13052 |
Cursor <name> not fetched. |
X0D1H |
-13053 |
Cursor <name> not opened or closed. |
X0D1I |
-13054 |
Cursor <name> not fetched or closed. |
X0D1J |
-13055 |
Cursor <name> not opened or fetched. |
X0D1K |
-13056 |
Cursor <name> not used. |
X0D1L |
-13057 |
End-of-file processing generated unexpected cursor status of <num> for cursor <name>. |
X0D1M |
-13058 |
Unable to open SQL CLI header file <name>. |
X0D1O |
-13060 |
Unable to open the listing file <name>. |
X0D1P |
-13061 |
Invalid NUMERIC precision specified near line <num>. |
X0D1Q |
-13062 |
Unsigned long long type not allowed near line <num>. |
X0D1R |
-13063 |
Identifier <name> not defined near line <num>. |
X0D1S |
-13064 |
Identifier <name> is not a member of struct <name> near line <num>. |
X0D1T |
-13065 |
End of file was found after <name> when <name> was expected, near line <num>. |
X0D1U |
-13066 |
Identifier <name> was expected to be a structure type near line <num>. |
X0D1V |
-13067 |
Unable to open source file <name>. |
X0D1X |
-13069 |
Missing module specification string argument after -g option. |
X0D1Y |
-13070 |
Module Group Specification String <MVSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
X0D1Z |
-13071 |
Module Tableset Specification String <MTSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
X0D20 |
-13072 |
Module Version Specification String <MVSS-string> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 31 characters. |
X0D21 |
-13073 |
Module name <module-name> is not a value OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
X0D22 |
-13074 |
One or more of the first three parts of the externally qualified module name <module-name> is longer than 128 characters. |
X0D23 |
-13075 |
Externally qualified module name <module-name> is not a Regular Identifier, or is longer than 248 characters. |
X0D24 |
-13076 |
Catalog name <catalog-name> is not a valid OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
X0D25 |
-13077 |
Schema name <schema-name> is not a valid OSS file name, or is longer than 128 characters. |
-13500 |
SQLCO errors |
-13501 |
Invalid command option <name>. |
-13502 |
Source file name must be specified. |
-13503 |
Missing filename for command option <name>. |
X0DE0 |
-13504 |
Missing timestamp command option. |
X0DE1 |
-13505 |
Source input file <name> cannot be opened. |
X0DE2 |
-13506 |
COBOL output source file <name> cannot be opened. |
X0DE3 |
-13507 |
Error while parsing source: <name>. |
X0DE4 |
-13508 |
Expecting <name>, found <name>. |
X0DE5 |
-13509 |
Expecting <name> after <name>, found <name>. |
X0DE6 |
-13510 |
The SQL declare section might not contain COPY or REPLACE. |
X0DE7 |
-13511 |
End of input file while processing EXEC SQL. |
X0DE8 |
-13512 |
Input file error while processing EXEC SQL. |
X0DE9 |
-13513 |
The BIT data type is not implemented in Trafodion. |
-13514 |
The CHARACTER SET attribute is not implemented in Trafodion. |
-13515 |
Picture <name> is not valid for a host variable. |
-13516 |
Unexpected end of input file encountered after line <num>. |
-13517 |
Line <num> is too long to process and has been truncated. |
-13518 |
Line <num> cannot be interpreted as a COBOL line type. |
-13519 |
Line <num> contains an unterminated character literal. |
-13520 |
Line <num> does not correctly continue a character literal. |
-13521 |
Line <num>: DISPLAY host variables must be SIGN LEADING SEPARATE. |
-13522 |
DECLARE SECTION cannot be nested. |
-13523 |
-13524 |
DECLARE SECTION encountered in unexpected program section. |
-13525 |
Variable <name> might not be allocated correctly for a host variable. |
-13526 |
Line <num>, <name>: <name> clause is not valid for a host variable. |
-13527 |
The first declaration in an SQL DECLARE SECTION must have level 01 or 77. |
-13528 |
Line <num>: Variable <name> is not alphabetic and cannot have a CHARACTER SET clause. |
-13529 |
Missing END DECLARE SECTION detected at line <num>. |
X0DM8 |
-13800 |
Line <num>: <name> is not a valid character set name. |
X0F00 |
-15000 |
SQLCI error messages. |
X0F04 |
-15004 |
Error <num> on change directory attempt to <name>. |
X0F06 |
-15006 |
Error <num> while reading from file. |
X0F07 |
-15007 |
Error <num> while opening file <name>. |
X0F08 |
-15008 |
The specified statement does not exist in the history buffer. |
X0F09 |
-15009 |
The requested help topic is too long. |
X0F0A |
-15010 |
The help file could not be opened. |
X0F0B |
-15011 |
No help is available for the requested topic. |
X0F0C |
-15012 |
File read error on the help file. |
X0F0E |
-15014 |
Section <name> not found in file <name>. |
X0F0I |
-15018 |
