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Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Disclaimer: Apache Trafodion is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
Revision History
Version | Date |
2.1.0 |
2.0.1 |
July 7, 2016 |
2.0.0 |
June 6, 2016 |
1.3.0 |
January, 2016 |
1. About This Document
This guide describes Trafodion Control Query Defaults (CQDs) that are used to override system-level default settings.
1.1. Intended Audience
This guide is intended for database administrators and application programmers who want to use CQDs to override system-default settings when querying a Trafodion database.
1.2. New and Changed Information
This is a new guide.
1.3. Notation Conventions
This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
lowercase letters
Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
[ ] Brackets
Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
For example:
{ } Braces
Braces enclose required syntax items.
FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
For example:
INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field } { single-field } INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
| Vertical Line
A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
{expression | NULL}
… Ellipsis
An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ... {, sql-expression } ...
An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
For example:
expression-n ...
Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
DAY (datetime-expression) @script-file
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
For example:
"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
Item Spacing
Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
Line Spacing
If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections.
match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern [ESCAPE esc-char-expression]
1.4. Comments Encouraged
We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to
Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
2. Introduction
Refer to the Trafodion SQL Reference Manual full documentation of the CQD (CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT) statement.
The CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement changes the default settings for the current process. You can execute the CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement in a client-based tool like TrafCI or through any ODBC or JDBC application.
{ CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT | CQD } control-default-option
control-default-option is:
attribute {'attr-value' | RESET}
The result of the execution of a CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement stays in effect until the current process terminates or until the execution of another statement for the same attribute overrides it. CQDs are applied at compile time, so CQDs do not affect any statements that are already prepared. For example:
EXECUTE x; -- uses the default schema SEABASE
Change the maximum supported length of the column names to 200 for the current process:
Reset the HBASE_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH attribute to its initial value in the current process:
2.1. CQD Descriptions
The following information is provided for each CQD:
Description |
Describes the purpose of the CQD. |
Values |
Identifies this information: |
Usage |
Describes the conditions when the CQD is helpful, and how to detect the conditions. |
Production Usage |
Identifies when the CQD is not safe to be used as a permanent setting in production. |
Impact |
Describes any positive and negative implications of using the CQD. |
Level |
Indicates one of these levels at which the CQD should be used: |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Describes CQDs that are in conflict with or can be used in conjunction with the CQD. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Describes any design or solution that the CQD may be a workaround for and how you can directly address the real problem. |
Introduced In Release |
Indicates the Trafodion release when the CQD was introduced. |
Deprecated In Release |
Indicates in what release the CQD was deprecated. |
3. Query Plans
This section describes CQDs that are used to influence query plans.
Description |
Defines the minimum size of the adaptive segment; that is, the number of processors available for query operator parallelism. The optimizer may choose an adaptive-segment size that is equal to, or the multiple of, the value of this CQD depending on the maximum estimated resource consumed by any single operator in the query. The optimizer may also decide to run the query with no parallelism if the resource consumption estimate is very low. |
Values |
Unsigned Integer. |
Usage |
For systems running at higher levels of concurrency with workloads that include a large
number of small queries, reducing the default degree of parallelism may help achieve higher throughput. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Lowering the value of this CQD can increase the throughput of high-concurrency small-query workloads, but has the potential disadvantage of increasing the elapsed time for some of the longer running queries that leverage adaptive segmentation. |
Level |
System. There may be scenarios where you want to influence the degree of adaptive segmentation parallelism only for a certain set of queries and use it at the service level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines whether the Trafodion Optimizer considers Hash Join when generating an execution plan. |
Values |
'ON' Hash Join is considered. |
Usage |
Use this CQD when you want to force the optimizer to generate a query plan that does not use any Hash Joins. |
Production Usage |
Hash Join is an important join implementation strategy for most complex queries. It is highly recommended that you do not turn HASH_JOINS OFF; that is, this CQD should be used to force a query plan for a particular query on an exception basis only. |
Impact |
Turning HASH_JOINS OFF may result in very inefficient query plans that use expensive nested joins or sorts for merge joins. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
If you turn all three join implementations OFF (Hash Joins, Nested Joins, and Merge Joins), then the compiler may fail to generate query plans. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allow HBase coprocessors to be used when computing aggregates. |
Values |
'ON': Use HBase coprocessors. |
Usage |
Enables Trafodion to use HBase coprocessors to do early aggregation and filtering
at the HBase Region Server level. This CQD does not affect Transaction coprocessors used by Trafodion. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Network traffic between Region Server and Trafodion processes is reduced but the Region Server can become very busy when aggregating over large tables. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines number of ESP processes used to scan a Hive table, per HDFS DataNode. |
Values |
Positive integer. |
Usage |
Use this CQD to increase or decrease the number of scanners that process a single Hive table. If a Hive scan is found to be the bottleneck for a particular query, then increasing this attribute to; for example, 4 or higher will help. On the other hand decreasing the attribute to 1 could help with concurrency. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Controls number of ESPs and, therefore, affects query execution time and system workload. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
