This page describes how you can contribute to the Trafodion project.
Contributing to this project is open to every person interested in the improvement of its product(s) and/or its community — anyone willing to further the project.
If you want to do more; for example, be recognized for your commitment or be eligible for privileges (privileges to commit changes to the code base or have a binding vote on the directions of this project), then please follow steps outlined on this page.
First of all, a big Thank You from us for your interest in evaluating and/or using Trafodion. We truly appreciate it! Trafodion exists and continues to improve thanks to you. But you can help us and yourself more!
We are a community of volunteers working with the guidelines and policies of the Apache Software Foundation (the Apache Way) in mind. In that spirit, we welcome any kind of input you can provide to create better products. These contributions, whether you think of reporting bugs, supplying code enhancements, making improvements to our documentation, answering questions in our mailing lists, or anywhere else are valuable to everyone. Because each of these helps all of us make Trafodion better.
Your first step toward more involvement in our project is to subscribe to one or more of our mailing lists. Next, please consider making your first contribution by simply sending an e-mail to our community discussing; for example:
- What you like about Trafodion and its documentation.
- What you find missing.
- An issue you encountered.
Or, help us by writing articles, blog posts, or sharing information about Trafodion at conferences and on social media such as Twitter (#trafodion).
Contribution Ideas
You’ve made your first contribution. Now, we’re eager to help you get more involved. For example, you can:
- Reply to questions, and/or share your viewpoint on how to get issues resolved.
- Add to our FAQ, Web Site, or Wiki.
- Share your code and document patches through our issue tracking system (Jira).
- Evaluate bugs and proposed improvements provided by others in our team.
- Help with outlining and evaluating the future direction of our project and the development iterations of our products.
Contribution Areas
Want to be even more involved? Some areas you could consider:
- Source code (bugs and improvements) contributions
- Documentation assistance
- Product and feature suggestions
- Detailed and constructive feedback
- Articles (case studies, white papers, etc) and presentations (speeches) about how our products helps or helped you.
These are just ideas to get you started. If you feel we missed something there, please let us know via our mailing lists. Together, we can grow Trafodion and its community.
Becoming a Registered Contributor
Do you want to be recognized on the Team page like many other contributors? If so, please do the following:
- Send an email to the dev mailing list of the project stating that you, as a contributor, want to do more and be listed on the Team page. Any community member with edit permissions to the source code can then add your details to the list.
Send your ICLA to the secretary of the Apache Software Foundation. Refer to the Licenses page for information about this requirement.
As soon as you have your ICLA registration confirmed, inform the community. You can now be added (by designated space admins) to:
- The Trafodion Confluence Contributors group, so that you can add new and edit existing wiki pages.
- The Trafodion JIRA Contributors group, so that you can assign yourself to any open issue in order to bring it further to resolution and/or closure.