Break was received. The last statement might be lost. |
X0F0Q |
-15026 |
Break rejected. |
X0F0R |
-15027 |
SQL statement not ready. Try Break later. |
X0F0S |
-15028 |
Break error. |
X0F0T |
-15029 |
Operation failed due to insufficient memory. |
X0F0U |
-15030 |
The specified define already exists. Use alter or delete and add. |
X0F0V |
-15031 |
The specified define does not exist. |
X0F0W |
-15032 |
An error occurred while adding, altering or deleting this define. |
X0F0X |
-15033 |
Break was received. |
X0F0Y |
-15034 |
Invalid LOG file name. |
X0F0Z |
-15035 |
Permission denied to access this file |
X0F10 |
-15036 |
Invalid filecode OR invalid function argument |
-15999 |
SQLCI internal error. |
X0G00 |
-16000 |
Error message file not found. |
X0G01 |
-16001 |
No message found for error or warning <sqlcode>. |
X0J00 |
-19000 |
Internal error in internal stored procedure processing. |
X0J01 |
-19001 |
Error in field description of internal stored procedure. |
X0J02 |
-19002 |
No such internal stored procedure: <name> defined. |
X0J03 |
-19003 |
Internal stored procedure failed without any error information returned. |
X0J0K |
-19020 |
Stored procedure <name> expects <num> input parameters. |
X0J0L |
-19021 |
Stored procedure <name> returns with error: <text>. |
X0K00 |
-20000 |
SQL Utilities error messages. |
X0K31 |
-20109 |
<text> |
X0P01 |
-25001 |
Program <executable>, executing on <node>, has encountered a version error. |
X0P2S |
-25100 |
Remote node <node> runs an incompatible version of Trafodion. The Trafodion version (version) of node is <version-1>, the local node does not support versions older than <version-2>. |
X0P2T |
-25101 |
Remote node <node> runs an incompatible version of Trafodion. The Trafodion version (version) of <node> is <version-1>, the local node supports only version <version-2>. |
X0P2U |
-25102 |
Remote node <node> runs a version of Trafodion which cannot interoperate with other versions. The Trafodion version (version) of <node> is <version-1>. |
X0P8C |
-25300 |
Module <module> had module version <version-1>; node <node> does not support module versions lower than <version-2>. |
X0P8D |
-25301 |
Module <module> had module version <version-1>; the local node does not support module versions higher than <version-2>. |
X0P8I |
-25306 |
A required system module has module version <version-1>; node <node> does not support query plans from modules with module version lower than <version-2>. |
X0P8J |
-25307 |
The query plan can be executed only by a node with Trafodion version (version) <version-1>, the version of <node> is <version-1>. |
X0P8K |
-25308 |
The query plan has plan version <version-1>, the local Trafodion version (version) can execute only query plans with plan version <version-1>. |
X0P8L |
-25309 |
Module <module> can be executed only by a node with Trafodion version (version) version1, the version of <node> is <version-1>. |
X0P8M |
-25310 |
Module <module> has module version <version-1>, the local Trafodion version (version) can execute modules only with module version <version-1>. |
X0P8N |
-25311 |
System module <module> has a wrong module version. The expected module version is <version-1>. The actual module version is <version-2>. |
X0U08 |
-30008 |
Internal error. Rowset index is out of range. |
X0U09 |
-30009 |
Internal error. Trying to add more elements than maximum rowset size. |
X0U0A |
-30010 |
Internal error. Rowset is corrupted. |
X0U0B |
-30011 |
More than one INTO statement in the same query is not supported. |
X0U0C |
-30012 |
Rowset index <name> must be specified last in the derived column list of <name>. |
X0U0D |
-30013 |
Hostvar used to set input size of rowset has zero or negative value. |
X0U0E |
-30014 |
Hostvar used to set input size of rowset is not of type short, int, or long. |
X0U0K |
-30020 |
Embedded UPDATE/DELETE cannot be used with SELECT. . .INTO and rowset. |
XW02S |
-100 |
The "no data" completion condition (SQLCODE = +100). |
XW10C |
-1012 |
No privileges were granted. You lack grant option on the specified privileges. |
XW10D |
-1013 |
Not all privileges were granted. You lack grant option on some of the specified privileges. |
XW10F |
-1015 |
Some of the specified privileges could not be revoked. |
XW82Y |
-8106 |
The last row fetched by this cursor was updated or deleted between the FETCH and UPDATE/DELETE. . .WHERE CURRENT. . . of statements. |
12. File-System Errors
Some error messages generated by the Trafodion platform include file-system error codes. For example:
SQL 1024
File system error <error-number> occurred on <text-string-1>. <text-string-2>.