The CQD HIVE_MIN_BYTES_PER_ESP_PARTITION (default = 67108864) may need to be adjusted downward when this attribute is used to increase the parallelism of scanning smaller Hive tables. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables or disables the join order in which the optimizer joins the tables to be the sequence of the tables in the FROM clause of the query. |
Values |
'ON' Join order is forced. |
Usage |
When set to ON, the optimizer considers only execution plans that have the join order matching the sequence of the tables in the FROM clause. |
Production Usage |
This setting is to be used for forcing a desired join order that was not generated by default by the optimizer only. It can be used as a workaround for query plans with inefficient join order. |
Impact |
Because you are in effect forcing the optimizer to use a plan that joins the table in the order specified in the FROM clause, the plan generated may not be the optimal one. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Define the multi-column skew sensitivity threshold T used by multi-column skew-insensitive hash join (Skew Buster). |
Values |
< 0: Disable the multi-column skew buster. |
Usage |
Use of a negative value to disable multi-column anti-skew hash joins. This may slow down query performance when
multi-column skew values are present in the fact table. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
This CQD impacts runtime performance. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
This CQD effects the behavior of the query optimizer when there are no statistics available for a query
having range predicates on key columns. The Trafodion Optimizer calculates the worst case number of seeks that the MDAM access method
would do if chosen for the query. |
Values |
Any integer greater than equal to zero. |
Usage |
In certain situations, queries on tables lacking statistics may not be optimal because MDAM was not chosen. Increasing the value for this CQD allows MDAM to be chosen in more cases. On the other hand, if the value is made too high and the worst case scenario actually occurs, an MDAM plan may perform poorly. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Table scans on tables lacking statistics may improve by varying the value of this CQD. Results vary depending on the actual data in the table and the semantics of the query. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
If MDAM_SCAN_METHOD is set to 'OFF', then this CQD has no effect. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Perform UPDATE STATISTICS on the table (at the very least on key columns) to obtain statistics. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables or disables the Multi-Dimensional Access Method (MDAM). |
Values |
'ON' MDAM is considered. |
Usage |
In certain situations, the Trafodion Optimizer might choose MDAM inappropriately, causing poor performance. In such situations you may want to turn MDAM OFF for the query it is effecting. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Table scans with predicates on non-leading clustering key column(s) could benefit from MDAM access method if the leading column(s) has a small number of distinct values. Turning MDAM off results in a longer scan time for such queries. |
Level |
Set this CQD at the query level when MDAM is not working efficiently for a specific query. However, there may be cases (usually a defect) where a larger set of queries is being negatively impacted by MDAM. In those cases you may want to set it at the service or system level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines if Merge Join is considered by the optimizer to generate an execution plan. |
Values |
'ON': Merge Join is considered. |
Usage |
Use this CQD when you want to force a query plan not to use Merge Joins. This is useful as a workaround for query plans with very expensive sorts for Merge Joins. Turning MERGE_JOINS OFF also has the advantage of reducing the query compile time. |
Production Usage |
Merge Join is an efficient join implementation strategy if the physical schema was designed to take advantage of it. For example, large tables are physically ordered based on the most frequently joined column(s). |
Impact |
Turning MERGE_JOINS OFF may result in the optimizer not considering potentially efficient query plans,
for queries with large joins on tables that are physically ordered by the join column(s). |
Level |
Set this CQD at the query level when a Merge Join is not working efficiently for a specific query. However, there may be cases (usually a defect) where a larger set of queries is being negatively impacted by Merge Joins. In those cases you may want to set it at the service or system level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Avoid turning all the three join implementations OFF (Hash Joins, Nested Joins, and Merge Joins). This may result in the Trafodion Compiler failing to generate query plans. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines if Nested Join is considered by the optimizer to generate an execution plan. |
Values |
'ON': Nested Join is considered. |
Usage |
Use this CQD when you want to force a query plan not to use Nested Joins. This is useful as a workaround for query plans with very expensive Nested Joins, which may occur if the optimizer fails to estimate the cost of a Nested Join correctly. |
Production Usage |
Nested Join is an important join implementation strategy for many complex queries. It is recommended not to turn NESTED_JOINS OFF. It should only be used to force a query plan for a particular query on an exception basis. |
Impact |
Turning NESTED_JOINS OFF may result in inefficient query plans for certain type of queries, such as light workloads and star join queries. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Avoid turning all the three join implementations OFF (Hash Joins, Nested Joins, and Merge Joins). This may result in the compiler failing to generate query plans. |
Real Problem Addressed |
The problem of inefficient Nested Joins can be better handled using a higher degree of query plan robustness as set by the ROBUST_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION CQD. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Controls the optimizer resources and time spent for optimizing a query plan, with level 0 indicating the least amount of optimization effort and level 5 indicating the most. Lower optimization levels produce lower plan quality with minimal compile time, while higher optimization levels cause the compiler to spend more compilation time to produce better plan quality. |
Values |
'0', '2', '3', '5' |
Usage |
Reduce the optimization level when compile time is longer than desired and queries have relatively small execution cost and are simple in structure. |
Production Usage |
Use this CQD only as a workaround for queries with unacceptable compile time or plan quality. |
Impact |
Lowering the optimization level below the system default may result in inefficient query execution plans. Increasing the optimization level over the system default may result in very high compile time for complex queries. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Controls the maximum number of parallel ESPs that work on a particular operation; for example, a join. |
Values |
Unsigned Integer: The maximum number of ESPs that should be used for a particular operation.
