This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Trafodion Managing Trafodion

This page describes how you manage Trafodion.

Management Scripts

The following table provides an overview of the different Trafodion management scripts.

Component Start Stop Status
All of Trafodion sqstart sqstop sqcheck
DCS (Database Connectivity Services) dcsstart dcsstop dcscheck
REST Server reststart reststop
LOB Server lobstart lobstop
RMS Server rmsstart rmsstop rmscheck

Example: Start Trafodion

cd $TRAF_HOME/sql/scripts

Validate Trafodion Installation

You can use sqlci or trafci (connects via DCS) to validate your installation.

get schemas;
create table table1 (a int);
invoke table1;
insert into table1 values (1), (2), (3), (4);
select * from table1;

Assuming no errors, your installation has been successful. You can start working on your modifications.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are not able to start up the environment or if there are problems running sqlci or trafci, then verify that the all the processes are up and running.

  • swstatus should show at 6 java servers and 2 mysql processes.
  • sqcheck should indicate all processes are running.

If processes are not running as expected, then:

  • sqstop to shut down Traodion. If some Trafodion processes do not terminate cleanly, then run ckillall.
  • swstopall to shut down the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • swstartall to restart the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • sqstart to restart Trafodion.

If problems persist please review logs:

  • $TRAF_HOME/sql/local_hadoop/\*/log: Hadoop, HBase, and Hive logs.
  • $TRAF_LOG: Trafodion logs.

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