This section lists all file-system error codes and provides the corresponding error text for each code number. The error text can sometimes help you troubleshoot a problem. If the initial error message and file-system error text are insufficient to help you solve a problem, or if you need more information, contact
Error | Text |
0000 |
The operation completed successfully. |
0001 |
A read procedure reached end-of-file or a write procedure reached end of tape. |
0002 |
The operation specified is not allowed on this type of file. |
0003 |
An open or purge of a partition failed. |
0004 |
An open operation for an alternate key file failed. |
0005 |
Sequential buffering not used because no space was available in the process-control buffer for the sequential block buffer. |
0006 |
A system message was received from another process. |
0007 |
This process cannot accept a command because the receiving file is not opened correctly. |
0008 |
The operation was successful (examine message control word for additional status). |
0009 |
A read through a locked record was successful. |
0010 |
The new record or file could not be created because a file by that name or a record with that key already exists. |
0011 |
The file is not in the directory or the record is not in the file, or the specified tape file is not on a labeled tape. |
0012 |
The file is in use. |
0013 |
The filename was not specified in proper form. |
0014 |
That device does not exist on this segment. |
0015 |
The disk or segment specified for a file RENAME operation does not match the name of the disk or segment of the file. |
0016 |
No file with that file number has been opened. |
0017 |
A paired-open was specified and the file is not open by the primary process, the parameters supplied do not match the parameters supplied when the file was opened by the primary, or the primary process is not alive. |
0018 |
The segment specified does not exist in the network. |
0019 |
There is no more space for devices in the logical device table. |
0020 |
File name is too long to be opened across a network, or swap file or segment name is not acceptable. |
0021 |
An illegal <count> was specified in a file-system call, or the operation attempted to transfer too much or too little data. |
0022 |
The application parameter or buffer address is out of bounds. |
0023 |
The disk address is out of bounds, or the maximum number of blocks in an alternate-key file is exceeded. |
0024 |
Privileged mode is required for this operation. |
0025 |
AWAITIO[X] or CANCEL attempted on file opened for waited I/O. |
0026 |
AWAITIO[X] or CANCEL or CONTROL 22 attempted on a file with no outstanding I/O requests. |
0027 |
An operation was attempted with outstanding no-waited I/O requests pending. |
0028 |
The number of outstanding non-blocking operations would exceed that specified; an attempt was made to open a disk file or receiving file with the maximum number of concurrent operations more than 1; an attempt to ADD more than the configured maximum number of sub devices for an I/O process; or sync depth exceeds number the opener can handle; or trying to run more than 254 processes from the same program file. |
0029 |
A required parameter is missing in a procedure call, or two mutually exclusive parameters were supplied. |
0030 |
Message system is unable to obtain memory because either no entry is available in the message block pool or the maximum number of RECEIVE or SEND message blocks are already in use. |
0031 |
Unable to obtain file-system buffer space. |
0032 |
Unable to obtain storage pool space. |
0033 |
I/O process is unable to obtain sufficient buffer space. |
0034 |
Unable to obtain a file-system control block. |
0035 |
Unable to obtain an I/O process control block, or the transaction or open lock unit limit has been reached. |
0036 |
Unable to lock physical memory; not enough memory available. |
0038 |
Attempt to perform operation on wrong type of system. |
0039 |
The server process received a request with a sync ID older than the set of saved replies. |
0040 |
The operation timed out. A command did not complete within the time specified by its <time-limit> parameter. |
0041 |
A checksum error occurred on a file synchronization block. |
0042 |
Attempt to read from unallocated extent. |
0043 |
Unable to obtain disk space for file extent. |
0044 |
The disk directory or device control table is full. |
0045 |
The file is full; or two entries for <process-name> were already in the process pair directory. |
0046 |
An invalid key was specified; key length passed to CREATE exceeds 255 bytes; or application failed to open an alternate-key file. |
0047 |
The alternate key data is not consistent with primary file data. |
0048 |
Security violation; illegal operation attempted. |
0049 |
Access violation; attempt to use an unexpired labeled tape for output; or a mismatch between a DEFINE Use attribute (input or output/extend) and the current operation (read or write). |
0050 |
Directory error on a disk. |
0051 |
Directory on a disk is marked bad. |
0052 |
Error in the disk free space table. |
0053 |
File system internal error. |
0054 |
I/O error in disk free space table or in Data Access Manager undo area. |
0055 |
I/O error in disk directory; the file is no longer accessible. |
0056 |
I/O error on disk label; the disk is no longer accessible. |
0057 |
The disk free space table is full. |
0058 |
The disk free space table is marked bad. |
0059 |
The disk file is bad; there is a mismatch in the internal file control block, or the file structure in a structured file is inconsistent. |
0060 |
The file resides on a removed disk, the device is stopped or not open, or a server has failed and a process has been replaced by a different process with the same name since the server was opened. |