The value must be less than the number of nodes in the cluster. |
Usage |
Used to control the maximum degree of parallelism for a query. This could be useful to limit the number of resources (node and memory) any single query can use. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Lowering the value of this CQD can increase the throughput of high concurrency small and medium query workloads, but has the potential disadvantage of increasing the elapsed time of some of the long-running queries. |
Level |
Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Influences the optimizer to choose other types of joins over nested joins, by making a nested join plan relatively more expensive. |
Values |
Any positive fractional value. |
Usage |
Review ROBUST_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION before considering the use of this CQD. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Specifying a risk premium insures against nested joins being chosen when they should not have been. However, this can also result in nested joins not being chosen where the cardinality estimation was in fact accurate and a nested join could have performed better. Therefore, this setting should be used with care in order to get robustness with a net gain in performance. |
Level |
Any. There may be cases where there are different applications or workloads that might benefit from this CQD more than other workloads. In such cases this could be used at the Service level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
ROBUST_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION is a CQD that provides a robust query setting across the board, influencing the nested join risk premium as well. It is advisable that you use that setting instead to influence plans, unless they are specifically addressing nested join issues and need to use this setting independent of that CQD. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Influences the optimizer to choose a parallel plan over a serial plan, by making a serial plan relatively more expensive. |
Values |
Any positive fractional value. |
Usage |
Review ROBUST_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION before considering the use of this CQD. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Specifying a risk premium insures against serial plans being chosen when they should not have been. However, this can also result in serial plans not being chosen where the cardinality estimation was in fact accurate and a serial plan could have performed better. Therefore, this setting should be used with care in order to get robustness with a net gain in performance. |
Level |
Any. There may be cases where there are different applications or workloads that might benefit from this CQD more than other workloads. In such cases this could be used at the Service level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
ROBUST_QUERY_OPTIMIZATION is a CQD that provides a robust query setting across the board, influencing the serial plan risk premium as well. It is advised that you use that setting instead to influence plans, unless they are specifically addressing serial plan issues and need to use this setting independent of that CQD. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Defines the minimal estimated max cardinality or row count of any relational operators in a query above
which the risk premium for serial plan is applied. |
Values |
An unsigned integer value. |
Usage |
Adjust this CQD when necessary only. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
This CQD impacts plan quality. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Provides a simpler way to influence the optimizer’s choice of query plans. The optimizer chooses query plans
based on cardinality estimates (the number of result rows estimated at each step of a query execution plan). Actual cardinalities encountered
at query execution often differ from estimates. The optimizer considers risky choices and exacts risk premiums before it chooses a plan that
is inherently sensitive to cardinality estimation errors. Risky choices include: |
Values |
'MIN': No risk premium. |
Usage |
MAXIMUM tells the optimizer to make the safest choice of query plans. This means: |
Production Usage |
It is best to try out different options to achieve best overall performance in a test environment before implementing the changed settings in a production environment. |
Impact |
Specifying a risk premium insures against nested joins or serial plans being chosen when they should not have been. However, this can also result in such plans not being chosen where the cardinality estimation was in fact accurate and such plans could have performed better. So this setting should be used with care in order to get robustness with a net gain in performance. |
Level |
Any. There may be cases where there are different applications or workloads that might benefit from this CQD more than other workloads. In such cases this could be used at the Service level. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
and PARTITIONING_SCHEME_SHARING settings. Use this CQD when possible. Use the risk premium settings rarely,
when specific premiums need to be set differently to address specific issues. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Sometimes the cardinality underestimation, compared to the actual row counts, resulting in a nested join or serial plan being chosen when it shouldn’t have been, may be due to not enough, or inaccurate, histogram statistics information available to the optimizer. So, first and foremost, histogram statistics should be kept up to date along with the multi-column statistics that the optimizer may warn about. However, cardinality underestimations may still happen at higher levels of an execution plan. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Turns on the reporting of anti-skew join plan details in EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN OPTIONS 'f'. |
