This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Trafodion Uninstall

This page describes how to remove Trafodion and/or a Hadoop distribution.

Use these instructions to remove Trafodion.


You do not need to use the trafodion_uninstaller script if upgrading Trafodion. Instead, use the trafodion_install script, which automatically upgrades the version of Trafodion. Please refer to Install for further information.

Run the commands from the first node of the cluster. Do not run them from a machine that is not part of the Trafodion cluster.

Step 1: Stop Trafodion

Do the following:

su trafodion
cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts or cds

Step 2: Run trafodion_uninstaller

trafodion_uninstaller accepts the following command options.

Option Description
instance <dir-name> <dir-name> represents the directory path of the Trafodion instance to remove. Run this option from the trafodion user ID.
--all Completely removes Trafodion, including the trafodion user ID and its /root directory. Run this option from a user ID with sudo access


cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer
# Uninstall Trafodion but leave user IDs and root directory in place
./trafodion_uninstaller --instance /home/trafodion/trafodion
# Completely remove Trafodion
./trafodion_uninstaller --all

Remove Hadoop Distribution

Use these instructions of you need to change the Hadoop distribution on your environment.

Assumption: You’ve already removed Trafodion, if previously installed.

Remove Cloudera

cloudera_uninstall must be run by a user with root privileges. It accepts the following command options.

Option Description
--help Print help text and exit.
--nodes "<node-list>" <node-list represents a space-separated list from which Cloudera should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.


cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
./cloudera_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2" 

Remove Hortonworks

hortonworks_uninstall must be run by a user with root privileges. It accepts the following command options.

Option Description
--help Print help text and exit.
--nodes "<node-list>" <node-list represents a space-separated list from which Hortonworks should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.


cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
./hortonworks_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2" 


During removal, the Ambari Server database must be reset. Type yes when prompted.


Resetting ambari-server
**** WARNING **** You are about to reset and clear the Ambari Server database. This will remove all cluster host and configuration 
information from the database. You will be required to re-configure the Ambari server and re-run the cluster wizard.
Are you SURE you want to perform the reset [yes/no] (no)? yes
Confirm server reset [yes/no](no)? yes

Remove MapR


Trafodion does not currently support MapR. However, the mapr_unistall allows you to remove an existing MapR installation.

Follow these instructions to remove MapR and install one of the supported Hadoop distributions before installing Trafodion.

mapr_uninstall must be run by a user with root privileges. It accepts the following command options.

Option Description
--help Print help text and exit.
--nodes "<node-list>" <node-list represents a space-separated list from which MapR should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.

Do the following:

Step Description Example
Download Trafodion If you haven't done so already, download Trafodion.
Create trafodion_downloads Directory Place the downloaded trafodion-1.1.<n>.tar.gz and installer-1.1.<n>_v<num>.tar.gz tar files into the trafodion_downloads directory.
mkdir $HOME/trafodion_downloads
mv <your-download-path>/trafodion-1.1.<n>.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
mv <your-download-path>/installer-1.1.<n>_v<num>.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
cd $HOME/trafodion_downloads
Unpack tar Files Enables access to the Trafodion installation tools.
tar -xzf trafodion-1.1.<n>.tar.gz
tar -xzf installer-1.1.<n>_v<num>.tar.gz
Run mapr_uninstall Remove the MapR distribution software.
cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
./mapr_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2"

Switch Hadoop Distribution

If needed, you can switch the Hadoop distribution that Trafodion is running on without reinstalling Trafodion.

Do the following.

Step 1: Shut Down Trafodion

su trafodion
cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts

Step 2: Remove Hadoop Distribution

Remove the Hadoop Distribution per the instructions above.

Hadoop Distribution Instructions
Cloudera Remove Cloudera
Hortonworks Remove Hortonworks
MapR Remove MapR

Step 3: Reinstall Hadoop Distribution

Refer to Install Hadoop Distribution.

Step 4: Run Trafodion Installer

Refer to the Install.

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Disclaimer: Apache Trafodion is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

Apache, Apache Maven, Apache Maven Fluido Skin, the Apache feather logo, the Apache Maven project logo and the Apache Incubator project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.