0061 |
No more file opens are permitted on this disk or device; the system administrator issued a STOPOPENS command or the number of open files reached the maximum allowed. |
0062 |
The disk was mounted but no mount order was given, so the file open is not permitted. |
0063 |
The disk was mounted and the mount is in progress, so a file open is not permitted. |
0064 |
The disk was mounted and the mount is in progress, so a file open is not permitted. |
0065 |
Only special requests permitted - or special request to RAID-1 disk pair attempted with only one device in special state. |
0066 |
The device is stopped, a hard failure occurred on the controller, the disk and controller are not compatible, or both halves of a RAID-1 disk are down. |
0070 |
Continue the file operation. |
0071 |
A duplicate record was encountered. |
0072 |
An attempt was made to access an unmounted or nonexistent partition, or to access a secondary partition. |
0073 |
The disk file or record is locked. |
0074 |
The number of read updates without replies exceeds the receive depth. |
0075 |
Requesting process has no current process transaction identifier. |
0076 |
Transaction is in the process of ending. |
0078 |
Transaction identifier is invalid or obsolete. |
0079 |
A transaction attempted to update or delete a record which it has not previously locked. |
0080 |
Invalid operation on protected file or non-protected disk. |
0081 |
Operation is not valid for a transaction which still has non-blocking I/Os outstanding on a disk or process file. |
0082 |
Transaction Services not running on this segment or on the remote segment. |
0083 |
Attempt to begin more concurrent transactions than can be handled. |
0084 |
Transaction Services has not been configured on this segment or on the remote segment. |
0085 |
A device has not been started for Transaction Services. |
0086 |
BEGINTRANSACTION is disabled either by the operator or because one or more Transaction Services limits have been reached. |
0087 |
Waiting on a READ request and did not get it. |
0088 |
A CONTROL READ is pending so a second READ is not valid. |
0089 |
A remote device cannot accept text because it has no buffer available. |
0090 |
The transaction was aborted by the system because its parent process died, a server using the transaction failed, or a message to a server using the transaction was canceled. |
0091 |
A Transaction Services crash occurred during commitment of the transaction; the transaction may or may not have been committed. |
0092 |
Distributed transaction aborted by system because the path to a remote segment that was part of the transaction was down. |
0093 |
A transaction was aborted because it spanned too many transaction log files. |
0094 |
A transaction was aborted by operator command. |
0095 |
A transaction was aborted because of Data Access Manager process takeover by backup. |
0096 |
The transaction was aborted because it exceeded the AUTOABORT timeout duration. |
0097 |
Transaction aborted by call to ABORTTRANSACTION. |
0098 |
Allocation of a Transaction Control Block failed because the local table is full, or the table on a remote segment is full. |
0099 |
Process attempted to use features of a microcode option that is not installed on this segment. |
0100 |
Device is not ready or the controller is not operational. |
0101 |
The tape is write protected. |
0102 |
Printer paper out, bail open or end of ribbon. |
0103 |
Disk not ready due to power failure. |
0104 |
No response from printer. |
0105 |
Invalid printer vertical format unit buffer. |
0106 |
A buffered WRITE has failed; data in printer buffer was lost. |
0110 |
Only BREAK access is permitted. |
0111 |
Operation aborted because of BREAK. |
0112 |
READ or WRITEREAD preempted by operator message or too many user console messages. |
0113 |
DEFINE class or attributes are not valid for the attempted function. |
0119 |
Error code value was too large to fit into an 8-bit buffer; file-system error number is greater than 255. |
0120 |
Data parity error, or attempt to access a tape whose density is higher than the switch setting on the tape drive. |
0121 |
Data overrun error, hardware problem. |
0122 |
Request aborted due to possible data loss caused by reset of circuit, bus sequence error; or Data Access Manager process takeover. |
0123 |
Subdevice is busy. |
0124 |
A line reset is in progress, loss of data is possible. |
0130 |
Illegal disk address requested, or formatting error occurred. |
0131 |
Write-check error from disk; internal circuitry fault. |
0132 |
Seek incomplete from disk; cylinder address not reached after retry. |
0133 |
Access not ready on disk; cylinder address not reached. |
0134 |
Address compare error on disk. |
0135 |
Write-protect violation with disk write. |
0136 |
Disk unit ownership error (dual-port disk). |
0137 |
Controller buffer parity error. |
0138 |
Interrupt overrun; a device interrupted the processor before the software could respond. |
0139 |
Controller error; internal diagnostic failure. |
0140 |
Modem error (communication link not yet established, modem failure, momentary loss of carrier, or disconnect). |
0148 |
Attempt to read unwritten data. |
0150 |
End-of-tape marker detected. |
0151 |
Runaway tape detected, or attempt to access a tape whose density is lower than the switch setting on the tape drive. |
0152 |
Unusual end-tape unit went off-line. |
0153 |
Tape drive power restored. |
0154 |
BOT detected during backspace files or backspace records. |
0155 |
Only nine-track magnetic tape allowed on this system. |
0156 |
Tape command rejected. |
0157 |
I/O process internal system error. |
0160 |
Request is invalid for device state; protocol error. |
0161 |
Impossible event occurred for line state. |
0162 |
Operation timed out. |
0163 |
EOT received or power at autocall unit is off. |