Values |
'OFF': Disables the use of SKEW_EXPLAIN. |
Usage |
Not applicable. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Query plans are not changed by this CQD. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Allows additional information to be displayed in explain plans. It has no impact on query plans. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
The optimizer looks for skewed values and address that skew if the number of rows in the table exceeds this threshold. |
Values |
'n': where n is the number of rows |
Usage |
Skew can occur either in a nested join or a hash join. Currently, such skew is typically handled for the outer
table of a join. The outer table is identified by the Explain plan. |
Production Usage |
See usage discussion above. Use this CQD with care. |
Impact |
A lower setting allows more skews to be detected and addressed. However, compile time is increased. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
SKEW_EXPLAIN can be used as described in above. Also, SKEW_SENSITIVITY_THRESHOLD is relevant if this threshold allows a skew to be detected only. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Used to specify a threshold that determines whether a value in the join column is considered skewed. |
Values |
'-1': Disables the use of skew buster. |
Usage |
A value is considered skewed if its occurrence frequency is greater than the threshold value multiplied
by the average number of rows per processing node (CPU). That is, if the average row count equals the row count divided by the number
of processing nodes, then the frequency of the value is greater than the threshold multiplied by the average row count. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
This CQD is only relevant if the SKEW_ROWCOUNT_THRESHOLD has been met. The SKEW_ROWCOUNT_THRESHOLD CQD controls the row count of the table at which the optimizer looks for a skew. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Skew is quite common in a real big-data application, and is effectively addressed by skew buster. However, there may be design opportunities that could help address the problem as well. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allows correlated subqueries in a SQL statement to be unnested, so that they can be executed efficiently. |
Values |
'ON': Unnesting enabled. |
Usage |
Turn this CQD OFF when (in rare cases) unnesting a correlated subquery causes performance to degrade. If this attribute has to be turned OFF, then that could indicate a bug in the Trafodion Optimizer. Please contact |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Turn OFF with caution at a system level, as other queries which rely on un-nesting could be adversely impacted. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables or disables whether ESP are colocated with HBase Region Servers, which minimizes the inter-node network traffic between the ESP processes and the HBase Region Servers. |
Values |
'ON': Colocation enabled. |
Usage |
Enable the feature when each region server serves approximately equal amount of data, and/or reducing network traffic is important. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Plan quality. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables population of omitted columns in an UPSERT statement with default values when the table is created in aligned-row format mode. |
Values |
'ON': Default population enabled. |
Usage |
When a column with default value is omitted in an UPSERT statement of a table in aligned row format mode,
then the statement is transformed to merge. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Improved upsert performance of aligned row format tables. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Controls whether rows should be inserted, updated, or deleted in clustering key order. |
Values |
'ON': The optimizer generates and considers plans where the rows are inserted, updated, or deleted in clustering key order. |
Usage |
Inserting, updating or deleting rows in the clustering key order is most efficient and highly recommended. Turning this CQD OFF may result in saving the data sorting cost but at the expense of having less efficient random I/O Insert/Update/Delete operations. If you know that he data is already sorted in clustering key order, or is mostly in clustering key order, so that it would not result in random I/O, you could set this CQD to OFF. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
If turned OFF, the system may perform large number of inefficient Random I/Os when performing Insert/Update/Delete operations. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
4. Query Execution
This section describes CQDs that are used to influence query execution.
Description |
Allows index maintenance to be performed concurrently with base table operation. |
Values |
'ON' Index maintenance is allowed. |
Usage |
HBase |
Production Usage |
Yes. It is 'ON' by default. This feature can be disabled by setting this CQD to 'OFF'. |
Impact |
IUD operations on tables with one or more indexes can become slower. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Influences HBase to retain the data blocks in memory after they are read. |
Values |
Usage |
HBase maintains the block cache structure to retain the data blocks in memory after they are read.
