This page describes the steps you need to perform before installing Trafodion.
Cluster Requirements
The following configuration settings have been tested and are known to work with the Trafodion installation:
Setting | Value |
Hardware Platform | x86-64 |
Operating System | RedHat Enterprise Linux, 6.x kernel (64 bit) or CentOS, 6.x kernel (64 bit) |
Install User IDs | A user ID with passwordless and sudo access. Please refer to [Install User ID](#Install User ID) below. |
Cluster Size | A cluster consisting of 1 to N nodes. There is currently no upper limit. Two nodes is the recommended minimum, but a single node cluster should work. |
Disk Space | Minimum of 20 GB. Please refer to Checking Disk Space below. |
Memory | Minimal 1 GB * number of connectivity servers (MXOSRVR processes) configured per cluster. |
Checking Disk Space
Cloudera Manager
This step is required for Cloudera distributions only.
Before installing Cloudera Manager, a minimum of 20 GB is needed to support the Cloudera management database. Default location: /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db.
Check the available space for /var as follows:
- Start a putty or VNC terminal window against the node where Cloudera Manager will be installed.
As a user with root privileges, verify that 20 GB of space is available to /var.
cd /var df -hP
If the /var space is insufficient, then you can provide a soft link to another drive for your Cloudera Manager database.
- Locate a drive with sufficient disk space.
- Create the soft link.
cd <new drive> # (e.g. cd /DATA) mkdir cloudera-scm-server-db chmod 777 cloudera-scm-server-db cd /var/lib ln -s <new drive>/cloudera-scm-server-db .
- If /var is a sub-directory in your cluster’s root filesystem, then the Cloudera Manager database should have sufficient space available.
- If Cloudera Manager has already been installed and it is showing red for log directories, it means that Cloudera Manager was installed using /var/lib and may not have a large enough /var file system. In this case, there is an unsupported script that can be used to move the directories. Please refer to the script in the installer/tools directory, which is created when the installer tar file is unpacked. Run without syntax to display help information.
Security Requirements
Install User ID
The Trafodion installation requires a user ID (referred to as <sudo-user>) with these attributes on all nodes where Trafodion is installed:
- */etc/sudoers on all nodes:
- sudo access — allows the install scripts to run privileged commands.
- requiretty disabled — allows Trafodion install scripts to use embedded sudo commands
- passwordless ssh to all nodes — allows Trafodion install scripts to communicate with remote nodes without prompting for password.
Please create a the <sudo-user> per the practices of your environment. For example, you may need to request permission from your cluster-management team to obtain this type of access. [Passwordless SSH(passwordless-ssh.html) describes how to set up passwordless ssh.
Configure LDAP Identity Store
If you plan to enable Trafodion authentication, then you need to have an LDAP identity store available to perform authentication.
The Trafodion installer prompts you to set up an authentication configuration file that points to an LDAP server (or servers), which enables security (that is, authentication and authorization) in the Trafodion system.
If you wish to manually set up the authentication configuration file and enable security, then please refer to Enabling Security Features in Trafodion.
PC Tools
If you are using a Windows PC, then additional PC software may be needed throughout the installation process. It is recommended that you pre-install the PC software that you need before continuing with the Trafodion installation.
Install the following software:
- putty and puttygen (download from the PuTTY website)
- VNC client (download from
- Firefox or Chrome browser
- SFTP client to transfer files from your PC to the server: WinSCP or FileZilla
Install Hadoop Distribution
Trafodion requires that the following Hadoop services are installed:
- MapReduce
- ZooKeeper
- HBase
- Hive
Please ensure that these services are installed for one of the following Hadoop distributions.
IMPORTANT Trafodion does not support a Hadoop server running on a node that is not part of the Trafodion cluster. You must specify the Hadoop nodes to be part of the Trafodion list of nodes during the installation of Trafodion (using the --nodes parameter). The Trafodion installer needs to run from the same node where you installed the Hadoop distribution). |
Distribution | Version | HBase Version | Installation | Notes |
Cloudera | CDH 5.2 or 5.3 | 0.98.6 | Refer to CDH 5.3.x Installation and Upgrade Guide for installation instructions. |
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) | HDP 2.2 | 0.98.4 |
Once the Hadoop distribution has been installed and started, please ensure that the required services are running. At this point, you’re ready to Install Trafodion.