0164 |
Disconnect received or data line is occupied (busy). |
0165 |
RVI received or data line not occupied after setting call request. |
0166 |
ENQ received or auto call unit failed to set present-next-digit. |
0167 |
EOT received on line bid, or data-set-status not set |
0168 |
NAK received on line bid, or auto-call unit failed to clear present-nextdigit after digit-present was set. |
0169 |
WACK received on line bid, auto-call unit set abandon-call-and-retry, or station disabled or undefined. |
0170 |
No ID sequence received during circuit assurance mode or invalid message control word entry number on write. |
0171 |
No response received on bid/poll/select, or reply invalid. |
0172 |
Reply not proper for protocol; invalid control sequence or invalid data. |
0173 |
Maximum allowable NAKs received (transmission error), invalid message control word on WRITE, or invalid request ID. |
0174 |
WACK received or bus frame aborted. |
0175 |
Incorrect alternating ACK received, or command rejected. |
0176 |
Poll sequence ended with no responder. |
0177 |
Text overrun (insufficient buffer space for data transfer). |
0178 |
No address list specified. |
0179 |
Application buffer is incorrect, control request pending, or autopoll active. |
0180 |
Unknown device status received. |
0181 |
Sub device expected status information but received data instead. |
0187 |
Operation returning with no useful data. |
0188 |
Damage to logical flow of events. |
0189 |
Response not yet available. |
0190 |
Device error; hardware problem. |
0191 |
Device power on, or terminal reset. |
0192 |
Device in diagnose mode; system operator running diagnostics. |
0193 |
Invalid or missing microcode file. |
0194 |
Device use or mount request rejected by operator. |
0195 |
Operation requires use of Tape Services but it is not running; tape operation is not allowed. |
0196 |
A tape label record is missing or incorrect. |
0197 |
An SQL error has occurred. |
0198 |
A DEFINE of the given name could not be found. |
0199 |
The disk file is protected by security software. |
0200 |
The device is owned by an alternate port. |
0201 |
The current path to the device is down, an attempt was made to write to a non-existent process, the message-system request was incorrectly formatted, or an error was found in the message system interface. |
0210 |
Device ownership changed during operation. |
0211 |
The node performing the operation failed during the operation. |
0213 |
Channel data parity error (path error). |
0214 |
Channel timeout (path error). |
0215 |
I/O attempted to absent memory page (hardware path error). |
0216 |
Memory breakpoint encountered during this I/O operation. |
0217 |
Memory parity error during this I/O (hardware path error). |
0218 |
Interrupt timeout occurred on a channel, or a controller, modem, or the line between, or lost the modem clock (path error). |
0219 |
Illegal device reconnect (path error). |
0220 |
Protect violation; an I/O controller attempted an illegal write. |
0221 |
Controller handshake violation (path error). |
0222 |
Bad channel status from EIO instruction (path error). |
0223 |
Bad channel status from IIO instruction (path error). |
0224 |
Controller error (fatal error). |
0225 |
No unit assigned or multiple units assigned to the same unit number (path error). |
0230 |
Node power failed, then restored. |
0231 |
Controller power failed, then restored. |
0232 |
Access is denied due to error in communication with the security monitor. |
0233 |
Error in call to SERVERCLASS_SEND_. |
0240 |
Network line handler error; operation not started. Ownership switch was performed. |
0241 |
Network error; operation not started. |
0246 |
External cluster bypass error; operation aborted. |
0248 |
Network line handler error; operation aborted. |
0249 |
Network error; operation aborted. |
0250 |
All paths to the system are down. |
0251 |
Network protocol error (path error). |
0252 |
Required class is not available. |
0255 |
Net line handler flooded; too many interrupts. |
0512 |
An invalid parameter was specified. |
0513 |
A file name was missing. |
0514 |
The sequential I/O procedures do not support the specified device type. |
0515 |
The specified access is invalid. |
0516 |
The specified buffer address is invalid. |
0517 |
The specified file code in the SET^FILE call does not match the file code of the file. |
0518 |
The block buffer provided to OPEN^FILE is too small. |
0519 |
The block length specified in the SET^FILE call does not match the block buffer length in OPEN^FILE. |
0520 |
The specified record length was either too small or too large. |
0521 |
The specified file is not a valid EDIT file. |
0522 |
Either the SET^FILE or CHECK^FILE operation is not valid on an open file or OPEN^FILE was called for a file already open. |
0523 |
An EDITREAD or EDITREADINIT error occurred. |
0524 |
The specified file was not open. |
0525 |
The requested operation was inconsistent with the access mode. |
0526 |
The required operation failed because of insufficient stack space. |
0527 |
The temporary buffer required for a non-blocking WRITE^FILE operation was not provided. |
0530 |
The program called WRITE^FILE for the receiving file before calling READ^FILE. |
0531 |
A call to CHECK^BREAK could not open the receiving file the receiving file was opened without calling OPEN^FILE. |
0532 |
A non-blocking I/O operation has been restarted. |
0533 |
An internal sequential I/O error occurred. |
0534 |
A discrepancy was detected between the common file-control-block checksum and the previous checksum. |
0535 |
A discrepancy was detected between the file file-control-block checksum and the previous checksum. |
0541 |
A data structure version is incompatible with the requested operation. |
0550 |
File operation attempted at illegal position. |