In LRU block cache configuration, the amount of block cache retained in memory is proportional to the amount of reserved maximum
Java heap size of the region server. LRU Block Cache is the default in HBase. |
Production Usage |
Leave the setting to be 'SYSTEM' when HBase is configured to use LRU block cache. If needed,
you can override this settings with 'ON' or 'OFF'. |
Impact |
Automatically retains the random read performance. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allows push down of predicates to HBase Region Servers using HBase filters and optimize the columns retrieved from Region Servers. Only supported for NON ALIGN FORMAT tables. |
Values |
'OFF': Predicates are never pushed down. |
Usage |
Used to improve performance by reducing the number of columns retrieved to a strict minimum and filter out rows as early as possible. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Using this CQD increases the amount of work done in the HBase Region Servers. |
Level |
System or Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 2.0.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Treat salted Trafodion tables as hash-partitioned on the salt columns. |
Values |
'OFF': Salted Trafodion tables are not hash-partitioned on the salt columns. |
Usage |
If, for any reason, there are issues with parallel plans on salted tables (especially with data skew) then try setting this CQD to OFF. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
System or Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 2.0.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines the number of rows obtained from HBase in one RPC call to the HBase Region Server in a sequential scan operation, |
Values |
Numeric value. |
Usage |
This CQD can be used to tune the query to perform optimally by reducing the number of interactions to the HBase Region Servers during
a sequential scan of a table. |
Production Usage |
Use the default setting and reduce the value to avoid HBase scanner timeouts. Please contact if you think that you need to use this CQD. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allows INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE (IUD) operations to be performed as an HBase batch |
Values |
'ON': Perform IUD operations as an HBase batch |
Usage |
When IUD operation involves multiple tuples, then the Trafodion Optimizer evaluates whether these operations
can be done in a batch manner at the HBase level thereby reducing the network interactions between the client applications and the HBase Region Servers. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
IUD operations can become slower if this CQD is set to 'OFF'. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Determines the maximum number of rows in a batch |
Values |
Numeric value.
Usage |
The Trafodion execution engine already adjusts the number of rows in a batch depending upon how fast
the queue to IUD (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) operator is filled up in the data flow architecture of Trafodion. |
Production Usage |
Yes. You can disable this feature by setting the HBASE_ROWSET_VSBB_OPT CQD to 'OFF'. |
Impact |
The performance of your application may be affected by setting this CQD too low. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables Trafodion to leverage the HBase small scanner optimization. This optimization reduces I/O usage up to 66% and enables non-blocking reads for higher concurrency support. When a scan is known to require less than a HBASE BLOCK SIZE (default is 64K), then enabling the HBase small scanner optimization increases performance. |
Values |
'OFF': Never use the HBase small scanner optimization. |
Usage |
Consider using this CQD to improve the performance of your queries. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
The performance of small scan may increase by 1.4x. This CQD can be very useful for MDAM scans. |
Level |
System or Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
MDAM performance may be improved by 1.4x when correctly picking HBase block size so that each MDAM scan operation fit within a HBASE BLOCK SIZE boundary. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 2.0.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
5. Manage Histograms
This section describes CQDs that are used to manage histograms.
Description |
Defines the time interval after which timestamps for cached histograms are checked for refresh processing. |
Values |
Unsigned integer in seconds. |
Usage |
Histogram statistics are cached so that the compiler can avoid access to the metadata tables, thereby reducing compile times.
The timestamp of the tables are checked against those of the cached histograms at an interval specified by this CQD, in order to see if the cached histograms
need to be refreshed. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Longer histogram refresh intervals can improve compile times. However, longer refresh intervals yield more obsolete the histograms. More obsolete histograms may result in poor performance for queries that could leverage recently updated statistics. |
Level |
System or Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Frequency of update statistics run using MAINTAIN. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Controls the level of missing statistics warnings that should be displayed. The warnings impacted are 6007, 6008, 6010, and 6011. |
Values |
'0': Display no warnings. |
Usage |
If you do not want to see these warnings, then change the setting to '0'. If you want to track the warnings, then you have a
choice of which warnings you want to track. Each setting gives you the ability to filter the warnings seen for missing single
or multi-column statistics for join or scan operations. This controls the resulting number of warning messages. |
Production Usage |
Many tools divide a query into several steps. During the first phases volatile tables are created and populated, the last phase usually joins all the volatile tables created in the previous steps. Usually statistics are not needed for those volatile tables because the final join is straight forward and the optimizer has no big choices. Nevertheless the log is flooded with useless warnings if you don’t set the warning level to 0. If possible, try to direct queries from those tools to a dedicated service where you set the warning level to 0. |
Impact |
Though the warnings give information about all statistics that are missing, it can be overwhelming to get several warnings. Not all warnings may contribute to plan improvements. The optimizer issues multi-column statistics warnings based on the search path, some of which may not even impact the plan quality. Also, the cost of gathering statistics on those columns may not bring commensurate benefit to a large number of queries. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Defines the time interval after which the fake histograms in the cache should be refreshed unconditionally. |
Values |
Unsigned integer. Unit is seconds. |
Usage |
Histogram statistics are "fake" when update statistics is not being run, but instead the customer is
updating the histogram tables directly with statistics to guide the optimizer. This may be done if the data in the table is very
