This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Apache Trafodion Testing

This page describes the Trafodion test suites and their usage.

Trafodion comes with several component-specific testing libraries.

SQL Core

The SQL core components are written in a combination of C++ and Java.

You should ensure that the current set of regression tests pass each time you add or modify a SQL feature.

If adding a new feature, then check that it is either covered by an existing regression test or add a new test to an existing test suite.

Test Suites

Location: core/sql/regress

Directory Usage
catman1 Tests the Catalog Manager.
charsets Tests Character Sets.
compGeneral Compiler test suite; tests optimizer-specific features.
core Tests a subset/sample of all features from all the test suites.
executor Tests the SQL Executor.
fullstack2 Similar to core but a very limited subset.
hive Tests HDFS access to Hive tables.
newregr Unused/Saved repository for some unpublished features. These are not run.
qat Tests basic DDL and DML syntax.
seabase Tests JNI interface to HBase.
tools Regression driver scripts and general regression scripts.
udr Tests the User Defined Routines (UDR) and TMUDF functionality.

Check Test Results

On completion, the test run prints out a test summary. All tests should pass, or pass with known diffs.

Test results are written to the runregr-sb.log file in each component’s directory. Therefore, you can check the test results after the fact as follows:

cd $MY_SQROOT/rundir
grep FAIL */runregr-sb.log

A successful test run shows no failures.

Run Full Test Suite

This suite tests:

  • SQL Compiler
  • SQL Executor
  • Transactions
  • Foundation

Do the following:

. ./
cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress

Run Individual Test Suites

You can select individual test suites as follows:

. ./
cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
tools/runallsb <suite1> <suite2>

Running an Individual Test

If You’ve Already Run the Test Suite

If you have already run the suite once, then you will have all your directories set up and you can run one test as follows:

cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress/<suite>
# You can add the following two exports to .bashrc or .profile for convenience
export rundir=$MY_SQROOT/rundir
export scriptsdir=$MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
# run the test
cd $rundir/<suite>
$scriptsdir/<suite>/runregr -sb <test>


cd $rundir/executor
$scriptsdir/executor/runregr -sb TEST130

If You’ve Not Run the Test Suite

If you have not run any regression suites so far, then you will not have the required sub directories set up. You manually create them for each suite you want to run.

cd $MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress/<suite>
# You can add the following two exports to .bashrc or .profile for convenience
export rundir=$MY_SQROOT/rundir
export scriptsdir=$MY_SQROOT/../sql/regress
mkdir $rundir
cd $rundir
# <suitename> should match the name of each directory in $scriptsdir
mkdir <suitename>
# run the test
cd $rundir/<suite>
$scriptsdir/<suite>/runregr -sb <test>

Detecting Failures

If you see failures in any of your tests, you want to try running that suite or test individually as detailed above.

Open up the DIFF file and correlate them to the LOG and EXPECTED files.

  • DIFF files are in $rundir/<suite name>.
  • LOG files are in $rundir/<suite name>.
  • EXPECTED files are in $scriptsdir/<suite name>.

To narrow down the failure, open up the test file (for example: TEST130) in $scriptsdir/executor.

Recreate the problem with a smaller set of SQL commands and create a script to run from sqlci. If it’s an issue that can be recreated only by running the whole suite, you can add a line to the test just before the command that fails to include a wait or a sleep sh sleep 60 will make the test pause and give you time to attach the sqlci process to the debugger. (You can find the PID of the sqlci process using sqps on the command line)

Introducing a wait in the test will wait forever until you enter a character. This is another way to make the test pause to attach the debugger to the sqlci process.

Modifying an Existing Test

If you would like to add coverage for your new change, you can modify an existing test.

Run the test after your modifications. If you are satisfied with your results, you need to modify the EXPECTED<test number> file to reflect your new change. The standard way to do it is to copy the LOG<test number> file to EXPECTED<test number> file.

Database Connectivity Services (DCS)

The DCS test suite is organized per the Maven standard.


The code is written in Java, and is built and unit tested using Maven. The test suite organization and use follow Maven standards.

Instructions for setting up and running the test can be found in source tree at dcs/src/test/jdbc_test.

ODBC Tests

The code is written for the Python 2.7 unittest framework.

It is run via the Testr and Tox.

cd dcs/src/test/pytests
./ -d <host>t:<port> -t <Location of your Linux ODBC driver tar file>
tox -e py27

Further instructions for setting up and running the test can be found in source tree at dcs/src/test/pytests.

Functional Tests


The Phoenix tests provides basic functional tests for Trafodion. These tests were originally adapted from their counterpart at

The tests are executed using Maven with a Python wrapper. You can run them the same way on your own workstation instance just like the way Jenkins runs them. Do the following:

  1. Prior to running Phoenix tests, you need to bring up your Trafodion instance and DCS. You need to configure at least 2-4 servers for DCS. The tests need at least two mxosrvrs as they make two connections at any given time. We recommend configuring DCS with four mxosrvrs since we have seen situations that mxosrvrs do not get released in time for the next connection if there are only two mxosrvrs.
  2. Run the Phoenix tests from source tree

    cd tests/phx --target=<host>:<port> --user=dontcare --pw=dontcare --targettype=TR --javahome=<jdk> --jdbccp=<jdir>/jdbcT4.jar

    • <host>: your workstation name or IP address.
    • <port>: your DCS master port number.
    • <jdk>: the directory containing the jdk1.7.0_21_64 or later version of the JDK.
    • <jdir>: the directory containing your JDBC T4 jar file. (export/lib if you downloaded a Trafodion binary package.)
  3. Analyze the results. The test results can be found in phoenix_test/target/surefire-reports. If there are any failures, they would come with file names and line numbers.

    The source code can be found in phoenix_test/src/test/java/com/trafodion/phoenix/end2end.

    These are JDBC tests written in java.

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Disclaimer: Apache Trafodion is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

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