0551 |
Duplicate exists for insertion-ordered alternate key. |
0561 |
The item code in a list is not recognized. |
0563 |
The size of an output buffer was too small. |
0564 |
The operation is not supported for this file type. |
0565 |
A malformed request was denied. |
0566 |
This reply is malformed or not appropriate. |
0567 |
The define used is incompatible for use with target system’s TOS version. |
0570 |
An out-of-sequence message was received. |
0571 |
A duplicate message was received. |
0572 |
Message cannot be accepted because sequence number has been reset. |
0573 |
The requested process handle cannot be returned. |
0578 |
The block size specified is too large. |
0579 |
The record size specified is too large for the given block size, file type and format. |
0580 |
An open failed because the file was oversize and the opener did not specify use of 64-bit primary keys. |
0581 |
An operation involving 32-bit primary keys was attempted on an open which specified use of 64-bit keys. |
0582 |
Alternate key information could not be returned because it cannot be expressed in the superseded format of the parameter. |
0583 |
An extent size specified is too large. |
0584 |
The operation could not be performed because a software component does not support format-2 disk files. |
0586 |
Transaction_Keep_ was attempted without a valid transaction dialog message. |
0587 |
Transaction_Keep_ was called when there was already a kept transaction. |
0588 |
There was no kept transaction but the operation required one. |
0589 |
The operation could not be performed because there was a kept transaction. |
0590 |
The parameter value is invalid or inconsistent with another. |
0593 |
The request was canceled. |
0594 |
A tape-catalog error was returned to Tape Services. Refer to the event log for detailed information. |
0595 |
An error was returned to Tape Services. Refer to the event log for detailed information. |
0597 |
A required item is missing from an item list. |
0632 |
Not enough stack space to complete request. |
0633 |
Operation is invalid because a performance measurement utility is running. |
0634 |
A logical device number exceeded 16 bits. |
0635 |
A disk cannot be accessed because the other side is locked. |
0638 |
Process cannot be stopped until process returns to stopmode 1. |
0639 |
Process cannot be stopped until process goes to stopmode 0. |
0700 |
The sequence number of the message received by the Data Access Manager process from a recovery process does not match. |
0701 |
The Data Access Manager process received a message from a recovery process that requires that the Data Access Manager process be in the STARTED state; it is currently in the STOPPED state. |
0702 |
The Data Access Manager process received an erroneous message from a recovery process. The message requested a physical REDO and also requested that a transaction log be generated. |
0703 |
The Data Access Manager process encountered a Creation Volume Sequence Number in a transaction-log record sent by a recovery process that is more recent than the CRVSN of the File Label. |
0704 |
The Data Access Manager process encountered a Previous Volume Sequence Number in a transaction-log record sent by a recovery process that does not match the Volume Sequence Number of the data block on disk. |
0705 |
Generated by the Data Access Manager process when it receives a Transaction Services Transaction Log Disk request type message and the Data Access Manager process is not an transaction-log disk. |
0706 |
Generated by the Data Access Manager process when it receives a request message that is inappropriate for a Transaction Log Data Access Manager Process. |
0707 |
Generated by the Data Access Manager process when the Disk Process Name Stamp (DPNameTimeStamp) in the message sent by a recovery process does not match the current DPNameTimeStamp of the disk. |
0708 |
The Data Access Manager process encountered a File Label that had its UndoNeeded flag set when a recovery request specified that the UndoNeeded flag must not be set. |
0709 |
The Data Access Manager process encountered a File Label that had its RedoNeeded flag set when a recovery request specified that the RedoNeeded flag must not be set. |
0711 |
The Data Access Manager process received a corrupt transaction-log record in a message from a recovery process. |
0751 |
A tape manager returned an error to Tape Services. Refer to the event log for detailed information. |
0899 |
An attempt to switch nodes failed. |
1024 |
The specified SQL subset is not defined to the file system. |
1025 |
The supplied row or update value violates one of the constraints for the table. |
1026 |
The selection expression on an SQL view has been violated. |
1027 |
The Data Access Manager process encountered a bad SQL label or tree of labels. |
1028 |
The Data Access Manager process accessed a label of an unexpected type during an OPEN or during an SQL label operation. |
1029 |
A request to share an existing SQL open failed because no matching open was found. |
1030 |
An invalid lock key length was specified for an SQL table. |
1031 |
Some of the supplied values for DECIMAL or VARCHAR columns are invalid, or the supplied row is too long. Also, the disk process might have encountered a bad column in a stored row or a value in an update on a row that would change the length of a VARCHAR column in an entry-sequenced table. |
1032 |
The SQL row description is inconsistent. |
1033 |
The SQL key column description is inconsistent, or the specified key is too long. |
1034 |
SQL internal error: The requested operation has failed because of an inconsistency in specifying the SQL catalog. |
1035 |
SQL internal error. |
1036 |
SQL internal error. |
1037 |
SQL internal error. |
1038 |
SQL internal error. |