volatile (such as for temporary tables), update statistics is not possible because of constant flush and fill of the table occurring,
and statistics are manually set to provide some guidance to the optimizer to generate a good plan. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Setting a high interval improves compilation time. However, if statistics are being updated, then the compiler may be working with obsolete histogram statistics, potentially resulting in poorer plans. |
Level |
Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Influences the compiler to pre-fetch the histograms and save them in cache. |
Values |
'ON': Pre-fetches the histograms. |
Usage |
You may want to turn this off if you don’t want to pre-fetch a large number of histograms, many of which may not be used. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Though it makes compilation time faster, it may result in the histogram cache to be filled with histograms that may never be used. |
Level |
System or Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Use this CQD with CACHE_HISTOGRAMS. If CACHE_HISTOGRAMS is OFF, then this CQD has no effect. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Specifies the minimum row count for which the Trafodion Optimizer needs histograms, in order to compute better cardinality estimates. The Optimizer does not issue any missing statistics warnings for tables whose size is smaller than the value of this CQD. |
Values |
Integer. |
Usage |
Use this CQD to reduce the number of statistics warnings. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Missing statistics warnings are not displayed for smaller tables, which in most cases don’t impact plan quality much. However, there may be some exceptions where missing statistics on small tables could result in less than optimal plans. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Use this CQD with HIST_MISSING_STATS_WARNING_LEVEL. If the warning level CQD is 0, then this CQD does not have any effect. Also, for tables having fewer rows than set in this CQD, no warnings are displayed irrespective of the warning level. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables the Compile Time Stats feature. Compile Time Stats are produced during query plan generation by executing a subset of the query on a subset of data to gather more accurate cardinality estimations. |
Values |
'ON': Compile Time Statistics is enabled. |
Usage |
The feature is very helpful for cases when the query contains complex predicates on a table. These predicates include
LIKE, CASE, any other expressions or more than one range predicates and equality on large character columns. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
The feature improves cardinality estimates for Scan operators thus improving the plan quality. However, it can also increase the compile time. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
In order to use the feature in its default form, sample tables should exist in |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
6. Transaction Control and Locking
This section describes CQDs that are used for transaction control and locking.
Description |
Specifies the default transaction isolation level that queries use. |
Values |
Usage |
If you use uncommitted access (reading "dirty" data when queries are accessing data that is being simultaneously updated), then you can set the default isolation level as READ UNCOMMITTED. The default isolation level of READ COMMITTED can cause concurrency issues because reads would wait on locked rows. If rows are locked by long-running transactions with infrequent commits, this can cause severe concurrency issues for SELECT queries. See Conflicts/Synergies. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Using this CQD has implications on locking and concurrency. |
Level |
While you can use this at a query or a service level, the most common use is a system-wide setting.
If query tools are being used, then the query level setting cannot be used. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
The problem with using READ UNCOMMITTED as the isolation level default value is that in a SET TRANSACTION statement,
the only possible access mode is READ ONLY. Any query that attempts to update the database would fail. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Specifies the default transaction isolation level for these update operations: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. |
Values |
Usage |
Set this CQD to READ UNCOMMITTED to prevent users from performing any updates. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
When set, this CQD prevents users from doing any of these update operations: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. |
Level |
Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Works with the ISOLATION_LEVEL setting. Both settings are READ COMMITTED by default. ISOLATION_LEVEL can be set to READ UNCOMMITTED. This CQD still remains READ COMMITTED. You can change it to READ UNCOMMITTED to prevent queries running at the service level to not perform any updates. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
7. Runtime Controls
This section describes CQDs that are used for runtime controls.
Description |
Ensures that all parts of the query plan are executed but no rows are returned by the query. |
Values |
'ON' or 'OFF'. |
Usage |
This setting provides a realistic measure of the query’s performance, minus the cost/time of returning the rows to the client. It is especially useful for testing the plans and performance of queries that return large result sets. |
Production Usage |
Only use this CQD to assess the performance of a query. |
Impact |
The query runs completely but no rows are returned. |
Level |
Query. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not to be confused with SELECT [LAST 0] which behaves the same way but does not guarantee that the plan is the same as when you do not use the [LAST 0] clause in the query. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Use to limit the amount of CPU time that a query is allowed to use in any one server process (MXESP)
including the NDCS server (MXOSRVR). Also includes the CPU time the query spends in the disk process (ESAM). |
Values |
'0': There is no limit. |
Usage |
This setting helps you with queries that are poorly written or are badly optimized. A poorly written
query does not use predicates to limit the number of rows processed. A query that joins large tables without a predicate can have a
severe impact on the system. A badly optimized query can result from failure to maintain histograms. Typically, these are ad-hoc queries. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
Use of this default can prevent any one query from using an unlimited amount of CPU time. However, if the default is set too low, then even well behaved, useful queries fail to complete. |
Level |
Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Use standard processed for creating high-quality queries, and procedures that ensure that table histograms are always current. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
8. Schema Controls
This section describes CQDs that are used for schema controls.