1039 |
An SQL UPDATE statement was attempted, but update intent was not specified when the cursor was declared. |
1040 |
There is no current row. The cursor position is either before the first row of the set, after the last row, or between two rows. |
1041 |
SQL internal error. |
1042 |
The operation required a default value for a column that was defined as NO DEFAULT. |
1043 |
SQL internal error. |
1044 |
The operation is not allowed while an SQL cursor is open. |
1045 |
SQL internal error. |
1046 |
SQL internal error. |
1047 |
The SQL index being used is marked invalid because the catalog manager has not successfully loaded it. |
1048 |
SQL internal error. |
1049 |
SQL internal error. |
1050 |
SQL internal error. |
1051 |
SQL internal error. |
1052 |
A row was encountered that resides in a block having a data parity error. The row does not satisfy the WHERE clause. |
1053 |
An ECC error or a checksum error occurred indicating that it is impossible to process the accessed block. No data is returned. |
1054 |
Unable to access a non-protected table or protection view that has been altered by an uncommitted DDL statement. |
1055 |
Unable to perform a utility operation while an uncommitted DDL operation from another transaction exists. |
1056 |
Unable to access a table that is being recovered by Transaction Services. |
1057 |
Unable to access a table that is being altered by another user. |
1058 |
Unable to access a table that is being dropped by another user. |
1059 |
Unable to access a protection view whose underlying table does not exist or is inconsistent. |
1060 |
SQL internal error. |
1061 |
The cursor is no longer defined in the Data Access Manager process. |
1062 |
SQL internal error. |
1063 |
SQL internal error. |
1064 |
The table cannot be dropped because protection views are still defined for the table. |
1065 |
This error message has two possible causes: 1) Either an SQL internal error has occurred. 2) An attempt was made to execute either an UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF or DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF statement by using a cursor declared with the BROWSE ACCESS option. |
1066 |
Internal error: Occurred in OPEN. |
1067 |
Internal error: Occurred in the file system or Data Access Manager process OPEN protocol. |
1068 |
SQL internal error. |
1069 |
SQL internal error. |
1070 |
The process’s program file is not licensed. |
1071 |
SQL internal error. |
1072 |
SQL internal error. |
1073 |
SQL internal error. |
1074 |
Internal error: SQL file system procedure. |
1075 |
A FETCH was attempted following a FETCH that failed. This left the cursor in an undefined position. |
1076 |
SQL internal error. |
1077 |
The redefinition timestamp for a partition does not match the other partitions. This is a serious consistency failure. |
1078 |
The disk process encountered an invalid row. |
1079 |
The requested key compression option is inconsistent with the data type, offset in row, or descending flag of some of the key columns. |
1080 |
The transaction ID does not match the current transaction ID for a protected table with a lock protocol or for a non-protected temporary table. |
1081 |
SQL internal error. |
1082 |
SQL internal error. |
1083 |
An internal input SQL structure has an invalid format, as indicated by an incorrect EYE^CATCHER data item value. The program might have corrupted the SQL region or SQL executor segment, or an SQL internal error might have occurred. |
1084 |
Unable to insert into an SQL view that does not allow insertions. |
1085 |
SQL internal error or access incompatible SQL objects that were created on an SQL system with a later release date than the SQL system doing the accessing. |
1086 |
Unable to unlock an SQL table that has locks through either STABLE ACCESS or REPEATABLE ACCESS. |
1087 |
The SQL file system detected an internal disk process error. |
1088 |
SQL internal error. |
1089 |
SQL internal error. |
1090 |
The requested SQL operation cannot be completed because of current limitations on message sizes. |
1091 |
The file or table cannot be purged until the NOPURGEUNTIL date. |
1092 |
The operation cannot be performed because the resulting disk directory entry would be too long. Too many columns, partitions, indexes, protection views, or constraints have been defined. |
1093 |
The operation cannot be performed because the resulting row would exceed the RECLENGTH value defined for the relative table. |
1094 |
The limit on the number of columns that can make up a key has been exceeded for indexes or key-sequenced tables. |
1095 |
An invalid value has been supplied for the BLOCKSIZE attribute. |
1096 |
The BLOCKSIZE value for this table is too small for the row length of the table. |
1097 |
Unable to access an object that is off-line or has an inconsistent definition. |
1098 |
The supplied MAXEXTENTS value is too large, or the total size of the partitions would exceed the largest allowable table size. |
1099 |
The definitions of the table and/or index partitions are inconsistent, or the index label and corresponding underlying table values are inconsistent. |
1100 |
An operand was truncated during assignment of character data. |
1101 |
Truncation was needed, but prohibited during assignment of character data. |
1102 |
An overflow occurred during expression evaluation. |
1103 |
An underflow occurred during expression evaluation. |
1104 |
An SQL column of type DECIMAL contained values that are not digits. |
1105 |
Unable to assign a negative value to a column defined as unsigned. |
1106 |
An unsigned numeric has a negative value. |
1107 |
Division by zero occurred during expression evaluation. |
1108 |
Data type of column not supported by this release. |
1109 |
An invalid SQL data type was encountered. |
1110 |
An operation between incompatible SQL types was requested. |
1111 |
SQL internal error. |
1112 |
Arithmetic operation was requested in an unexpected unsigned data type. |
1113 |
Invalid operator value during expression evaluation. |
1114 |
Invalid LIKE pattern during expression evaluation. |
1115 |
A specified SYSKEY value exceeds the current defined size of the relative SQL table. |
1116 |
The SQL file system aborted the transaction because an SQL statement could not be completed. |
1117 |
Unable to use an undefined index. |
1118 |
The specified view is not defined. |
1119 |
The specified partition is not defined. |
1120 |
SQL internal error. |
1121 |
This error message has two possible causes: 1) A remote user specified local-only authority in the SECURE attribute for the object being created or altered. 2) The SECURE attribute did not grant read authority to all users being granted write authority. |
1122 |
The supplied KEYTAG value is already defined for this table. |
1123 |
SQL internal error. |
1124 |
SQL internal error. |
1125 |
SQL internal error. |
1126 |
SQL internal error. |
1127 |
Unable to update an SQL catalog table from a process that is not licensed. |
1128 |
An operand was scale truncated during expression evaluation. |
1129 |
Scale truncation was needed but prohibited during expression evaluation. |
1130 |
Unable to use SQL on a system where the product is not installed. |
3501 |
More control information was received than this dialect allows. |
3502 |
Server does not have sufficient available storage for this request. |
3503 |
Server does not support this dialect. |
3504 |
Server does not support this request type. |
3505 |
Server version is not current. |
4001 |
Operation not permitted. Process does not have the appropriate privileges or permissions to perform the requested operation. |
4002 |
No such file or directory. |
4003 |
No such process or table entry. |
4004 |
Interrupted system call. |
4005 |
I/O error. |
4006 |
No such device or address. |
4007 |
Argument list too long. |
4008 |
Exec format error. |
4009 |
Bad file descriptor. |
4010 |
No children. |
4011 |
No more processes. |
4012 |
Insufficient user memory. |
4013 |
Permission denied. |
4014 |
Bad address. |
4016 |
Mount device busy. |
4017 |
File already exists. |
4018 |
Cross-device link. |
4019 |
No such device. |
4020 |
Not a directory. |
4021 |
Is a directory. |
4022 |
Invalid function argument. |
4023 |
File table overflow. |
4024 |
Maximum number of files already open. |
4025 |
Invalid operation on terminal device. |
4026 |
Object (text) file busy. |
4027 |
File too large. |
4028 |
No space left on device. |
4029 |
Illegal seek. |
4030 |
Read only file system. |
4031 |
Too many links. |
4032 |
Broken pipe or no reader on socket. |
4033 |
Argument out of range. |
4034 |
Value out of range. |
4035 |
No message of desired type. |
4036 |
Identifier removed. |
4045 |
Deadlock condition. |
4046 |
No record locks available. |
4061 |
No data sent or received. |
4099 |
Function not implemented. |
4101 |
Operation would block. |
4102 |
Operation now in progress. |
4103 |
Operation already in progress. |
4104 |
Socket operation on non socket. |
4105 |
Destination address required. |
4106 |
Message too long. |
4107 |
Protocol wrong type for socket. |
4108 |
Protocol not available. |
4109 |
Protocol not supported. |
4110 |
Socket type not supported. |
4111 |
Operation not supported on socket. |
4112 |
Protocol family not supported. |
4113 |
Address family not supported. |
4114 |
Address already in use. |
4115 |
Can’t assign requested address. |
4116 |
Network is down. |
4117 |
Network is unreachable. |
4118 |
Network dropped connection on reset. |
4119 |
Software caused connection abort. |
4120 |
Connection reset by remote host. |
4121 |
No buffer space available. |
4122 |
Socket is already connected. |
4123 |
Socket is not connected. |
4124 |
Can’t send after socket shutdown. |
4126 |
Connection timed out. |
4127 |
Connection refused. |
4128 |
Host is down. |
4129 |
No route to host. |
4131 |
File name too long. |
4132 |
Directory not empty. |
4180 |
Invalid data in buffer. |
4181 |
No reply in buffer. |
4182 |
Partial buffer received. |
4183 |
Interface error from SPI. |
4184 |
Version mismatch. |
4185 |
XDR encoding error. |
4186 |
XDR decoding error. |
4195 |
Out-of-band data available. |
4196 |
Invalid socket call. |
4197 |
File type not supported. |
4198 |
C file (code 180) not odd unstructured. |
4199 |
Insufficient internal memory. |
4200 |
Too many symbolic links during path name resolution. |
4201 |
File-set catalog internal consistency error. |
4202 |
Root file set is not mounted. |
4203 |
POSIX not running or not installed. |
4204 |
Illegal byte sequence. |
4205 |
Process is not common runtime-environment (CRE) compliant but requests a service that depends on CRE. |
4206 |
Illegal service requested. |
4207 |
An unexpected OSS subsystem error occurred. |
4208 |
Illegal operation attempted on file descriptor. |
4209 |
Logic error. |
4211 |
Current working directory or filename longer than PATH_MAX. |
4212 |
An error occurred during invocation of a DEFINE procedure. |
4213 |
A cross node exec has been attempted while holding a semaphore. |
4214 |
An invalid message tag had been encountered when setlocale_from_msg() function was called. There was no corresponding message for the message tag. |
4215 |
Positioning of a file directory failed because there were more than 65535 names in the directory beginning with the same first two characters. |
4216 |
The function is supported but not for the referenced object type. |
4217 |
Socket transport server not running. |
4218 |
Message queue server not running. |
4219 |
Terminal Helper process not running. |
4220 |
An operation was attempted on a large file using a small file I/O API. |