8.1. Catalog
Description |
Specifies the default catalog name for all DDL and DML statements. |
Values |
Any valid ANSI name, including delimited names. |
Usage |
Trafodion tables must be in a catalog called TRAFODION. If you mostly access Hive or native HBase tables,
then the catalog could be changed to HIVE or HBASE respectively. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Alternately you can use the SET CATALOG statement. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
8.2. Schema
Description |
Sets the default schema for the session. |
Values |
SQL identifier. |
Usage |
A SET SCHEMA statement or a CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT SCHEMA statement can be used to override the default schema name. |
Production Usage |
It is a convenience so you do not have to type in two-part names. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Any. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Alternately you can use the SET SCHEMA statement. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
9. Table Definition
This section describes CQDs that are used for table definition
Description |
Allow Trafodion tables to be created with NULLABLE columns in the PRIMARY or STORE BY key. |
Values |
'ON' or 'OFF' |
Usage |
Allows NULLABLE columns to be included in the PRIMARY or STORE BY key for Trafodion tables.
This CQD must be set prior to creating the table. It is not necessary to specify this CQD during DML operations on the table. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Two bytes are added to the key for each nullable column. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allow Trafodion tables to be created with specified HBase block size. |
Values |
Positive integer. |
Usage |
The value of this attribute is passed on to HBase when a Trafodion table is created in HBase. See the Apache HBase™ Reference Guide for usage information . |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
The impact depends on the type of table access. Choose a block size that is appropriate for how the table is primarily accessed. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Defines what character set the columns of Hive tables should have. |
Values |
'ISO88591' or 'UTF8' |
Usage |
Set this to ISO88591 when reading from Hive tables with ISO8859-1 data. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
For certain character sets that are not supported in Trafodion, you can specify the character set here
causing Trafodion to automatically convert the data to the character set specified in the HIVE_DEFAULT_CHARSET CQD. |
Values |
empty or 'GBK' |
Usage |
Leave this blank, unless you want to access GBK data in Hive tables. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Only applicable if HIVE_DEFAULT_CHARSET is set to 'UTF8'. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Hive columns of type STRING have a maximum length in Trafodion, which you can specify with this CQD. |
Values |
1-n. |
Usage |
Set this to the lowest possible value to improve system performance. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
10. Update Statistics and Reorg
Description |
When performing update statistics with the NECESSARY keyword or with automation, this is
the number of minutes that are allowed to have elapsed since a histogram was marked as read for it to be regenerated. |
Values |
0 through max unsigned integer. |
Usage |
Influences how frequently the histograms for a table are regenerated.
If a table is being used frequently, then chances are that its histograms are also be considered for update frequently.
However, if a table is not used frequently, then this CQD influences how frequently the histograms for that table are updated. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Influences the number of histograms that need to be regenerated and therefore the time it takes for update statistics automation to regenerate histograms for all the tables that so qualify. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL sets a lower bound on this CQD. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Sets the minimum rows that need to be in a table before sampling is used to update statistics for that table. If a table has a fewer rows than the value of this CQD, then the SAMPLE option is silently ignored when performing update statistics. |
Values |
1 through max unsigned integer. |
Usage |
Influences for what tables sampling is used for histogram statistics generation. If the setting is smaller, then more tables qualify for sampling. If the setting is larger, then fewer tables qualify for sampling. Sampling can result in faster update statistics run times. But for smaller tables, it can also result in poor histogram accuracy which could result in poor query plans. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Setting this CQD to a smaller value means that sampling is used for tables with fewer rows, when the SAMPLE option is
specified as part of update statistics. This can result in less accurate histograms and poor query plans, because the sample size may be too small to
generate good estimates for histograms. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Defines the behavior of the UPDATE STATISTICS utility. It places a lower limit on the number of sample rows that will be used when sampling. |
Values |
This CQD may take on any integer value greater than zero. |
Usage |
Prevents accidental use of too-small samples when generating statistics on tables. If sample sizes are too small, then histogram statistics will be less accurate, leading to potentially less efficient query plans. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Setting this CQD to lower values may result in smaller sample sizes for small tables. This may slightly improve UPDATE STATISTICS run time, but at the cost of potentially less efficient queries. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
HIST_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_MIN effects the behavior of this CQD. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
11. Operational Controls
This section describes CQDs that are used for operational controls.
Description |
Indicates whether a warning should be issued when a query is retried, in case a failed query is automatically retried. |
Values |
'ON' or 'OFF' |
Usage |
There are certain cases, such as when a node failure occurs, where a query may fail midstream. The query is usually
retried automatically if it has not returned any data. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
You get a warning message every time a query is automatically retried due to a failure. When there is a node failure, then a large number of queries may be impacted. Therefore, you need to assess if you want to see a flood of warnings. The warning is returned after the query completes. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Specifies maximum length of DESCRIPTION column for EXPLAIN virtual tables. |
Values |
Positive integer > 10,000 |
Usage |
Query-plan information for a SQL DML statement is stored temporarily in the Explain virtual table.
For large queries or queries with complex predicates, the default size of 10 KB may be insufficient to describe certain nodes in the query plan.
Specifying a larger value for this CQD allows more bytes to be stored in the description column. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
The explain plan truncation is reduced or removed. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Enables Trafodion to use HBase block cache in an optimal manner. Defines the maximum Java heap size (-Xmx option) the HBase Region Server are assigned, in MB units. |
Values |
Positive integer. |
Usage |
If the HBase Region servers are configured with a maximum Java heap size different than 1 GB, then set this attribute so that Trafodion is aware of the actual maximum heap size of the Region Servers. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
When set correctly, this CQD ensures that HBase block cache are be used optimally. Small scans are cached and larger scans are not cached to avoid cache trashing. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Controls the metadata cache for Hive tables. |
Values |
-1: Never invalidate any cache entries. |
Usage |
Use a value of -1 when the Hive tables are read-only. This allows Trafodion to avoid repeatedly reading the
metadata when the table is referenced in multiple queries. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Compilation time. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Attempts to reduce compilation times by storing and reusing previously compiled query plans.
It maximizes the chances of plan reuse by parameterizing literals in equality predicates. Two equality predicates, "col = val1" and "col = val2",
are considered to match if their selectivities match. |
Values |
Up through 4294967295: Kilobytes of memory allocated to query cache. |
Usage |
To choose the appropriate size for the query cache, examine your applications. Applications that use a PREPARE
statement to pre-compile queries once and then EXECUTE the prepared plan, should turn off plan caching. |
Production Usage |
Not applicable. |
Impact |
A larger cache size allows more query plans to be cached. This increases the probability of finding a plan in
cache that can be reused for a query, thereby reducing compile time. It does mean that the compiler uses more memory, but because there are
usually not that many compilers running in a node, the negative effects may be minimal. |
Level |
Service. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
You should be aware that the cache allocated is divided into text caching and template caching. Text caching gets approximately 25% of the cache memory. Query plan caching occurs prior to parsing (text-based caching) and after parsing (template-based caching). The compiler caches same-text queries as text cache hits. Same-text queries are queries whose SQL texts are identical in everything, including case and white space. By caching text-based queries, the compiler avoids redundant re-computation of previously compiled queries and improves performance by reducing compile times and increasing compiler throughput. The text cache is always searched first for a query. If the plan object is not produced due to a text cache miss, then the plan is stored in the template cache if it meets the criteria for template caching. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Allows incremental index maintenance during bulk load. |
Values |
'ON': Incremental index maintenance enabled. |
Usage |
When this CQD is ON during a bulk load, then any indexes on a table are maintained incrementally. New rows are added to the base table and all the indexes in HFiles and then during LOAD COMPLETE phase all new files are moved to HBase. Indexes are not offline. However, it causes the index to be inconsistent with the base table if any of the new rows have the same key value as an existing row. Change the default to ON only when certain that new rows do not have a conflict with existing rows in table. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Bulk load into tables with index is faster, when the attribute is set to ON. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Specifies the flush size used by bulk load when writing to HFiles. |
Values |
Positive integer. |
Usage |
If the system is not memory constrained, then specifying a larger value may make the write phase of the LOAD statement to proceed faster. |
Production Usage |
Yes. |
Impact |
Affects memory usage patterns and write performance of LOAD. |
Level |
System. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
12. Debugging
This section describes CQDs that are used for debugging controls.
Description |
Used when debugging user-defined functions (UDFs). |
Values |
0-n |
Usage |
See See UDF Tutorial. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Used when debugging user-defined functions (UDFs). |
Values |
0-n |
Usage |
See See UDF Tutorial. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |
Description |
Used when debugging user-defined functions (UDFs). |
Values |
0-n |
Usage |
See See UDF Tutorial. |
Production Usage |
Please contact |
Impact |
Not applicable. |
Level |
Session. |
Conflicts/Synergies |
Not applicable. |
Real Problem Addressed |
Not applicable. |
Introduced In Release |
Trafodion 1.3.0. |
Deprecated In Release |
Not applicable. |